A plea.:

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Posted by Grallon on May 1, 2000 at 12:37:15:

In Reply to: Re: Wood-Elf's and how they came about? posted by TheDoctor on May 1, 2000 at 05:48:14:

>but it would probably be more fun finding >out in the game.

Let me be a devil's advocate here. More fun for who?

I am the first person to say that anything that can be learned from inside the game should be. I am the first person to agree that this allows for a richer rp experience.

But let us look at the other side of the coin.

I am sure how the wood-elves came about was a neat thing. What about those players who have jobs/lives/whatever that keeps them from playing at times when there is a visible sylvan. I have heard from a few of my friends that they have not seen an unchamo sylvan that was not raiding/being raided in almost a month now.

Is this fair to those people? The people who play this game to relax and have a good time in what little free time they can wrest from the humdrum of everyday life? Should one person, who COULD tell them something that just may make their enjoyment of the game deeper, something that would enrich their experiences (in turn enriching others), just refuse to tell them because "it would be more fun in game"?

I would ask that before people come out with the "ask in game, not the forum" answer, that they think for a moment. Is the information asked for secret? Will people knowing this information ooc in any way ruin/spoil or in any other way lessen your, or anyone elses enjoyment of the game?

If the answer to those two questions is no, I do not see why it can not be discussed on the forum.

Sure it is more fun if rp'ed through the mud. But telling it on an ooc forum like this does not negate that. Please think of those who play, and signifigantly contribute to the rp of the mud, but do not have the time or resourses to learn each little story through a character.

This was not aimed at you in particular. Your post had none of the angst that many of the "ASK IN GAME MORON" posters have.

I just think people could be a bit more friendly and forthcoming when it comes to this sort of forum question


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