Farewell, my Battlemage.:

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Posted by Lich-Boy on December 22, 2000 at 21:53:46:

In Reply to: I can almost hear Halsidnor breathe a sigh of relief -- Sihesar is gone.. posted by Bemus-ed on December 22, 2000 at 15:37:14:

I'll admit: I was told who Sihesar (and a certain other Master) were being played by (unsolicited, by a non-IMM who I had emailed after they deleted) before you got your respective titles. It briefly gave me pause, and then I realized what a tremendous asshole I was almost being. In the end, I'd stand by every choice I've made for a titled position within the Tower. You (and the other) did a fine job, and you got nominated for the job solely for one reason: you deserved it from what I saw in the game. I wish you were still around for the next step. Maybe you'll hear about it some day. *shhh for now* Damn delete-happy folk. =P

You had a rep for being a bit kill-happy, but you handled it the way you were supposed to: As soon as a matter of importance came up you came running, you never broke The Rules, and you remained interesting to chat with, even when I was... odd.

I will now grumble once more at your timing: *grumble*

Be well.

> Well, it was fun. I have had a few characters like Sihesar (the kind that when you delete you have to seriously contemplate where CF is in your life and whether or not you will continue -- I'm in that state now). Necromancers have always been my favourite (See I can add that u now, whereas IC I can't :P). Being in Masters really doesn't add that much to a necromancer on average (This is by no means a complaint, just stating a point). However, the members of the Tower are great.

> Master: In great shape thanks solely to one person. I never gave you enough credit OOC Valguarnera, you made me almost feel embarrassed at how lacking I was with respect to you. Shenara, Valguarnera, thanks for the position of Battlemage. Yingil, Rhynwyer, Zaliron, Joeter, Itram, Sulaea, Kardonian, Anterrabae, and many more. The drow necromancer in Masters would take my place easily I think. Nepenthe should interact directly with his Masters more, not once did I see him, let alone speak with him.

> Sylvan: Well, it is comical really, I finally died to a PK but I was basically killed by someone out of my PK range. Delanan if only Sacer gave me the chance to fight you...Hegobi, Krestanor, Hurmneng, Kiac we had some alright battles I suppose.

> Battle: Trewyn, Chalin, Gungnir, Hyshrawr, well fought. I had a fair amount of respect for you Trewyn.

> Dawn: Borkwarr, Halsidnor, and a whole lot more.. you don't have to worry anymore. I liked mucking around with you Hal, hope your con isn't too bad because of me.

> What CF really needs is healthy fear being invoked. I hope I provided that to certain extents in some people without being a complete asshole.

> Sacer: What can I say? Vhorak did only pray about 5 times, I made sure with Sihesar that I times that by about 10 just to make sure I know you are bias against me. You let absolute morons receive lich quests, yet I do not get one? No hard feelings. I won't be trying to lich again. My fourth spectre, and only once did I get a lich quest (I think it is every players right to have a chance to achieve the highest rank in their guild).

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