Posted by Chalupah on April 26, 2000 at 21:54:27:
In Reply to: Farewell... (Delete) posted by Raugrim Fireforge(nobody) on April 26, 2000 at 20:09:00:
> It is hard being a non cabal character. Mainly in the ranking more then anything else. Everyone thinks your are in a cabal that opposes you. > Raugrim was fun but poorly skilled which left me a little disheartened in the end. I could have keeped him going but everytime I logged on I looked at the hard work I would have to do to get him up to scratch. In the end I thought starting a new character where I can do all the work in the lower levels that I should have done with Raugrim. > > Anyway there are many people I would like to say Farewell to but I can't remember their names. Matriot whatever happened to you... Simka I enjoyed helping in the kicking of your butt even though you kicked mine a couple of times. Kalstyr (I think that is your name ... Thanks for helping me get those axes that started me of on my career) > Pincer is a great tatic but up in the high levels an assassin will whip you butt and it lags you for a long time. Better going overhead and whirl using a two-handed axe in pking or use a shield (something I forgot about). Thats my piece of advice. > Weaponbreaker kicks ass! > My best memory was my first +++Disembowel+++. I loved that but so hard to perfect. Enough rambling. I don't think many people will miss Raugrim but hey he wouldn't miss too many of you either so... Farewell.
> He became a loner in the end. He didn't group with many people at the final stages perhpas because I started to play him a little crazy(mistake) which may have been another reason I deleted. (something I could have taken care of but...)