Posted by Bengre/Nibbechist on November 28, 2000 at 21:34:57:
Monstae, Dhernarn, Xygarthon, Sihesar, Valguarnera, Thror, Rhynemr??, Matvichuk, Jaalahur, Idris, Ysalina, Salki ... and Gelep for breaking my tooth and giving me a slur. I had great interactions with you and 'Ah'll shee ya again shometime' Bengre was a felar developed along the way, coming to serve the Sorcerors ... as felar should be grateful for what they have become. A teleport potion had Bengre land near the shrine of Thror, and he was strength sphere, so fate wrote Thror right into the plan. I thought up something from that point on ... Created like a weapon is created by a blacksmith, felars were 'forged' by sorcery and ... well it all just made sense. Bengre began chaotic and ended up becoming disciplined and Lawful near the end, like a wild creature that eventually ends up within the Empire. Bengre did really well, even without legsweep for most of his life. I learned how to avoid death ... with help from people, Monstae for one. I served the Tower, defending it and learning with the Masters there, and I never attacked Masters if I knew who they were. I joined Empire for the simple roleplay of it. Being an ally with the Tower and dark, it as well, just made sense for the character. I was made a Blade, and Itram tricked me into fighting him. I didn't realize he was a Master and he obviously didn't realize I was a friend to the Tower. He kept taunting me, so I killed him, and Riebold decided I was to be Anathema. GrrreEAAT. See you in the fields!