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Posted by Dhernarn on December 14, 2000 at 18:08:08:

In Reply to: Re: That's Cow Poopy... posted by Generic Sylvan on December 13, 2000 at 21:19:44:

> "Creatures such as the duergar and the **drow**, dark-willed perversions of other races, or trollocs, trolls, golems, and goblins, spiritless constructs forged for selfish designs, wound the harmony of Nature by their very existence and **must be eliminated**."

All right, you're fucking clueless.

One of the major things that I do enjoy is having enemies that have a personality. Battleragers had that, to some extent. Sylvan didn't have that. They had the powers to completely hammer us, and they didn't use too much else, honestly - Delanan summoning repeatedly into a wall of thorns? why? because he knew I couldn't recall or teleport away, or cure that.

Read Quinthen's post above, instead of just skimming. I have respected people that can roleplay, instead of being bloodthirsty pkillers who don't. I could do that too (and did do that, for about a year, then I grew bored of that). But, seriously, I look down on people that don't bother with the roleplaying against their foes and "keep it in their cabal." - So what if Mhithrizan was someone you guys knew OOC? Who fucking cares. All I can say is that the current Sylvan "death squad" are some of the worst roleplayers I've ever encountered in my six years of playing CF.

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