Deleted...some thoughts and a note for Khartos and Calarathiel.:

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Posted by Rimbledorf/Ball64 on December 31, 2000 at 10:59:14:

I've been thinking of deleting Rimbledorf for a few
days now, and with the Arbiter's defunction (is that
a word?) I guess that finalized the decision.

I created Rimbledorf completely as an exploration
character. I've played CF for several years, but
always off and on. CF is INCREDIBLY fun, I just
mostly don't have the time to play as much as most
people. Which leads to my first thought: what's
the deal about people complaining that so-and-so,
the leader of whatever, or the god of whatever isn't
around as much as they should be? My opinion, people
have lives, and should never be MADE to be on CF a
certain amount of time. I've gotten the impression
that some think that CF was made for THEM. No, it's
for EVERYONE to have FUN.

My other problem playing CF is that the way my mind
works, I'm always thinking of new characters I think
would be cool and fun to play. So I make one, rank a
bit, then by this time I'm already thinking of a new
character that would be fun. So I roll about 10
new characters and end up only playing one. (I've
rolled another now, but wanted to get into Master's,
so who knows now.)

I really wanted to Hero Rimble, but obviously didn't.
He was my first caballed char, as I'm sure...I can't
remember her name, female necromancer started with an
M...figured out when she inducted me. Had to ask how
to use the cabal channel no less. (CB, for those that
don't know.) So thank you to her, and Trasthe (I had
so much fun talking to you in the interview, and later.)
And thank you to the other Arbiters who put up with my
newbie-ness and taught me a whole lot.

So my goals were to hero (Nope), join Arbiters (Yep),
and explore Thera (somewhat). I think my roleplaying
in the beginning was excellent, I know several people
even commented on it for a while. Then I joined
Arbiters, and it continued, then I think it got
non-existent. Part of that was me just wanting to rank
and explore, part of it was me thinking of new
characters already (the aforementioned problem) and
part of it was being an Arbiter. So many people
made being an Arbiter no fun (And none of them were
Arbiters.) Some people would have vendetta's against
Arbiters in general for flagging them, or for not
flagging another. People would get so mad about getting
a wanted flag. I would catch someone red-handed, to the
point that I heard the true yell, saw the fight/corpse/looting,
and still I always talked to the criminal about it beforehand,
and would catch them in a lie, and still the PLAYER would
say that it was BS (and yes, I can tell when a char is pissed
versus a player is pissed.) Made no sense to me. So I mostly
stopped having fun as an Arbiter. But I did ALWAYS try
my best to be a good arbiter. I always listened to both
sides of the story and always had the benefit of the doubt
for the supposed-criminal. But the other thing, being
WANTED is that big of a deal I've noticed. I also tried
to hunt criminals, but the 28% pk ratio shows I wasn't
good at it (I actually was surprised it was that high).
I also NEVER hunted anyone who wasn't a criminal. I tried
to make friends with everyone (Rager exception), even sylvans.

Conjie thoughts: Everyone saying how overpowered conjies
are, you're on crack. They CAN be incredibly powerful, but
only when they're prepped, and it's a hell of a lot of work
to prep them, and then it doesn't last long. How many times
did I get all my servitors, then I'd nightgaunt a criminal,
only to have a servitor go away (again because it took so
long to summon everything) or the nightgaunt wouldn't "bow
down" to me, or the criminal would disappear (damn rangers)
Someone (Arcane?) made the comment that why is it every
"elite" thinks conjie's are overpowered. I think that's
your answer, elite's are good with any race/class. Like
Rituraaj said, moments of absolute power followed by hours
of complete boredom. So my final thoughts, very fun to
play, but not as powerful as most people think.

ARBITERS: Most of you were great fun. I was pissed when
Trasthe IMM'd, just because you were fun to talk to and
have around as a player, then you wouldn't/couldn't
interact so much after that. Calarathiel, you were fun
too, but I don't know how it happened. My own playing
schedule didn't change, but when I used to see you on
when I was, all of a sudden we were never on together. BTW,
it sucks being a newbie, and being the only Arbiter in Hero
range. Khartos, I enjoyed playing when you were around.
You're a great character. Is there anything you can say now
on the boards about what exactly it was going on between
you, Bria, and Calarathiel? You eluded to it, so I wonder
if that has anything to with Arbiter's going away? Fuath,
thanks for teaching me a bunch. Kelbecso, I was sad
when you left.

SYLVAN: Maybe it was being the conjie/lawman why I got
little interaction from many of you, but I do think most
had the PK-only mindset going. Rhycyn, I did like you as
a character, I am sorry we never got to finish that
"conversation." I never liked hunting you, and I was
laughing my ass off that time you raided the Master's
and I came with my guards...several times. They were just
an annoyance, and I laughed when both of us kind of
shrugged our shoulders and said "Well, I guess you have to
kill my guards again."

DAWN: I enjoyed most of you, and at least I trusted you

EMPIRE: I ranked a lot with you, only because you (mostly)
got along with Arbiters. I got two of you Anethma'd for
killing me. As a player I always laughed/got frustrated
when ANYONE told me how to my job as an Arbiter (other
Arbiter's excepted of course.) But Empire was the worst.
How many tells would I get about a criminal attacking their
palace, and they wanted ME to go attack him, but wouldn't
do it themselves? Pretty bad.

BATTLE: Actually, the rangers were the only ones that
bothered me. I HATE ambush :)

TROUPE: Didn't interact much, except for you letting
me into the Lyceum. Grouped with Keniston once which
earned us both nothing but a death. Tiamat's not
friendly I learned.

SCARAB: Only talked to Rituraaj once, to ask a bunch
of newbie questions. I only learned how to not get
nightgaunted as a conjuror AFTER you nightgaunted me and
killed me.

MASTER: Liked you all, but I was pissed at that one after
that whole Tiamat experiance. But I was pissed at another
Arbiter about that too. *shrug*

MARAN: Aluria, you were fun, I felt bad when you were
a criminal, but at least you were truthful and honorable
about the whole thing which I thought was VERY refreshing.

That's about it. I learned a ton, and hopefully will learn
more with my next. See you in the fields.

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