Re: My Farewells:

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Posted by Drayman on May 2, 2000 at 13:13:19:

In Reply to: My Farewells posted by Tathlyn Ceredente on May 1, 2000 at 14:25:42:

> Deleted today, I guess I was just having a hard time keeping up the same high quality work that other immortals can accomplish. Trust me, being an imm isn't as easy as it may seem to some, and all those who contribute to our favorite mud so should be commended. Our imm staff is the best of the best. In the intrest of bandwidth, I'll keep from listing reasons why I did it.:P
> Moving right along, I have too many people to thank, and knew so many folks, I can barely keep up with them all. So if I forget to mention you, its not cause I didn't like you, but because I'm a forgetful sot okay :P
> Imm: Uller-> I don't think the general populace knows just how amasing you are. I really admire you and thank you for all the help you gave freely.
> Poetry, Amaranthe, Stellyx -> you guys were always on my side no matter what, that's one of the nicest things anyone can do for another person, thank you. We had some good times hrmn?
> Ashaxreyn, Raisa, Selric, thanks for the chats.
> Pico, Balgrimnr thanks for the patience.

> Mortals (ugh, I know I'll forget people here)

> Let's start with Troupe...*shiver*
> Celebeleni-> hope you're still about, you're an inspirational player, thanks for all the help you gave me, you know the rest, Email me sometime okay.
> Jacynth-> you're the best. A great pal, great inspiration and supporter, I'll miss you lots.
> Drayman: If you can see this, raise your hand :P Loved ya bro, missed being picked on by you.
> Graddar: I mean seriously, you're a magnificent player, good friend too, but heck man, I've known you with 4 characters and one aged died and one immed :P I tease, you're so much fun, you know it, so does everyone else.
> Astillian: shoulda called you my aprentice, you've done quite well, keep it up
> Arvam: You're great too, but your name is near to exactly my last name (Avram) so it always messed me up :P
> Saldorin, Gobnait and the others, I miss, or shall miss ya, take care.
> Entropy: Juerno (there isn't anyone else) Yar! You dirty beard tugging, dirt farming boulder roller, email me. and hail the inn-pourer.
> Empire: Quinthen, Tathlyn called you friend, even if you were despicable.
> Scarab: ugh..half elf bard..what's your name...? we chatted in the lyceum, you're great, sorry can't seem to remember your name. :(
> Rager: leave the inn alone, honestly, prove yourself somewhere else, plenty of mages sittin around other than at the inn, hunting there is sheer laziness.
> Sylvan: Jaemaen, wish I knew you better, Mederion you too.
> Master: Kilgaren and Nallokin were the best, period
> Dawn: Chaldaie sis, email me sometime too, missed runnin around with you . Knew most of the rest of you well, and respected the lot.

> As I said before, I'm trying to keep things short, yes I forgot you :P post and yell at me if you like. In anycase, take care all.

> Sean

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