Re: With Special Thanks To::

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Posted by Adrhesa on November 20, 2000 at 19:57:05:

In Reply to: With Special Thanks To: posted by Kelbecso on November 20, 2000 at 19:42:08:

> Battle: Mokkan you were a rager. Drenalian you were the best left over. Tarakh you old bastard, I loved legsweeping you to death in the southwest tower! Alomar, I can't strip if I'm dirted and don't thirst into polearm specs. Strip, eyejab, entwine for whips. dirt, flurry, bash for swords. Adhersa I'm glad you were the last rager I died to, you deserved it. Its fun to watch an opponent get better.

I must say I hated you. I hated you almost as much as I hated Fuath. Arbiter's, I hate them more than anything. But I kind of want to make one. Even though I hated fuath I think he was a good Arbiter. You should have never became an Arbiter and your title proved it. Even though I am glad you're dead, it wont be the same without you. Good luck with your next char.

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