Trewyn Here is my role to explain the affection I had for you.:

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Posted by Attaroc (Deleted) on December 2, 2000 at 20:39:45:

Born to a common blood-line, Attaroc never truely knew his parents.
His mother and his aunt were both pregnant by the same son of a noble house.
His aunt delivered his brother/cousin fully a week before his mother, where upon he was immeadiatly sacrificed to some dark-god.
As it were, early in his youth he was traded from that house to another, and he still retains the vision of his mother watching him being led away.
Though her face betrayed no emotion he knew she was saddened, and indeed he saw her eyes watered as if in pain.
Through this trade he found himself given to a Weaponsmaster of another house in a city far distant.
Over time he went from menial laborer to sparing dummy, and eventually the weaponsmaster treated him almost as if he were a warrior of noble liniege.
His low breeding would not let him formaly train however and he was ever resentful of this fact. He lived to fight, he found nothing else more stimulating and fulfilling than to win a hard fought battle.
His resentment focused soon to the oppressions of the Matron Mothers, and he rejected them in the silence of his heart.
Two things led to his seperation from the underdark...
The first, he bore witness to a "Trial" where a lower House was literaly melted into slag by a handful of mages loyal to various other houses.
this stunned him and made him sick to the core, He watched as all the warriors who had spent years of effort to master their craft, turned into ash and were carried away in thermal drafts.
The second, He slew a popular young noble who trained under his master, but instead of death metted out with a blade, a mage was summoned...
He dispised these weakling mages who's craft came through books and mantras. Weak willed beings that sought the easiest way to power.
And now he was to die to one with out a chance to fall as he had a blade. He knew what he must do.
He fled never to least not as a servant.

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