[Age Death] Bah... farewell.:

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Posted by Shadisdros on November 26, 2000 at 17:38:10:

Though it ended on a sour note, I had a great time playing Shadisdros. The farewells would be far too lengthy if I posted them in whole, so I'll make it short:

I liked my friends and didn't like my enemies. Farewell.

That wraps it up rather nicely. My role isn't worth posting, so the description shall have to suffice.

Feeling a whisper of movement at the back of your neck, you spin around.
Now in your view, no longer clothed in the shadows, stands Shadisdros, human assassin.
He is still a dashing, clean-shaven man, though his hair is now a lusterous silver.
Shadisdros's figure, though he now elderly, is slim and muscular, honed to fighting shape
The wrinkles in his skin have deepened, age now showing clearly.
A pair of scars slash across his face, adding to his worn look of daring.
Still handsome in an aged manner, Shadisdros's most starling feature are his eyes.
A deep emerald-blue, they seem to pierce your soul.
They do not seem frightening; like his face, they gives a calm, helpful aura, showing a bit of lingering pain.
His sharp weapons and trim body leave no doubt of his fighting skills, however.

You notice a glint of light from something on Shadisdros' chest.
He wears an old golden medallion, engraved with a rather true-to-life parody of the Galadon shopkeepers.
Hanging over his heart, it reads: 'I belong to Lyseria.'

Shadisdros, a male human, is in perfect health.

Well, that's all, I guess. Farewell, and email me if you'd like

Thanks for the fun,

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