Well done, Billy! (n/t):

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Posted by Scott McNealy on December 13, 2000 at 03:51:57:

In Reply to: (CON LOSS) Annabelle Gates, the Heroine of Alteration posted by Scorbus(VIP) on December 11, 2000 at 15:38:21:

> Well what can I say; I had a blast with Annabelle. She was my first mage and first master. I did not think I would accomplish what I did for the Tower. I know I made many mistakes and learned a lot from them but as I grew older I was starting to make far to many. There are so many people I interacted with over the 500 hours I played I am sorry if I leave any of you out.

> Masters:

> Hifflio: Thank for inducting me and giving me a chance.

> Merisila and Xolthul: You two were the best teachers, you taught me everything I needed to know about the Tower and you two were always there for me. Merisila thanks for giving me hope and guidance for me to try for the adept position, all though it was not for long I enjoyed it while it lasted.

> Valguarnera and Shyntlara: You two were the best, you put up with me every time I made a mistake. At first I thought Valguarnera was a stringent and harsh leader (after playing under Narlock) but in the end I realized everything he did made the Tower stronger. You put up with me and helped me learn a lot.

> Shenara: You have to be the best person I every interacted with, you looked out for me since the beginning and never stopped till the say I died. I respected you and hope you succeed as an Immortal.

> Mhithrizan: Had a blast trying to translate your Drow when I interviewed you. Some how I got the feeling you were not saying appropriate words from the Lyceum dictionary.

> Azrimeth, Narlock, Jafel, Rendak, Strelno, Randarab, Escudeira, Darbhi, Bfarido, Coriolanius, Betazenth, Falkaine, Balkesar, Rywald, Barid, Sulaea, Juxposona, Jasla, Brevend, Dralvoth, Eglician, Kardonian, Monstae, Cwadu, Meoilaxenz, Napthaniel, Agrevyum, Koldrand, Itram, Gwedrinidd…I will miss you all, even those I forgot.

> Battle: Was fun fighting you all but only Ayragus and Vaelyn are the two I respected.

> Dawn: Had a fun with all of you, Feiriel, Caterina, Sachiel, Nicolette, Solian, Arikel…I will miss you guys.

> Empire: Riebold you and I grew up together and had been friends even during the time Empire and Masters were not allowed to talk, Its been fun.

> Troupe: Astillian, Keniston, Arvam and Gadinias, you guys were the best; The Inn has and always will be my favorite place in Thera.

> Arbiters: Calarathiel and Kelbecso are the only two I remember. I went out like you did Kelbecso, to alcohol!

> Leika thanks for being one of the few interested in my research.

> Immortals: Stellyx I loved our talks. Astein all I can say you are very odd. Eryndorial I am sorry, I wish things had worked out. And sorry we never finished Thror.

> My titles:

> Annabelle the Heroine of Alteration
> Annabelle the Heroine of Alteration, The Record Keeper of the Tower
> Annabelle Gates, The Record Keeper of the Tower
> Annabelle Gates, Lord Adept of Transmutation
> Annabelle Gates, the Hero of Alteration (don’t ask)
> Annabelle Gates, the Heroine of Alteration

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