I couldnt stand it anymore....:

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Posted by Aguacheek on December 12, 2000 at 17:02:01:

I thought up this role, fit around loosely some American Indian beliefs. And I picked this one Indian name out of a book...Pronounced Ag-OOH-eh-chee'.

Honestly, it wasnt until rank 20 or so that I noticed what it looked like...A-gwa-cheek...water cheek.

I had already chosen my shapefoci Air/water when I realized it. Wate...Agua....Air...Cheek(sounds like Chick).

Since I realized what I did, I have been having a harder and harder time getting into the character.

But in the end, it won out. The fact is I have a burning dislike of all lame names. And I could not make myself get interested again in a character who had a really lame one (nomatter if it WAS unintentional). I had a nice role started, but by the time it came time to add to it, I couldnt bring myself to.

Sorry, Calarathiel, I know you hated being the only one to induct. Now you have Hammon, and from what I have seen, he will do well.

I don't think I killed anybody. I tried once or twice half-ass. Then that morale thing kicked in and I died a few more times. *shrug*. So much for my first Muter ever(something like 12th arbiter tho...it's a sickness I tell you)

725hp 85m 474mv> sc
You are Aguacheek the Master of Mutation, level 47, 145 years old (81 hours).
You are mature.
Race: gnome Sex: male Class: transmuter Hometown: Galadon
You have 725/725 hit, 85/1019 mana, 474/474 movement.
You have 49 practices and 0 training sessions.
You are carrying 19/32 items.
Your items weigh 91 pounds and 0 ounces (maximum of 317 pounds).
Str: 18(18) Int: 23(23) Wis: 25(25) Dex: 20(20) Con: 18(18) Chr: 15(19)
You have scored 431594 exp, and have 2011 gold coins.
You need 43966 exp to level.
Wimpy set to 375 hit points.
You are resting.
Armor: pierce: -38 bash: -55 slash: -44 magic: 4
You are very well-armored against piercing.
You are heavily armored against bashing.
You are heavily armored against slashing.
You are armored against magic.
Hitroll: 16 Damroll: 7.
You are neutral. You have a lawful ethos.
You have chosen the sphere of Seasons.
You are comfortable.
You are affected by:
Skill: 'vigilance' modifies none by 0 for 15 hours.
Skill: 'vigilance' modifies none by 0 for 15 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 3 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 3 hours.

<725hp 85m 474mv> desc
Your description is:
Bent nearly double with armor covered with what looks like an
old dearskin frock covered with symbols and stylized animal paintings,
this young man seems to be looking more at his surroundings than at
the people around him. He is a tall young man of darkly bronzed
complexion and long straight black hair tied almost cerimoniously
into an intricate pattern atop his head. His exposed flesh sports
many fanciful drawings in a charcole black, of deer, of bear, of boar
and one of a stylized man, holding a spear through his innards.
With sticks and twigs that you can tell are placed with great care
in his pate, he seems to have tried to cultivate a look of rusticity.

<725hp 85m 474mv> role
Your role is:
Added Sat Nov 4 20:45:21 2000 at level 22:
Wind. Rain. Earth. Elk. Wolf. Bear. Fox. Hound. Boar. Badger. Ferret. Eagle.
Blue Bird. Finch. Ant. Falcon. Mouse. Rat. Stag. Buffalo.

These are such things as become a person's Spirit guide. And this is why
when Aguacheek returned from his spirit journey, not knowing the face of his
spirit guide, his Father knew it was trouble.

Born in a community of gnomes who lived in totall communion with Nature,
being the grandson of the tribe's Shaman under the sign of Wisdom was a
portent looked on by all as predicting a grand future of fruitfull hunts and
mild winters.

They were wrong.

From the earliest of ages. Aguacheek would always argue, showing in infancy
the kernals of his most disagreeable ideas about the Turning of the Seasons
and how the Seasons applied to all things. It was because of these radical
ideas that his Father, the future Shaman, hoped his son would attract a
solid, stable, honorable Spirit guide, to help control him.

He was wrong.
[Hit Return to continue]

During a long period of training under the tutalage of the elderly Shaman, he
was trained in how to grant strength to the Hunters, and to aid their sight
with the help of his spirit guide. As well as the names of every known
animal in the world.

Having completed his training and memorization in record time, he was sent
out in search of his Spirit guide. Most of the youths of the Tribe found
their guides in similar ways...They would fast until they entered a
trance-like state, whereupon the first animal (real, or dreamed) who would
touch them physically would be the animal that had chosen his soul to guide
through the Spirit realm throughout his adult life. To complete the
training, the Shaman would have to take the returned youth into furthor
seclusion with him, to assure the tribe of the validity of the Vision. The
youth would then have to go out and not return until he had captured alive a
physical representation of his Spirit guide. Most difficult for those who were
chosen by the Bear or Tiger.

From the beginning, Aguacheek found his Spirit Quest to be different, there
was no loss of lucidity, there was only this feeling of electric power
[Hit Return to continue]

pulsating from a great distance, aimed right at his legs. For days this
feeling got stronger and stronger, until it was driving him into a state of
madness. The pulsing, thrumming power seemed to be driving all of the
creatures away...and he began to dispair of EVER finding a Spirit guide. He
began to have nightmares on his fifteenth night, nightmares of dieing
spiritless because he ran from his spirit guide unknowingly, thinking he was
actually running towards where he sensed Animal presance.

Finally, after a month of pain and hunger, it happened.In the moment of his
deapest dispair and fear of the Thrumming power, it Happened. He fell into
the Trance he had been awaiting almost as if forced into it by another, and
in this Trance he had the strangest spirit dream that has ever come about, or
ever will. In his dream he was much much older, and much wiser, and knew, in
the way you know in dreams, that He finally knew what the Thrumming was, and
was nolonger afraid of it, but welcomed it. The power grew closer and closer
until the source of it seemed to crawl right up through his feet into his
chest...with a mysterious pain that was not pain, the source of the power
burst through his chest...revealing finally, at last, his Spirit guide.

But this was not the end of the strangeness.

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