(CON-DIE) [BATTLE] Alomar:

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Posted by Master~DDD on December 28, 2000 at 15:16:31:

Well.. That's the end of me.. My first rager, first char I put actually effort into. Didn't feel like heroing after some mob-deaths, and when I realized Leika would be in my range if i did..
Got a bit bored with the char after Tarakh died, and didn't log in for a while.. Had a bit of fun with trewyn, it was short though.

Battle-- Trewyn from the little time I knew you, all I can say is you make a great leader. Thanks to vizarsh for inducting me, Kaejof- My mentor.. didn't have to die so quickly on me though. All the others I outlived.. thanks for the fun

Arbiter-- Kelbecso, hated you.. never got to wear you though, Karthos -- same for you, why'd you keep demanding for me to leave the village, when you already knew my answer? Calarathiel, only Arbiter I respected, only mage that didn't act like an asshole to me.. only mage and/or arbiter I kind of liked.

Sylvan-- Only one I ever really talked to was Jarans.. that was mostly "There's a master over there" and "You hold the orb/codex?"

Master-- didn't know any of you, except for koldrand, sorry for killing you so many times..

Empire-- didn't know any of you
Entropy-- didn't know any of you either

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