My role and description, I hate the way my role reads, you just have to bear with it:

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Posted by Polemachus on April 9, 2000 at 08:01:37:

desc + Jet-black hair cascades from the oval-shaped head of a nearby man. A wreath;
desc + of vines encircles his head just above the ears, underwhich lies the hair which;
desc + up to that point is tightly bound to his head, releasing in a flourish below the;
desc + wreath. His skin is well-tanned, but not too much so, still having its healthy;
desc + smoothness. Dull brown eyes give off a warmth that is serene and inviting, yet;
desc + there is a glimmer of ferocity like that of a tamed wolf. His clothing is loose-;
desc + fitting and mostly white, trimmed with royal blue and silver. There is a nobility;
desc + about him, though you doubt he is royalty. He's most likely just a proud man,;
desc + secure in his beliefs and steadfast in his loyalty to them. His boots are caked;
desc + with mud, as if from a long journey. A belt-knife, not unlike one often used;
desc + in ceremonies rests in a bejewelled sheath at his side. A hefty axe rests over;
desc + his shoulder, held in place by the white-knuckled grip of his right hand. A whip;
desc + is curled on his waist, with its tattered tip waving slightly in the breeze. His;
desc + armor is well-polished and appears to have not seen very much use, missing the;
desc + tell-tale scratches and dents.;

role + Born into a well-to-do family, Polemachus spent much of his formative years;
role + developing his mind and exploring the meanings of the events that were occurring;
role + around him. His father was a well-known philosopher and advisor to the Empress;
role + of Seantryn Modan. Philosophy came naturally to Polemachus, with the teachings;
role + and wisdom of his father paving the way and his doting mother enabling him to fulfill;
role + his deepest desires.;
role + ;
role + The focus of Polemachus’s philosophical ponderings was most often that of justice,;
role + as justice was most often a topic for discussion in the ramshackle city of Seantryn.;
role + The victims of the myriad vagrants and thieves often led the cries for justice to be;
role + served, and the Empress, far too involved in her own affairs to care much about those;
role + of her citizens, knew little of what they sought.;
Role + ;
Role + Polemachus’s father often helped him through his thoughts, guiding him in the right;
Role + direction with rhetorical questions and insights, but it wasn’t long before Polemachus;
Role + became capable of thinking entirely for himself. As Polemachus saw it, justice was;
Role + the absence of injustice, therefore injustice had to come first, though this thought is as;
Role + controversial as the chicken/egg issue. Therefore, to be a just man all he had to do was;
Role + avoid committing injustice. It wasn’t long however that Polemachus realized how much;
Role + more there was to it. He decided to leave his home and seek adventure, hopefully to;
Role + find the true meaning of justice along the way.;
Role +
Role + I’m finding injustice everywhere. Theft, betrayal, senseless slaughter. Perhaps worst of
Role + all though is the tendency of Therans to attack a single person using brute force and a gang
Role + of attackers. I once saw a single mage get attacked by 3 that claimed to belong to a village.
Role + I of course did what I could to secure the belongings of the individual so that he could at
Role + least not go without protection from the elements after such a heinous crime against
Role + humanity.
Role +
Role + I’ve also decided that excess breeds injustice. Excess fineries, jewels, weapons, even
Role + excesses in food. Gluttony, greed, and murder, quite possibly the three most vicious forms
Role + of injustice. I’ve decided to go without eating meats for that very reason, if I can avoid the
Role + temptation of excess, then I can avoid committing injustice.
Role +
Role + It’s indeed a difficult task being an arbiter. Nobody realizes just how important we are to the;
Role + well-being of the city. That or perhaps they don’t care about the city, I truly hope that isn’t;
Role + the case. Many people seek justice at any cost, regardless of whether or not there is a;
Role + policy against such action, they want to see that they’re vindicated. Unfortunately for them,;
Role + as well as for justice, it’s just not that simple. Vigilantes and bounty hunters are not just;
Role + and I refuse to become one. Justice by the books is the only justice worth seeking, because in;
Role + that it is safe to assume that the justice achieved is right and good. I don’t know where to start;
Role + with those in the Hall, many have openly admitted that it is not justice that they work for. I can’t;
Role + understand why they’d become an arbiter if they care not for justice and care not about being a;
Role + just person. Perhaps it’s the power that they seek, but I feel as though that is the reason why this;
Role + organization is not held in high regard. Most of us don’t see ourselves as society’s servants, most;
Role + see themselves as somehow above the common citizen. That should change, and if I ever have my;
Role + say it will.;
Role +;
Role + Much learning has been achieved, within my guild, not within the souls of my fellow arbitrators.;
Role + Soon I will have achieved the highest pinnacle of my guild and can begin to focus more clearly;
Role + on seeing that justice is embraced by one and all. I still haven’t decided where to start, with the;
Role + arbiter organization itself, with the people that we protect, or even with Lady Bria. The latter is;
Role + a viable option. My stance on the duties, policies, and souls of the organization would have more;
Role + strength were I in a position of power. Not that power is necessarily something I strive for, I just;
Role + want to see justice embraced.;
Role +;
Role + As an arbiter there are certain groups of individuals that are a constant burden to justice. These;
Role + include the barons, the ragers, and strangely enough the warders. You’d think that a group of;
Role + people whose sole purpose is to protect nature would not have a problem with the law, for they;
Role + would never be in a place where following it is necessary. This is not the case however, as they;
Role + spend more time spreading blood in the streets than they do protecting the forests. Hopefully,;
Role + as more and more arbiters reach the pinnacle of their guild, these problem citizens can be culled;
Role + from the herd, or be taught to embrace justice. The latter option is more appealing, as spreading;
Role + more blood is not what I strive for, but they’re too foolish to choose justice and nobility over;
Role + death.;
Role +;
Role + It’s finally time for me to focus more broadly within my soul, to not focus on justice alone with;
Role + love and mercy in the periphery. Love and mercy have always been integrated into my actions,;
Role + but justice has always been my main goal. After much soul searching I’ve realized that justice;
Role + alone does not a just man make. If I’m to get anywhere within the Arbiter cabal and within the;
Role + souls of my fellow arbitrators I’m going to have to be more flexible. I will soon start seeking the;
Role + mark of Lady Bria. As a devoted follower to her perhaps I can use her word to reach and change;
Role + my fellow mates.;
Role +;
Role + I’ve achieved the status of mortal Lord within the Arbiter organization. Perhaps now I can more;
Role + effectively interest those under me in a less domineering way of operation. We needn’t beat people;
Role + over the head with the law, we need only to make them respect and cherish it much like we;
Role + ourselves do. The best way I can do this is during the interview. I can ask questions that guide;
Role + the applicant towards my morality and beliefs subliminally. I trust that when the citizenry sees the;
Role + laws as fair in its words, as well as its application, that they’ll begin to follow more willingly.;
Role + That’s what justice is all about. When people see it being done they know in their heart that what;
Role + was done was right. To extend a merciful hand, almost like that of a Servant of the Dawn, we can;
Role + also bring people closer to our Hall and therefore closer to the Law. We must not be seen as tyrants;
Role + oppressing the masses. We must be seen as servants of the city, protecting it from undue harm,;
Role + aiding in its upkeep and wellbeing, and maintaining the integrity of its peace and its law. That is the;
Role + way of a just man, that is the way of a true arbiter.

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