and what does that mean? n/t:

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Posted by THE CAT on December 5, 2000 at 16:20:07:

In Reply to: Stay gone. posted by The Great Rumpus Cat on December 5, 2000 at 15:00:25:

> > I wish I had the time and energy to play Laureolia a bit more, there was much much fun in perspective but my real life work start taking me too much and I didn't have the energy to invest in two caracters... was planning to start playing her again when I could but time got her first

> > so here the farewell

> > marans : I liked every single one of you and I am gad to see most of you were bright enough to talk to me instead of hunting me whn I turned to the scarab

> > Dawn.. read my role , you will see what she thougt of all of you.

> > Sylvan: flontinot... I miss our antlers fight already...

> > Scarab: Cirinna, my favorite target who became a friend at the end.

> > entropy: Feirshay .. be well

> > arbiter: Kennan, it been fun

> > Empire: it been fun, HAVILHAD I wish I could have kill you more than on time, the rest , you all provide me good fun and fight

> > Immortals: what can I say... Shokai and Scarabaeus, you made the game incredibly fun for Laureolia. Scarabaeus, I am sorry I failed you at the end... it could have been really fun to keep going but as I said: darn real life job

> > farewell, and thanks for all the fish.
> > Lynxaria/Chaldaie/Laureolia

> > role, description etc

> > You are using:
> > a brown cloak
> > a slave's collar embossed with a scarab
> > a black turban
> > some orcish leggings
> > a pair of old boots
> > some black leather sleeves
> > a small wooden shield
> > a chameleon poncho
> > a small leather pouch
> > a charred leather bracer
> > a leather pouch

> > desc Seeing her from the side, with her sure stride, confident manner, and impecable armor,
> > desc + you almost mistake her for a Mistress of Blades. But seeing the deepset fury
> > desc + and dedication in her slightly tilted green eyes, you know for sure you have come to
> > desc + face a holy warrior. Her silver hair, bound in tight, narrow braids, clink slightly
> > desc + against her polished armor as the beads woven within them strike metal.
> > desc + Despite here eyes leaving you as they search the perimiter for her prey,
> > desc + you never feel you are unwatched, as if her perceptions extend to all things surrounding her.

> > Your role is:
> > Added Thu Jul 6 13:10:18 2000 at level 11:
> > A Long time ago, in the small village of Darsylon.

> > It was a bright and cold night when a silver phoenix
> > could be seen crossing the full moon,
> > The sages gathered to interprete the magnificent omen
> > when a young elf rushed into the temple:

> > 'I found a path of blood in the vale!' He exclaimed.

> > They all rushed out and in the raising dawn they found
> > a bloodied and slain elven mother holding on her breast
> > a newborn girl: shineing in the blood beside her, A gaiden medallion.

> > They took the toddler and brought her to Darsylon while
> > they discussed her destiny. It was said she would be raised
> > in the temple and that the community would provide for her
> > needs and education as a priest.

> > Fifty years have passed, the child had grown into a
> > beautiful maiden, skilled with the sword and wise like the sage.
> > One day the fog encroached upon the village, she found herself
> > [Hit Return to continue]

> > wandering out of the vale without realising it, and came
> > by a strange encampment surrounded by the light of the torches.
> > Being curious she walked to the outskirts of the nother side
> > without being spotted in the torchlight.
> > There from the fog, a mysterious man grabbed her by the collar,
> > looking at her with killing eyes, he saw the the
> > gleaming gaiden medallion. His furrowed gaze and deathgrasp
> > changed from night to day as the tears started to fall from his eyes.

> > 'What's bring you here?', He said.

> > 'I was looking for my way home and got lost in the thick fog...,
> > I saw your torchlight.'

> > 'how did you come accross that Medallion?',he looked at her, anger in
> > his eyes.

> > 'I've always had it. My mother was wearing it when they found me.
> > The night the phoenix flew in the sky.

> > The Mysterious man nodded and said,
> > [Hit Return to continue]

> > 'You trepassed here and for this the punishment is death...
> > ...But I am in need of a student, someone to learn what I know
> > You will be that student, My lessons will bring you to great victory.
> > First you will soon need to find the blessing of the god,
> > find the silver phoenix, he will be the one you will give your life to, as
> > he saved yours.
> > Come back here often to learn what you need to learn from my teachings, my
> > child.

> > Now begone, and return anon until you have found the pheonix within your
> > soul.'

> >
> > Added Wed Aug 16 13:00:23 2000 at level 43:
> > She met the Silver Phoenix some years later. He gave her his blessing, and she
> > swore to honor his gift. So, she began to travel the world, seeking the destruction
> > of all evil. She fought with courage, backing up only to come back stronger.

> > In the small town of Tar valon, she met with a necromancer, one with no morals,
> > no respect for life, and with a viprous tongue. She had found her nemesis. Sensing
> > in the sorceror an abomidable capacity for evil, she swore herself to one day
> > destroy him. True to her premonitions, the sorceror ascended the Imperial Throne.
> > [Hit Return to continue]

> >
> > Vowing to prevent him from gaining more power, Laureolia works tirelessly to
> > prevent him from ever becoming a Lich.

> > Added Wed Aug 16 13:05:39 2000 at level 43:
> > ************************************************************************************

> > In a small book in Laureolia's pocket can be read somewhere in the middle,

> >
> > The reasons of why I dislike servants:

> > 1. at the 11 rank: got attacked by a whitecloak, stuck in the encampment.
> > Ask a paladin servant for help. answer : too busy, I am ranking.

> > 2. rank 35: 2 servants ask me to join them raiding the palace: end up
> > rotting, had to beg them to remove the rot with altruism . conclusion :
> > don't go raid with servants

> > 3. rank 43: The haven is under siege by fuerln, Airac ask me for help. I
> > go and get held, I do bring fuerln down but airac come and assist. I am
> > held and all he does is loot the corpse, run to the haven , come back to
> > [Hit Return to continue]

> > loot more while I stand in middle of the foothill alone and frozen.

> > 4. Nicolette refuse to bless the weapon of a young fellow Paladin. I am
> > stun by her refusal to help

> > 5. getting gangbang by 6 imperial, solian and nicolette just walk by and
> > leave me alone to fight them all when they had ask for my help

> > 6. in a dream, Nicolette refuse to let me alone when I ask and refuse to
> > respect my decision than tell me I have to respect her cause she is the
> > eldest, good it was just a dream

> > 7. Solian, the apostle take the defense of evil and blame the marans.
> > Blaming me for accomplishing the mission the phoenix gave me.

> > General conclusion: never trust a servant.

> > ************************************************************************************

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