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Posted by Grallon on April 11, 2000 at 10:48:02:

In Reply to: Re: Ok, I just lost all the respect I ever had for you, and by the way, it was a joke (some text) posted by Rune(VIP) on April 11, 2000 at 10:36:46:

Now for my first post, I said Diku was infamous *******RIGHTLY OR WRONGLY******

I didn't say you were guilty or not, recently or not. I said that to a bunch of people, that is what they think of when they hear "DIKU". I did not attach any negative connotation by saing it was factual.

Now, my second post.
It was a joke. Humor. Sure I have a sick sense of it, but it was meant as humor, not as a jab against diku.

Now, your angry reply.

Fta is not used in forum posts so other people will notice us...we use it so WE notice us, as a way of signing a post so other ftaers know we are there. Any sort of noteriety or anything else attached to the fta symbol is attached by outside onlookers. Period.

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