Posted by Itram on December 30, 2000 at 20:59:26:
I would like to send a thanks to all those who helped me, and who interacted with me, this character was a real treat away from my previous big project Sladin. My Farewells Arbiter: I knew none of you well Barons: I knew none of you. Sylvan: Minimal interactions due to my death, but im happy to see Rhycyn a god. Empire: Zygander, Kiebele, that assassin all did very well. Those three that kept fucking up my groups killing my partners, one being Ryan the other some stupid thief, screw off. Scarab: Rituraaj, very well done, I liked you. Ragers: Alright, I forget all the names here, That storm giant who I almost killed at the golem, you did well and I liked you...Ahhh screw it you all did a good job, im to lazy to type out much. Immortals! My Hates:
I have never had a mage past to rank of 11 before Itram and it was neat being an invoker with all those nice spells, sickining damage and ...well I can't think of anything else at the moment. Being a drow is very hard, seeming it is so easy to get a mithril weapon at rank 11, and being a mage didn't help either with those warrior who loved my flesh.
Well it was an awsome experiance. And to tell you what happened most of my constitution was lost from ranks 13-17. Well, there are a few farewells and a few hates to pass out.
Master: Madison, What happened? I know you liked me and I liked you IC as well, I talked to Bria which didn't start out all well, but ended with her looking my way because I wanted Itram to marry you.
Val, Didn't see much of you and I always thought you hated me.
Shylantara, I liked you and looked up to you.
Mhithrizan, my mentor, I liked you a lot and liked the way you pushed me to perfect spells and learn the drow language.
Joeter, Sihesar, and many others I forget because of the time expansion, you all did well.
Nepenthe!: I can't believe you actually gave me a shot at a quest, Rock on man! You kick ass.
Bria: I liked you, and I felt your anger lessen when you found that I called upon you for advice about Madison.
Uller: It was minimal but good, your interactions are always good, especially with Sladin.
*Immortal Staff*
Awsome job you guys/gals You made a paradice for those who seek to live a fantasy, Yes I am sorry for being a jackass, cocky, egotistical, and this will all change. But I liked you all and think you all do such a good job, and yes my donation will come as soon as I find the cash to place it *It won't be small*
All you losers who followed me around waiting for me to unghost and kill me again..and again..and again, there is nothing more pathetic then that, even multi-charring doesn't compare.
Teleport! What the hell is with this spell, of the 10 times I used it 6 times it sent me to the Battlefield to that Aggressive Giant, and instantly dead.
Well with all this said
Ill be seeing you in the fields...The Carrion Fields