Unfortunately, what you do outside the game *is* used by the imms *in* the game. Wrongly so, obviously. n/t:

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Posted by Graatch on December 28, 2000 at 10:25:13:

In Reply to: heh posted by Grallon on December 27, 2000 at 08:58:39:

> > While there's a lot of rambling things in that post, I'll attempt to address a few:

> > 1) Battlemage is a tower position. It is quite likely 75% Valguarnera's choice, and not one of the imms, insofar as he most likely made the choice and the imms just chose not to reject it. It's not a "special title", really, per se.
> ****The point of my post was not that I thought the Imms found out who he was and then gave him a title/position....it was that EVERYONE found out who he was, and then he got the title/position(or at least it looked like that).

> > 2) Your argument that you think imm conspiracy theories might be because of this is mind boggling. You think the imms would make a decision because they read the forum and saw that Bemused was Sihesar? Uh.. ever heard of the socket command? They knew he was Bemused from the moment he rolled. Any "conspiracies" would not only not require 'public knowledge' of who he was, but would make it LESS likely.

> ****"I" do NOT think that this sort of thing is part of a "conspiracy". BUT I do know more than a couple cf'ers that ARE conspiracy theorists. And this sort of thing is EXACTLY what they point to, as "Proof of a limited inner group that most of the best things are reserved for" *again, their words, not mine*. So if you think that this sort of thing ISNT part of what fuels conspiracy theories...then take it up with them, not me.

> > 3) It's really not the purpose of the imms to go punishing characters for what they do outside the game. Characters can act like total asswads on the forum, and the imms won't take it in game because it doesn't BELONG there.

> *************As for the Imms not caring what people do ooc. Yes, I agree with you. I make an ass of myself on a regular basis on this forum, and I would hate it if it affected how my char if I had one was treated in game. But what I am talking about is C H E A T I N G. And I DO believe the imms should take note of that. If you do not think Challen's public announcement of who he was was NOT cheating...well...then we will have to agree to disagree.

> > 4) Who the fuck cares who you dislike? I'll give you one hundred to one odds that Minalcar/Thror or Challen/Dhaevor were chars that will be long remembered after the mighty Motiak/Grallon chars are forgotten (and likely mine will be forgotten too). Fine, you think they should keep who they are a secret, but insinuating that because they don't feel like they have to hide who they are (in what is, after all, a GAME for FUN) that they're trying to spread who they are for some nefarious gain is just retarded.

> ********Your point is valid in the begining. You are right, it is a game, and "MOST" of us play to have fun...thus "who is remembered longer than who" is just not a valid argument. Besides, Ryu will likely be remembered long after all my characters are long forgotten as well. It is a matter of Fame vs. Infamy. And again, for those stupid people who are conspiracy theorists, there is "Would min or dhae have been half as memorable, or had half the CHANCE to shine if they went their whole lives without anyone knowing who they were?" And no, I do not think people like that try to spread who they are for some nefarious gain. I think people like that spread who they are for some lacking self-esteem issues. And I DO believe that spreading who you are playing is as much cheating as logging on two people at once and switching eq, and I think it reprehensable that such characters are often REWARDED in game for their ooc cheating(if that is what happened in any of those cases). If you think it harmless and not against the rules...well...YOU are deluded.

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