The Beginnings of War:

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Posted by Imbrogno on June 29, 2000 at 19:17:25:

Quintius nods.

Hifflio says 'could you have found a room with not as many inhabitant?'

Quintius says 'They will be silent, I am certain.'

Hifflio says 'this will do fine.'

Quintius nods.

Hifflio draws back his scale covered hood, revealing reptilian features and a slightly elongated head.

You say 'It might be well that the White Tower knows of our plans. Perhaps the Aes Sedai will join in our battle.'

Quintius sets up a small table with three chairs and takes a seat.

Quintius chuckles politely.

Hifflio rests his body upon the wash basin, sitting comfortably his elongated body.

Imbrogno pulls the table closer to the wall and leans up against the wall.

Quintius says 'Right. There is no point in stating why we are assembled here.'

Imbrogno strokes one of his horns and grins.

Hifflio notices the arrangement of chairs, moves from the basin to the chair, and sits down.

Quintius says 'It is obviously in both of our best interests that the Village burn.'

Quintius says 'I know you do not desire violence as we, but it has come to that. We have little choice, due to their current power.'

Hifflio strokes his elongated chin slowly, contemplating the words sent before him.

Quintius says 'What I propose is this.'

Hifflio bears his yellow eyes upon you, listening.

Quintius says 'My arbiters will not kill your Masters and the reverse for your Tower.'

Quintius says 'When we raid for the head, we give it to whomever can defend it best, weather arbiter, master or Imperial.'

Quintius chuckles with insight.

You say 'Best to keep them off balance.'

Hifflio says 'Indeed, a sound idea.'

Quintius says 'You know, it would be a shame if we took it, gave it to the Imperials, and we had to flag them all for attacking our Halls, assuming it is there.'

You say 'Not storing it in the same place too often...we've...plans for ragers who try out stern guard mistakenly.'

Quintius chuckles at your joke.

Quintius says 'Exactly.'

Hifflio flares his eyes slightly, then narrows them.

Hifflio says 'a quite good idea.'

Imbrogno twirls his axe in his demonic-looking left hand and chuckles to himself.

Quintius says 'Also, do you have a record-keeper?'

Hifflio says 'we do.'

Quintius looks at Hifflio.

Quintius nods.

Quintius says 'I realize you may be lothe to share hard-earned knowledge, but we should both work on the Codex Barbarus, as I have suggested.'

Quintius says 'It is, after all, in your best interests if we fight Ragers.'

Quintius smiles happily.

Hifflio says 'Both of our groups have been under serious attack as of late, so I do not wish this to turn into a problematic situation.'

Quintius nods.

Quintius says 'Do you find this acceptable?'

Hifflio says 'to maintain what you have spoken, the Hall should not travel with villagers even when they are not wanted.'

Imbrogno stifles a laugh.

Quintius nods.

Quintius chuckles politely.

Hifflio says 'for the Tower exacts revenge on those who fight the Tower, and I do not wish those of your Hall being in the way when that takes place.'

Hifflio growls.

You say 'I don't think you need worry about that.'

Quintius says 'Um...we have not done so for years..'

-------Ioanis raids, and dies.

Quintius re-seats himself.

You eat a live chicken.

You eat a live chicken.

Imbrogno retakes his seat and chuckles.

You say 'That rager might find himself a spirit of honor at the wake.

Hifflio wipes some burnt flesh from his robes, snickering slightly at it.

Quintius says 'Now then, we do not group with them and shall not, especially since we are at war. To do so, would be paramount to aiding a baron and will demand immediate dismissal.'

Hifflio returns to the seat before him, and lowers his elongated body into it.

Hifflio says 'Indeed, I have a further suggestion for you.'

Quintius says 'Hifflio, would you be willing to have your Record-Keeper give us what we need to know?'

Hifflio says 'Those of the Tower who wish to may wish to assist within your jurisdiction.'

Quintius says 'Yes, go on.'

Hifflio says 'I will make the required arrangements on the records.'

Quintius leans back and folds his arms.

You say 'They must be lawful of course.'

Quintius says 'Inside the city, that is.'

You say 'Or do you mean help our stern guard?'

Quintius sits down and thinks deeply.

Quintius shakes his head.

Hifflio says 'Indeed, and that you will not waver on, for none of the Tower is chaotic in nature, and most have never committed a crime.'

Quintius says 'No, Law #4 is plain.'

You say 'I must add something.'

Quintius says 'Go on.'

Hifflio says 'so rule number four is not bendable.'

You say 'It has been agreed that your Tower won't attack our Arbiters, and vice versa, but a problem arises if and when a master does become wanted.'

Hifflio says 'all that of the Tower who has become wanted has turned themselves in.'

You say 'I would suggest any who become such turn themself in, under the agreement that their gear will be returned.'

You nod.

Quintius nods.

Hifflio says 'Indeed, that full equipment be returned, that is agreeable to.'

You say 'Not entirely true, but at least we agree that that's as it should be.'

Quintius says 'Now then, there is one small problem we may have to deal with.'

Quintius says 'The....sylvans.'

Quintius frowns with annoyance.

Quintius says 'Hifflio, what is your policy on them now?'

Hifflio says 'as of now the sylvans are without power, and we take their item of power whenever we can.'

Quintius nods.

Hifflio says 'they are to be eradicated for their insolence and defiance of our studies and ways.'

Quintius says 'You do what you wish with them. However, that is a war we can not become involved with.'

Imbrogno strokes one of his horns with thought.

Quintius says 'You understand why, yes?'

Hifflio says 'I understand your words Quintius and why.'

Quintius says 'Trust me, they are rather annoying.'

Quintius chuckles politely.

Hifflio says 'Imbrogno spoke it plainly to me, for they do not bother the cities enough to warrant a war.'

You say 'As long as they're not with ragers of course, if they are...well...that's too bad for them.'

Quintius says 'But we try to stay out of other wars.'

Quintius nods.

You say 'We'll defend your tower if there are ragers involved.'

Quintius nods sternly.

Quintius says 'Now then, the Imperials..'

Hifflio says 'There is one thing we should address before we move on.'

Imbrogno mutters and spits.

Quintius says 'Go on.'

Hifflio says 'if you ask assistance from one of the Tower to defend the stern guard, I do not wish for them to be wanted and death quickly after if the battle carries out into the city.'

Quintius says 'That will not be a problem.'

Hifflio says 'I will make it clear to them the situation, and that they can assist as they wish.'

Quintius says 'A moment, please.'

Hifflio says 'if you can assure me that it will be dealt with with some leanancy, I will agree.'

You say 'I see a problem m'lord.'

Quintius says 'Here is my decision on this.'

Imbrogno listens intently, before proceeding.

Quintius says 'Law 4 is plain. Noone is to enter the Halls at all.'

Quintius says 'We will never ask you for aid in defending as our Laws prohibit it.'

Quintius says 'That should clear that up nicely.'

Hifflio says 'Indeed it does.'

Quintius says 'Now then, the Imperials.'

Quintius frowns.

You mutter quietly to yourself.

-------Hifflio leaves to defend against Ioanis, Ioanis dies...meanwhile

Quintius says 'Imbrogno, I know you do not like the Imperials.'

Quintius chuckles politely.

Quintius says 'But I have an idea that will make them some rather"meat shields" if you would.'

Quintius smirks.

Quintius says 'Once Hifflio returns, that is.'

You grin evilly.

Quintius begins to doodle on a small parchment.

You say 'I'm all for laying their corpses down in protection of ours.'

Quintius says 'Exactly.'

Quintius yawns and stretches.

Quintius snaps his fingers.

Hifflio removes an ear of a cloud giant from the back of his robes.

Imbrogno strokes one of his horns and snickers.

Quintius chuckles politely.

Hifflio says 'now then.'

Quintius says 'NOW then..'

Quintius nods.

Imbrogno twirls his axe in his demonic-looking left hand and cackles gleefully.

Hifflio says 'the Imperials, as you know we took down two of their centurions in the raid on the village.'

Quintius says 'What to do with the Palace...'

Quintius nods.

Hifflio says 'they will not be pleased with the Tower, but they will do nothing against us now.'

Quintius says 'I have this suggestion.'

Hifflio says 'I have always wished to move away from the Imperials, and what we are arranging here will allow this.'

Quintius says 'Now we would both rather not be bothered by Battle, yes?'

Quintius says 'You to study amd us to guard the towns.'

Hifflio says 'added to the fact that the Blade and Divine sect conspired to attack the Tower.'

Quintius says 'And both of their sect leaders paid for it.'

You say 'I think they're agreement died with the coucilmembers'

Quintius grins evilly.

You cackle gleefully.

Quintius says 'Exactly.'

Hifflio says 'Indeed, but it still leaves a bad taste in my mouth.'

Hifflio says 'and it is a tribute to the way they perform relations.'

Quintius says 'True, but what I propose is to use their Law against them.'

Hifflio says 'and yes, Simka now has given up his magical ties, trying now to join the village.'

Quintius says 'They have done it to us for so long.'

You say 'I dislike them as much as anybody, but they may prove useful.'

Hifflio shakes his elongated head slowly from side to side.

Quintius mutters something quietly to himself.

You say 'Having three places to choose from when trying to retrieve their head may lead more ragers to become wanted.'

Quintius chuckles politely.

You grin evilly.

Quintius says 'Yes, and I would rather have Imperials die than Masters or Arbiters.'

Hifflio leans back in his chair, contemplating the situation.

Quintius says 'Consider this.'

Quintius says 'We, when the Imperials are strong enough, give them the head when we take it.'

Quintius says 'This accomplishes two things.'

Quintius holds up a finger.

Quintius says 'One, they are bound by their Law to defend the Vanquisher, wiping out whatever pro-pact sentiment is left.'

Hifflio coughs loudly.

You tap your cheek, lost in thought.

Petrom the butcher arrives suddenly.

Petrom the butcher says 'Sorry, I am closed. Come back tomorrow.'

You say 'bah'

Quintius says 'Two, they are the ones who have to stop ranking and deal with the raid, not us.'

Quintius chuckles politely.

Imbrogno snatches up Petrom by the ear and peers deeply into his eyes.

Quintius says 'Do you see? By giving them the head, they will think the have won some sort of victory, when all it will do is serve our purposes.'

Hifflio breaks a smile across his lips.

Quintius frowns.

Quintius says 'Let him go, Imbrogno, he has to sleep also.'

Imbrogno releases the dwarf and mutters.

You say 'I better get a good price on the chicken.'

Quintius says 'Now then, we ONLY do this when they have a prayer of defending.'

Quintius says 'Otherwise, one of us takes it.'

Quintius says 'Do you understand?'

Hifflio chuckles briefly at the last question.

Hifflio says 'yes, Quintius I do.'

You say 'm'lord, you can come across so blunt sometimes.'

Quintius raises an eyebrow.

Imbrogno stifles a laugh.

Quintius says 'It is more efficent, I have found.'

Quintius chuckles politely.

You say 'Indeed, indeed.'

Hifflio says 'it is no matter, I am thick skinned.'

Quintius says 'No insult intended, it is my own paranoia, more than anything.'

You put a live chicken in a canvas backpack embroidered with the symbol of Fasces.

You put a live chicken in a canvas backpack embroidered with the symbol of Fasces.

You put a live chicken in a canvas backpack embroidered with the symbol of Fasces.

You put a live chicken in a canvas backpack embroidered with the symbol of Fasces.

You put a live chicken in a canvas backpack embroidered with the symbol of Fasces.

Quintius says 'Now then, have you anything to add?'

Imbrogno ties the sack shut and whacks it with the broad side of his axe, settling the chickens.

Quintius sighs.

Hifflio falls down laughing.

Quintius says 'How those things stay alive...'

You get a live chicken from a canvas backpack embroidered with the symbol of Fasces.

Hifflio says 'quite amusing Imbrogno, quite.'

You eat a live chicken.

You say 'They don't.'

Quintius says 'Not when he does it in front of children in town..'

Quintius mutters something quietly to himself.

You say 'They wiggle a little on the way down, but they die shortly thereafter.'

Hifflio says 'I have nothing to add at this time, it seems you have taken some time to think this through.'

Quintius says 'Last one wailed to her mother for hours.'

Quintius chuckles politely.

Quintius says 'Yes, I have.'

You say 'I gave the child 1000 gold to forget what she saw.'

Quintius stands and offers a hand to Hifflio.

Quintius says 'Then we have an agreement?'

Hifflio rises from his position at the table.

Hifflio says 'we do indeed.'

Hifflio shakes Quintius's hand.

Quintius nods.

Imbrogno crosses his arms and grins over the handshake.

Quintius says 'Good.'

You say 'Let us make sure that communication never becomes a problem.'

Quintius says 'THAT I agree with, wholely.'

Quintius says 'If you have nothing to add....?'

You shake her hand.

You say 'I'm satisfied.'

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