Interesting how Trewyn has magical rods in his corpse... n/t:

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Posted by Helpless Baby on December 28, 2000 at 07:31:31:

In Reply to: Another log with the Shark. I think it is quite good. posted by Darbhi. on December 27, 2000 at 15:49:58:



> ***A little fun at the Tower. I had just attacked the village together with a conjurer and a shaman.
> ***I died and soon after they attacked us. Then came a crash. After the crash I prepared to fight them together
> ***with Anterrabae but I knew I could not fight them in the tower without eq or the Orb. So I decided to run
> ***out to the river and surprise whoever felt like hunting me. Looks like Trewyn came first.

> [Exits: north east south]
> Trewyn the elf is here, fighting a brook trout.
> A spotted fish swims just under the water's surface.
> A spotted fish swims just under the water's surface.
> A spotted fish swims just under the water's surface.

> <550hp 791m 474mv> Trewyn yells 'Help! I am being attacked by a huge white shark!'
> Your chomp === OBLITERATES === Trewyn!
> Trewyn is gushing blood.

> <550hp 791m 474mv>
> Trewyn's hunger grazes him.
> Trewyn is gushing blood.

> <554hp 761m 494mv>
> Your chomp === OBLITERATES === Trewyn!
> Trewyn's slash MANGLES a brook trout!
> A brook trout is DEAD!!
> A brook trout spills its guts all over the floor.
> Trewyn sacrifices the corpse of a brook trout to the gods.
> You make some noise as you are attacked.
> Trewyn's slash MUTILATES you!
> Trewyn is convulsing on the ground.

> <516hp 761m 494mv>
> Your chomp === OBLITERATES === Trewyn!
> Trewyn is DEAD!!
> A barbed ivory spear named 'White Talon' vaporizes, returning to its true owner.
> You hear Trewyn's death cry.

> <516hp 761m 494mv> where
> swimto ginue
> murder ginue
> People near you:
> (PK) a huge white shark On the Erinin

> <516hp 761m 494mv> swimto hyshrawr
> murder hyshrawr
> You can't find that person to swim to them.

> <516hp 761m 494mv> They aren't here.

> <516hp 761m 494mv> You can't find that person to swim to them.

> <516hp 761m 494mv> They aren't here.

> <516hp 761m 494mv> l
> On the Erinin
> You are on top of a river whose cold blue waters rush out of the mountains
> to the north, through the foothills that surround you, and south to the
> distant image of a gleaming white tower. On both sides of the river, the
> banks are strewn with broken rocks and small boulders. Beyond the rocky
> confines of the river, the rolling landside gradually rises up and away from
> the river which weaves its way through the countryside.
> [Exits: north east south]
> The corpse of Trewyn is lying here.
> A steaming pile of a brook trout's entrails is lying here.
> A spotted fish swims just under the water's surface.
> A spotted fish swims just under the water's surface.

> <516hp 761m 494mv> scan e
> You scan east.

> <516hp 761m 494mv> scan e
> You scan east.
> A brook trout leaves south.

> <516hp 761m 494mv> l in corpse
> The corpse of Trewyn contains:
> an aquamarine bracelet
> a cowhide knapsack
> a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt
> a small raft
> a cloak of Nightwing
> blood-soaked cape
> a spiky green torso
> a spiky green helmet
> a pair of spiky green vambraces
> ( 2) a spiky green wrist guard
> a pair of spiky green boots
> a pair of thorned green greaves
> a chameleon poncho
> a seashell ring
> ( 2) a small garnet ring
> a pair of spiked gauntlets
> (Glowing) (Humming) a ceremonial staff
> ( 2) (Glowing) an elemental rod of earthquake
> a roasted pheasant
> 38540 gold coins

> <516hp 761m 494mv> where
> rev
> People near you:
> (PK) a huge white shark On the Erinin

> <516hp 761m 494mv> You concentrate a moment and return to your normal shape.
> You maintain the hardness of your skin as you shapeshift.
> You maintain your speed as you shapeshift.
> You maintain your levitation as you shapeshift.
> You maintain your phase as you shapeshift.

> <516hp 749m 494mv> get all corpse
> You get an aquamarine bracelet from the corpse of Trewyn.
> You get a cowhide knapsack from the corpse of Trewyn.
> You get a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt from the corpse of Trewyn.
> You get a small raft from the corpse of Trewyn.
> You get a cloak of Nightwing from the corpse of Trewyn.
> You get blood-soaked cape from the corpse of Trewyn.
> You get a spiky green torso from the corpse of Trewyn.
> You get a spiky green helmet from the corpse of Trewyn.
> You get a pair of spiky green vambraces from the corpse of Trewyn.
> You get a spiky green wrist guard from the corpse of Trewyn.
> You get a pair of spiky green boots from the corpse of Trewyn.
> You get a pair of thorned green greaves from the corpse of Trewyn.
> You get a spiky green wrist guard from the corpse of Trewyn.
> You get a chameleon poncho from the corpse of Trewyn.
> You get a seashell ring from the corpse of Trewyn.
> You get a small garnet ring from the corpse of Trewyn.
> You get a small garnet ring from the corpse of Trewyn.
> You get a pair of spiked gauntlets from the corpse of Trewyn.
> You get a ceremonial staff from the corpse of Trewyn.
> You get an elemental rod of earthquake from the corpse of Trewyn.
> You get an elemental rod of earthquake from the corpse of Trewyn.
> You get a roasted pheasant from the corpse of Trewyn.
> You get 38540 gold coins from the corpse of Trewyn.

> <516hp 749m 494mv> n
> n
> n

> You are hungry.
> You are thirsty.

> <522hp 765m 494mv> On the Erinin
> You are on top of a river whose cold blue waters rush out of the mountains
> to the north, through the foothills that surround you, and south to the
> distant image of a gleaming white tower. On both sides of the river, the
> banks are strewn with broken rocks and small boulders. Beyond the rocky
> confines of the river, the rolling landside gradually rises up and away from
> the river which weaves its way through the countryside.
> [Exits: north south]

> <522hp 765m 488mv> wear all

> A trout broaches the water as it swims in the river.

> <522hp 765m 488mv> On the Erinin
> You are on top of a river whose cold blue waters rush out of the mountains
> to the north, through the foothills that surround you, and south to the
> distant image of a gleaming white tower. On both sides of the river, the
> banks are strewn with broken rocks and small boulders. Beyond the rocky
> confines of the river, the rolling landside gradually rises up and away from
> the river which weaves its way through the countryside.
> [Exits: east south]

> <522hp 765m 482mv> Alas, you cannot go that way.

> <522hp 765m 482mv> You hold an elemental rod of earthquake in your hands.
> You need both hands free for that weapon.
> You wear a pair of spiked gauntlets on your hands.
> You wear a small garnet ring on your left finger.
> You wear a small garnet ring on your right finger.
> You wear a chameleon poncho about your body.
> You wear a spiky green wrist guard around your left wrist.
> You wear a pair of thorned green greaves on your legs.
> You wear a pair of spiky green boots on your feet.
> You wear a spiky green wrist guard around your right wrist.
> You wear a pair of spiky green vambraces on your arms.
> You wear a spiky green helmet on your head.
> You wear a spiky green torso on your body.
> You wear blood-soaked cape around your neck.
> You wear a cloak of Nightwing around your neck.

> <522hp 765m 482mv> shape shark
> You flicker and blur into the shape of a huge white shark.
> You maintain the hardness of your skin as you shapeshift.
> You maintain your speed as you shapeshift.
> You maintain your levitation as you shapeshift.
> You maintain your phase as you shapeshift.

> <522hp 743m 482mv> where
> swimto ginue
> murder ginue
> swimto hyshrawr
> murder hyshrawr
> People near you:
> (PK) a huge white shark On the Erinin

> <522hp 743m 482mv> You swim to Ginue.
> On the Erinin
> You are on top of a river whose cold blue waters rush out of the mountains
> to the north, through the foothills that surround you, and south to the
> distant image of a gleaming white tower. On both sides of the river, the
> banks are strewn with broken rocks and small boulders. Beyond the rocky
> confines of the river, the rolling landside gradually rises up and away from
> the river which weaves its way through the countryside.
> [Exits: north east south]
> The corpse of a brook trout is lying here.
> The corpse of Trewyn is lying here.
> A steaming pile of a brook trout's entrails is lying here.
> Ginue the arial is here.
> Hyshrawr the felar is here.
> You make some noise as you are attacked.
> Hyshrawr's pierce MUTILATES you!
> Hyshrawr has a few scratches.

> <481hp 743m 482mv> You do the best you can!
> Hyshrawr has a few scratches.

> <481hp 743m 482mv> No way! You are still fighting!
> Hyshrawr has a few scratches.

> <481hp 743m 482mv> You do the best you can!
> Hyshrawr has a few scratches.

> <481hp 743m 482mv> Ginue gets a side of deer venison from a fur-lined poncho.
> Hyshrawr has a few scratches.

> <481hp 743m 482mv>
> Ginue eats a side of deer venison.
> Hyshrawr has a few scratches.
> Your chomp *** DEVASTATES *** Hyshrawr!
> Hyshrawr's pierce MUTILATES you!
> Hyshrawr's pierce maims you!
> Hyshrawr's pierce devastates you!
> Hyshrawr has some small but disgusting cuts.

> <377hp 743m 482mv>
> Ginue leaves south.
> Hyshrawr has some small but disgusting cuts.

> <377hp 743m 482mv>
> Hyshrawr throws a handful of sharp spikes at your feet!
> Hyshrawr's caltraps misses you.
> Hyshrawr has some small but disgusting cuts.

> <377hp 743m 482mv>
> Your chomp === OBLITERATES === Hyshrawr!
> Hyshrawr's pierce MUTILATES you!
> Hyshrawr delivers a blow of deadly force!
> Hyshrawr's claw *** DEVASTATES *** you!
> On the Erinin
> You are on top of a river whose cold blue waters rush out of the mountains
> to the north, through the foothills that surround you, and south to the
> distant image of a gleaming white tower. On both sides of the river, the
> banks are strewn with broken rocks and small boulders. Beyond the rocky
> confines of the river, the rolling landside gradually rises up and away from
> the river which weaves its way through the countryside.
> [Exits: north south]
> A spotted fish swims just under the water's surface.
> You flee from combat!
> murder ginue
> You swim to Ginue.
> On the Erinin
> You are on top of a river whose cold blue waters rush out of the mountains
> to the north, through the foothills that surround you, and south to the
> distant image of a gleaming white tower. On both sides of the river, the
> banks are strewn with broken rocks and small boulders. Beyond the rocky
> confines of the river, the rolling landside gradually rises up and away from
> the river which weaves its way through the countryside.
> [Exits: north south]
> Ginue the arial is here.

> <201hp 743m 480mv> Ginue leaves south.
> They aren't here.

> <201hp 743m 480mv> swimto hyshrawr
> murder hyshrawr
> You swim to Hyshrawr.
> On the Erinin
> You are on top of a river whose cold blue waters rush out of the mountains
> to the north, through the foothills that surround you, and south to the
> distant image of a gleaming white tower. On both sides of the river, the
> banks are strewn with broken rocks and small boulders. Beyond the rocky
> confines of the river, the rolling landside gradually rises up and away from
> the river which weaves its way through the countryside.
> [Exits: north south]
> Hyshrawr the felar is here, fighting a brook trout.
> A spotted fish swims just under the water's surface.

> <201hp 743m 480mv> Hyshrawr yells 'Help! I am being attacked by a huge white shark!'
> Your chomp === OBLITERATES === Hyshrawr!
> Hyshrawr is gushing blood.

> <201hp 743m 480mv>
> Your chomp >>> ANNIHILATES <<< Hyshrawr!
> Hyshrawr delivers a blow of deadly force!
> Hyshrawr's pierce <<< ERADICATES >>> a brook trout!
> A brook trout is DEAD!!
> You hear a brook trout's death cry.
> You make some noise as you are attacked.
> Hyshrawr's pierce maims you!
> Hyshrawr is convulsing on the ground.

> <165hp 743m 480mv>
> Your chomp === OBLITERATES === Hyshrawr!
> Hyshrawr is DEAD!!
> You hear Hyshrawr's death cry.

> ***This really got my heart pumping, If Ginue was still there he could kill me without much work I guess.
> ***I guess I was lucky because he was not there and I survived this time.***



> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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