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Posted by Feystrim on November 22, 2000 at 01:12:14:

Feystrim hails from an unchartered land due west from what is known as the Frigid wastelands. A member of a small somewhat primitive tribe there that follows years of tradition and tribe rituals.
As a younger member of the tribe, one must gain entrance to the outside world through a test deemed the 'Rite of the Blood-eye', once one is considered old enough by the tribes elders the day is set and a young group of Felas are assembled.
The hopefuls are gathered in a sacred place and await the arrival of the one that will conduct the rite. All sit silently in a circle and wait..they wait for the man they call The Carver.
The Carver arrives, called so some say by the bloody necklace of eyes about his neck, failed Blood-eyes of the past. While others believe he is called so for he carves the soul of the hopeful into what it will do with thier life.
The Carver silently passes a rodent-like skull around the circle of hopefuls, nodding at each to consume the foul smelling liquid which pours through the skulls nostrils.
This odd concoction of rare herbs, known only by the Carver puts the hopeful inot a hallucinatory trance where the hopeful will see his vision, and know then what thier life holds for them.
As Feystrim drank..his mind reeled and slammed to the back of his skull..and he saw..his vision in life. A blurry minds-eye sees a silver-winged pheonix grasping a small body in its razor like talons..
As the vision continues he sees that it is his body the phoenix holds..rising above the hordes of grasping shadow like creatures that claw for his body. They fly safely to a brilliantly lit temple.
The phoenix lands and drops Feystrim to the ground and nods slowly to him..and takes flight again quickly. Feystrim glances at his arm..and a trickle of blood meanders down it.
The slight tingling of pain creeps into him..but he enjoys it..relishes it..and then the wound heals suddenly and he awakens to the circle of other hopefuls..som still in the trance,
As the others break through they are told to speak thier vision into thier none may hear..merely themselves, and through an odd magic..The Carver. Once done the Carver nods.
As he does some clutch at thier eyes as clawing at an unseen raven pecking at thier eyes and they thier death. The others..the ones that have apparently passed sit in silent horror.
As the failed ones fall..the Carver dips his fingers into the crimson which thier eyes spew and goes to those that still remain..tracing a vertical line down from the forehead to the chin with his bloddied fingers.
One by one the remaining ones are escorted to a hut..where they are spoke to of the Rite and thier individual vision by The Carver.
Feystrim enters the hut and the Carver kneeles before him and speaks in his ear.." The Skyborn calls, learn of him, of the shall be its unseen wrath from this day foreward".
The Carver stands and smiles, and gives a stern warning, " Fail me, or your vision and your Blood-eye shall be mine". The Carver motions for the newly Blood-eyed Feystrim to depart.
" Now go..fulfill your vision". With those words Feystrim made haste for the town Of begin a intense training in the towns assassin guild to become his visions..unseen wrath.

Remaining true to his vision, Feystrim immersed himself in his training
and through determination and sweat gained the title of Ude in the

assassins guild. He now trains even harder to hone these skills
to perfection, the deadly finesse which all assassins tap into.
Amidst his training a barely audible voice rang out in his skull...
it spoke familiar words, " The Skyborn calls, learn of him". Then all
was silent once again..acting upon instinct and fear of the Carver and
failing his vision he sprang to the Inn of the Eternal Star where he had
heard of a Lyceum where might lie some answers and knowledge
in his goal. He arrived and spoke with Arvam a barkeep there briefly about
such a place and was gained entry into its halls. Wherein he found the Maran Kal
the holy text of the Maran, also he read of Lord Shokai's mortal life
and of the late Knights of Thera. In the manuscript of the Skyborns life
he noted that more may be learned from the tapestrys that line the shrine
from where the Maran pray to thier lord. He now seeks this sacred monument
to gleen more wisdom and to give praise to his soaring lord of the heavens.

Having located the sacred place of worship of the Marans Feystrim set forth
and gazed upon the multi-colored tapestrys that hung in the altars room for which
he had sought upon finding..deep in his lords shrine he gleened the
knowledge of the mortal life of Shokai. Acting upon this inspiration he then
Gave praise to his lord and granted himself fully to his vision and the vision

of his silver winged lord. From this day forward he sacrifices all for
the light, his lord, his vision and his guild.

I never added on to it from the 25th rank..but he was tatted and was accidently turned into a female..oh well.

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