Posted by Bfarido(VIP) on December 1, 2000 at 14:25:47:
Hi, Søren ----- Role Bfarido ------- <1206hp 539m 426mv> role Asalamu Rijra Mahjri, Worthy Leader of the Sun Tribe, Bringer of Life, Father. May the sun shine on your tent, and bring the blessing of God upon you. May the goats be As for me, Bfarido Mahjri, your Son in blood. I travelled to City New Thalos with the Fitnah shall be in your sleep. This is your punishment from the disbanded son of the Sun. Bfarido Mahjri [Hit Return to continue] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Added Wed Apr 12 08:36:10 2000 at level 17: Added Thu Jul 20 12:12:30 2000 at level 36: Most Pure and Divine Healer Cirianna, My most learned and worthy teacher Shaim La'farid calls me a foolish camel. Shaim Majhere Bfarido +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Added Thu Jul 20 12:26:35 2000 at level 36: Most Pure and Blessed Healer. Majhere Bfarido [Hit Return to continue] -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Added Thu Jul 20 12:27:58 2000 at level 36: As time goes by I am learning much from the necromancers from the Qel'a. Jihadihi Sehr Majhren bfarido -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Was looking for some old logs of me fighting jorg when i noticed I had the role in there somwhere. Anyway you said at one point that you would like to read it so here it is until level 36.
Your role is:
Added Wed Apr 12 08:27:09 2000 at level 17:
This scroll was found within a once valuble scrollcase of leather. The case is now cracked
from the hash rays of the sun. Next to the broken case are the remains of a body. Bones and
small pieces of cloth is all that remains. The message never made it to Rijra Mahjri. It is
written in with great skill as only a Master Scribe could do, and much time has been spend
on it. The paper is of excelent quality and had it non been of such, it could not have survived
such a long time in the desert.
Added Wed Apr 12 08:34:41 2000 at level 17:
blessed with rich milk and many offsprings? This I wish for the Leader of the Sun Tribe.
May your wifes grow wise and old and bring you many sons and may they never disrespect
you. This I wish for the Bringer of life. May you die soon. This I wish for you my Father.
caravans with gold and salt, as I was just a servant. This was the first punishment I suffered
from the disbandment from the Sun. As I came to the City New Thalos I lived under the
earth among rats, this was the second punishment I suffered from the disbandment from the
Sun. I travelled more north, north north. Away from the Sun to City Balator. I stayed there
for many days and nights, but did with time return to City New Thalos, for that was my new
home. With me from the cursed City Balator I had taken a plague called Chicken Pox. A
horrible disease like non seen under the sun. I am scared for live, never can I show my face.
This, these scares are the third punishment I suffered from the disbandment from the Sun.
Know this, the Sun is no longer my home, and you are no longer my blood.
Al-Ghaib will take your soul. This is your punishment from the disbanded son of the Sun
Asad will be your mercy. This is your third punishment from the disbanded son of the Sun
(Fitnah = great truble / disturbense / unease)
(Al-Ghaib = The Unseen world / the dead)
(Asad = Total anhilation before God /the dead of once soul)
A golden amulet of supreme craftsmanship is uncovered in the excavation of Mharen
Bfarido's belongings. It is crafted from one single large jade, green as the seaweed of
the Aryth Ocean. The amulet is inlayed with a sun made of platinum and rays made
of silver. Beneath the sun is the desert stretching deep into the amulet itself, an effect
made with ever smaller grains of gold. At one side of the amulet are two small clasps
resembling small claws of a beast these and the clasp on the other side in the shape of
a maws are made of mithrill. It does not look like this amulet was made to be worn, at
least no loop are made to thread it. Inside is a several small pieces of parchment.
Added Thu Jul 20 12:17:34 2000 at level 36:
La'farid said you bewitched me and made me dull as a scimitar in peacetime. He
knows my soul and I am sure he deems me unworthy of both You and the knowledge
he posses. The tomes surrounding me here do all they can to remind me of my short
coming in the Black Art. I see this and know I will never be a true master, even as I
can claim myself as a student of the tower - Dar el Sehr. Why they let me walk the
scared halls is for me still a riddle I try to unravel. Failure is all they can possibly see
when they watch me and my wee army walk without goal or purpose. As I try to
grasp what all within that place know so well, I fail myself, You Pure One, The
Learned Shaim La'farid and My farther the cursed one.
[Hit Return to continue]
Perhaps the day will come when he will realise that my skill in the Black Art is not a curse.
Perhaps the day will come when you will share what I feel so strongly.
Perhaps the day will come when I believe so myself.
Perhaps that will be the day when the Shams does not raise.
Dar el Sehr - Home of magic
Shams - Sun
You so often speak of the truth within and I always fail to explain myself to you,
perhaps it is your present that blocks my speech. I will write instead, this skill have I
learned within the Tower if not to perfection then to some degree of mastery.
As you know I was made an Muhdjir from the Qabileh el Shams. This I was made
because I did follow my wish to learn the art of necromancy. As I left the tribe with
disgrace as a tri-kee at night, I also dishonoured the name Majhar. My clan, my
blood, my brother, my father. All this for my quest for wisdom. Never can I return.
Marked as a manbooth I am a person without a home and a tribe. As I came to Hamsah
Mu'tazz I meet Shaim La'farid. He toke me as an apprentice and as a servant. He was
my master and he offered me to Qel'a el Sehr. They accepted me in his honour. As I
one day returned to Hamsah Mu'tazz to speak with the learned Shaim La'farid, his school
was gone. I searched the city and at the graveyard I found another school in the dark
art of necromancy. The Arch-Necromancer therein spoke of the Learned Shaim
La'farid and said he was gone and yet still around. At this time I know what such
means. My Master, My teacher is a servant of the Arch-necromancer. As a corpse he
walks. In fury I spoke up to the Arch-necromancer. Again I became a Muhdjir. No
longer can I return to the school at Hamsah Mu'tazz.
Muhdjir - refuge
Manbooth - Unwanted person
Qel'a el Sehr - Tower of magic
Qabileh el Shams - Tribe of (the) Sun
Pure Cirianna.
The learned Adept is most patience with my foolish questions. With each answer I get,
I feel more a sure that the elder of the Qabileh el Shams was mistaken in calling my craft a
curse. As the mastery of my art becomes clear, so does my dedication to Qel'a el
Qabileh el Shams - Tribe of (the) Sun
Qel'a - Tower
Qel'a el Sehr - Tower of magic
Jihadihi shire - Devotede (Student to/of) Magic