Posted by Soren(VIP) on December 21, 2000 at 11:43:35:
Had fun playing a goodie for once, but as always I became bored with the slow pace that comes with being uncabaled. I liked his role and was happy to get impowered without a hazzle. Sought to make a Shaman without a cookie-role for wardens, but when it toke to long to get into Wardens I lost interesst in the char. Søren As most of the farmers and harvesters, we held feasts to the Lady of the But, as all stories this one must too contain an element of evil and ill Black smoke, toxic death, death and disease swept across the land of my and poisonous to the bite. The very air that we so worshiped became our Leaving home to find the Lady of the Wind is the only way I can help. Added Thu Sep 14 12:30:48 2000 at level 24: [Hit Return to continue] Added Fri Oct 13 12:03:33 2000 at level 38: With horror I meet an old friend. Turning from what seemed like a Seeking the conclave of the wild was not an easy task. Often when
Added Thu Sep 7 14:38:38 2000 at level 1:
Growing up was bliss. What sticks out from my childhood is the air
flowing over my wings and the sun baking on my face. I grew up a bit
outside Arial city, on the endless cloud fields that covers the tallest
mountains of Thera. For as long as our story reach back we have been
wind harvesters and cloud farmers. As a kid my job would be to fly to the
wind-nets and gather the seeds and fruits that the awesome storms would
whirl into the air from the ground below. My older sisters, Kirsan, had the
responsibility of swimming the clouds and gather the kumle-berries that
grow within them. Father and mother would seed'n weed the mighty
bobbles that kept them afloat. A dangerous job, often demanding them to
fly what seems like into the sun itself. But always would they come down
to us, smiles on their faces.
Wind five times a year. These grand events are, like rest of my memories,
almost to blurred to remember distinctly. Naturally I know our rituals and
hymns by heart, but I can never seem to recollect one single Alumpher
from one end to the other. They were all so similar so they are blended into
a feel of the Alumpher rather than a memory. These feasts would last for
three days and three nights and would end in a ceremonial flight across
Humle Dela, the Wind Pass.
fortune. In this story it is the outbreak of the War between the duergars and
the dwarves. One might ask oneself what a war between two forces, deeply
embedded inside the Morton Mountains would affect us. The initial battle
was of no concern of ours. Many died I have later learned and for that I
weep, but again, it was of no concern of ours at the time. But with time, as
Ludan Grondhom would call upon Orumous the Strong to forge weapons,
raw metal would be needed. Metal extracted from the ores of the earth,
heated and melted within a burning furnace. As the demon Graazur'Ukal
called out to slave mines of Sitran they too would strip the inner most core
of the earth for metal to be refined over fire in the furnace.
ancestors. Harvesting the kumle-berries was futile, nothing but dead plants
hung under the bobbles. The fruit in my nets would be black, foul smelling
[Hit Return to continue]
With her blessing the War will end I am sure. Soon She will set things
right. The day when we can once more fly across the Humle Dela will
Added Thu Sep 14 12:21:06 2000 at level 23:
The search was not futile. The Lady of the Wind spoke to me and granted
me my wish for empowerment. Searching for those that defiled the sky
was not hard, within the city Galadon was a large lumberyard. Fighting the
root of the problem seemed like a wise choice for months, but soon it
occurred to me that it was but one fire out of thousand and it would indeed
not stop the War that keept sending the black plague into the sky. For a
time then I sought to stop the forest burners and preventing them from the
meaningless havoc and again I felt the Lady was pleased with me.
In my travels I meet many people of other races. Many of them cared
about the Air as well as other facets of nature. Often together we would be
able to bring peace and a breath of fresh air to those in need, with more
ease than I could have done alone. Many of my companions spoke of the
Wardens or Sylvan as like-minded, as protectors of the wild. What puzzled
me was the haltered this people often felt for the cities, wishing them
burned, washed away and destroyed. The cities are not good for the air, not
nature in general, but as sanctuary for those people that do not enjoy the
wild, they do well. If I could only learn the people within those walls how
to live in harmony with the nature around them. Still loving the sky and
the Air I returned home but with time the city in the skies felt less and less
like home. My feelings for the city had changed. It was no longer my
home, but just another city. When I left it to sore the skies I was pleased
and filled with joy, but only when I flew with my eyes closed, not seeing
the black smoke and the dead kumle-berries. Wishing the air to be clean all
over, not just near the Humle Dela and my people, now became my goal.
Granted passage on the Wind home, I have found that I am now
homeless. The sole feeling the Arial city now grants me is a
vclaustrophobic sense of entrapment. Even the wind that sweeps so
much harder there no longer carries with it the freedom it so use
to. Home is flying over the plains, crossing mountain ranges in a
snowstorm. Unsure if the Ladies powers can carry me to another
place I must seek Her and request for such. The city is no longer
the marvel it was when I was a child, celebrating the Alumpher.
good way to serve into a slavemaster of Air. Little could I do but
to unleash my Ladies wrath on him? Having taken his very breath,
his life my path became unclear. What should I do with those that
called upon the elementals of the planes, demons and angles?
Have found to the conclusion that in order to serve my Lady, all of
nature must remain free and unhindered, I have found myself
calling upon Air to strike old allies. My heart bleeds each time,
know this.
I travelled with a protector of the wild I would lead the talk to the
subject of the grove. Silence and mistrust would be my answer and
my quest became hard. Seeking my Lady would often by my sole
refuge in my never-ending task of stopping the exploitation of
nature at the expense of War and Death. One day a ranger let
something slip. It seemed that only the Storm itself would be able
to let me bring my strength to the grove. Encouraged by this, the
Storm being the Brother to Air, I went in search for Storms. Years
passed and with time my prayers became stronger and a day
passed when the Storm heard them. With the strength of a wind
and rain a voice echoed within my mind. Speaking of my wish to
become one with the Sylvans I got the impression that somehow I
must prove myself to the Storm Lord. Setting out to do such, my
strive to cleanse the air now grants more than strength to the Lady,
it will also prove my worth to the Storm Lord.