And yet another minor point...:

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Posted by The Arcane(VIP) on December 28, 2000 at 08:25:53:

In Reply to: heh posted by Grallon on December 27, 2000 at 08:58:39:

Didn't notice this quote when I read your post last night:

I think people like that spread who they are for some lacking self-esteem issues.

Psst... sorry guy, but if anything I err more on the side of being an arrogant prick than having low self-esteem. :P

Why did I tell some people who I was playing? Simply because it was frustrating and not especially fun to have absolutely no one to talk to about a game that I was spending several hours a day playing at that time. It's not so I can have people worshipping me, or so people will do be IC favors because they know who I am. It's so that when something really hilarious/cool/interesting happens to me, I have a couple of people I can tell about it. Finally, the argument that it's as much cheating as multi-charing and eq-swapping is flawed, since obviously if it were I would have been denied for it.

And I'd like to re-iterate that this is something that absolutely everyone does on IRC. Even the people who are allegedly secretive about their characters choose one or two people to confide in. I've been one of those "one or two" people many times, so I can attest to this. Now, I'm not using the "everyone does it, so it's ok if I do too" argument. I came to realize after Dhaevor that while no one cares if everyone knows who Snarf is playing (sorry, Snarf :P), it causes a huge ruckus if everyone knows who I'm playing, so I stopped telling people entirely.

But you're being naive and frankly unfair to single me out for it, and misguided in your speculation as to the motivation behind it.

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