Posted by Imbrogno on June 29, 2000 at 19:59:22:
Note: None of this was pre-planned except that I was going to be exorcised again at some point. I didn't email Shokai to let him know I was coming, I just hoped that he was going to be there. Had he not been around I don't know what I would've done, but thankfully he was. I'd still like to know what he took, I never did find out. Imbrogno stumbles into the room. Imbrogno falls to his knees and whimpers into your feet. You say 'The pain...' Quintius says 'What do you feel??' The special guard nods. Quintius leaves east. The special guard leaves east. The special guard leaves east. Bevrolmx has arrived. A stern guard bows before Bevrolmx. Quintius has arrived. A stern guard bows before Quintius. The special guard has arrived. The special guard has arrived. Bevrolmx leaves east. Bevrolmx has arrived. A stern guard bows before Bevrolmx. A stern guard bows before Bevrolmx. [ARBITER] Quintius: Tell solian I will be there Solian says 'Darkened I do believe' (PK) Solian The Big Intersection (PK) Velarya The Big Intersection (PK) Imbrogno The Big Intersection (PK) Quintius The Big Intersection Quintius looks about concerned. Imbrogno passes out, nearly knocking you over as he falls to the ground. Two guards come to Quintius's rescue! Bevrolmx tries to pick up and carry imbrogno....failing to even move him Quintius says 'Hurry..' Imbrogno grips his stomach, tearing at it with his demonic-looking left hand. You say 'quickly...' You say 'defenses weakening...' Imbrogno passes out. Imbrogno stumbles along, tripping over nothing. Quintius struggles to keep Imbrogno on his feet. Imbrogno groans, blood dripping from his mouth. You say 'Can't...take...much...more of this.' Imbrogno spits up blood. It splatters on your armor. The Temple of the Phoenix [Exits: south] (Glowing) An altar of swirling light fills the room with a silvery glow. Quintius is here. Solian is here. A large arial stands here, offering to heal your wounds. Sune Rai, Captain of the Maran nods at Solian. Imbrogno falls at the base of the altar. Quintius lets imbrogno collapse on the altar. Solian puts you into a deep healing sleep. Quintius nods. Sune Rai, Captain of the Maran closes her eyes for a moment and nods at Quintius. Sune Rai, Captain of the Maran closes her eyes for a moment and nods at you. You feel fully refreshed! You groan loudly. Sune Rai, Captain of the Maran closes her eyes for a moment and nods at you. You feel better! Sune Rai, Captain of the Maran closes her eyes for a moment and nods at you. You feel better! Sune Rai, Captain of the Maran closes her eyes for a moment and nods at Quintius. You say 'pray...please...let him be there...' Solian says 'I will be close at hand' [ARBITER] Quintius: Damn the Dark One and his Forsaken.. Fradlos says 'Greetings Sune' You whisper '...this time I ask myself...where before it was my caregiver.' Imbrogno spits up blood, he cups his hand beneath his mouth. Shokai says 'perhaps, I can help you...' Quintius says ' need to answer can not live as this..' You whisper 'I've of your followers...' You whisper ' order...' Imbrogno sobs quietly... Shokai says 'and what of those who walk my path in chaos?' You whisper 'chaos...has taken them...they must be free...' You whisper '...even...the Imperials...embrace the chaos...for they must...' You yell 'Help! Shokai is trying to impale me!' Shokai turns your attack against you! Your flaming bite === OBLITERATES === you! Shokai's wrath *** DEVASTATES *** you! Shokai's wrath *** DEVASTATES *** you! Shokai gets in one more shot as you flee. Shokai's parting blow *** DEMOLISHES *** you! PANIC! You couldn't escape! Shokai's a long spear with a brightly glowing point DECAPITATES you! You have been KILLED! You see the world from a new perspective as your head hits the ground. You turn into an invincible ghost for a few minutes. As long as you don't attack anything. **transferred back** Shokai utters the words, 'hzgruiocandusar'. You are overcome by a sudden surge of fatigue. You say 'Thank you M'Lord' Quintius smiles happily. Quintius says 'It would be a failture of Duty to allow such a valuable arbiter to perish.' You say 'Aye, let us.' *I go to Nepenthe's Shrine** You eat a live chicken. You drop a live chicken. You drop a live chicken.
You say 'it's unbareable.'
Quintius says 'We need a healer.'
Imbrogno thrashes about on the floor.
Bevrolmx looks at you.
You say 'Help me...'
You say 'up.'
Quintius comforts you.
Quintius helps imbrogno up slowly.
A troubled look suddenly crosses Bevrolmx's face. Wonder what's wrong?
Quintius says 'Solian is comming.'
Imbrogno fumbles for a live chicken.
You get a live chicken from the Bracelet of Charms.
Bevrolmx says 'what is wrong??'
Imbrogno groans painfully, dropping the live chicken. It runs about the room.
Quintius gestures for his guards to hold Imbrogno upright.
Quintius says 'Come with me.'
Imbrogno falls to his knees, grappling for the chicken.
You say 'The anger...'
Quintius says 'Please, Solian is here...'
You say 'frustration'
You yell 'AGH'
Imbrogno slams Quintius against the wall with his flailing arms.
Quintius stands and snarls.
Quintius says 'Ithiel, endermon.'
Quintius says 'Sieze him.'
The special guard nods.
Imbrogno stumbles to his feet, leaning on Quintius.
**some walking**
<845hp 835m 666mv> Imbrogno falls to his knees.
<845hp 835m 666mv>
<845hp 835m 666mv> <845hp 835m 666mv>
<845hp 835m 666mv> <845hp 835m 666mv>
<845hp 835m 666mv> <845hp 835m 666mv>
<845hp 835m 666mv>
Bevrolmx leaves east.
<845hp 835m 666mv>
Bevrolmx has arrived.
<845hp 835m 666mv> Imbrogno mumbles to himself, pulling himself up.
<845hp 835m 666mv>
The special guard helps Imbrogno to his feet.
<845hp 835m 666mv> You say 'quickly...'
<845hp 835m 666mv>
**more walking**
<845hp 835m 662mv>
People near you:
<845hp 835m 662mv>
Velarya blinks.
Imbrogno falls to his knees, moanin.
Bevrolmx has arrived.
Velarya says 'I'm surprised she'd carry that.'
Quintius says 'There is something....wrong with him.'
Solian looks at you.
You say 'Must...'
Quintius says 'Please, what can you do?'
You say '...get...'
You say 'too'
You say 'Lord Sh...'
Solian listens intently
Bevrolmx says 'I fear I could do nothing'
Solian nods.
Quintius says 'Oh no.'
Quintius wakes you.
Solian says 'we are going to have to make a litter for a giant'
You are slapped by Quintius.
Solian says 'if he cannot walk'
Quintius says 'Wake up, dammit!'
Quintius nods at Solian.
Imbrogno snarls with rage. He strokes his horns and motions his axe towards Quintius.
Quintius shouts 'Guards! Guards!'
The special guard frowns.
Solian says 'Imbrogno'
Velarya says 'Well, Bevrolmx could make him fly and we could push him...'
Imbrogno says in a voice you've never heard before "Don't touch me...!"
Velarya says 'Or tie a rope to him and pull him.'
Solian says 'Sune Rai awaits you'
The special guard says ''ere now, there's a good lad...'
Solian says 'Come with me'
The special guard is released by Quintius!
The special guard is released by Quintius!
**some walking**
Imbrogno sobs quietly to himself, hanging his head on Quintius' shoulder.
**some walking**
**some walking**
**some walking**
Quintius says 'Come on, now, you can do this!'
Quintius says 'Fight it!!'
**some walking**
You say 'The....'
You yell 'AGGHHHHHHH!'
*some walking**
Quintius wakes you.
Solian says 'drag him if you must'
*some walking**
**some walking**
**some walking**
**some walking**
You say 'dying...'
**some walking**
**some walking**
Solian nods at Sune Rai, Captain of the Maran.
<845hp 835m 74mv>
<845hp 835m 74mv>
Sune Rai, Captain of the Maran closes her eyes for a moment and nods at you.
<845hp 835m 74mv>
<845hp 835m 74mv> You say 'Pray for me...'
Solian closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.
[ARBITER] Imbrogno: ...Sho...kai...
Imbrogno leans against the altar, he mumbles something almost unintelligable.
<845hp 835m 669mv> Solian says 'I have done all I can for him'
Quintius sighs.
<845hp 835m 669mv>
<845hp 835m 669mv>
You whisper 'Lord Shokai...m'lord...Sho...kai'
<845hp 835m 669mv>
<845hp 835m 669mv>
<845hp 835m 669mv>
<845hp 835m 669mv>
<845hp 835m 669mv>
<845hp 835m 669mv>
Quintius sputters in confusion.
Solian says 'Sit with him I cannot leave her out there alone'
Quintius sits down.
Quintius nods.
Imbrogno grabs Quintius by the collar and shakes him with his last ounce of strength.
You say 'pray!'
Quintius says 'I have...'
You whisper 'I need....Sho...kai'
Quintius looks ready to cry with frustration.
Imbrogno convulses violently for a moment, then relaxes again.
[ARBITER] Quintius: Damn this taint..
[ARBITER] Imbrogno: *gurgling sounds*
[ARBITER] Bevrolmx: can I aid in anyway
You whisper 'I'm alone...Lord...Sho...kai will not help.'
Quintius says 'No, you are never alone, Imbrogno.'
An Immortal says 'or at least very rarely'
Imbrogno sobs, his face contorts until he is almost unrecognizable.
Shokai uncloaks his presence.
Quintius bows before Shokai.
Imbrogno sighs at Shokai's feet.
Quintius says 'My apologies, Lord of the Maran...but my Elder...'
You whisper 'M'lord...'
Quintius says 'I...I know not what to do, the Dark one has him..'
You whisper '...I need your services once more...'
Shokai says 'and what do you need of me?'
Fradlos has arrived.
Fradlos yells 'Greetings Lord SHokai'
Quintius bows before Fradlos.
Fradlos says 'and greetings to the rest of you'
You whisper 'Exorcism m'Lord'
Quintius winces in frustration.
You whisper ' has weakened my defenses and now I've been taken again.'
Quintius stands up.
You whisper 'please...'
Shokai taps his cheek, obviously deep in thought.
You whisper 'must be free...'
Imbrogno convulses once more, nearly knocking Quintius from his feet.
Fradlos looks at you.
Quintius carefully helps Imbrogno upright, wincing with effort.
You whisper ''
Quintius looks at Shokai.
You whisper 'I don' be like this....any more.'
Imbrogno slowly strokes one of his horns...sobbing like a baby.
Shokai says 'though I ask...why should I help one who's duty causes him to turn his back on the Light and slay it when the only "crime" those of the Light stand accused of is slaughtering the dark?'
Quintius comforts you.
You whisper ' helped me before....rid me of this foul taint...ignored who I was...I was the demon a vessel.'
You whisper 'I've made mis...takes...'
Shokai says 'no...all who walk in the Hall accept this as a part of thier path...tell me how you live with it'
You whisper 'I can...not...take that back.'
Shokai says 'I do not ask you to'
Shokai says 'we all have our duty'
Quintius nods sternly.
Shokai says 'I merely ask for you to justify yours'
Shokai says 'and what good is peace when darkness roams freely?'
You whisper '...the light...can flourish...when the demons...of chaos...have...been vanquished.'
Shokai says 'How can there be peace?'
Shokai says 'demons are not all that live in chaos'
Shokai says 'there are cherubs of chaos as well'
Imbrogno coughs up blood.
You yell 'NEVER!'
Shokai says 'sprites and pixies'
Solian raises his hand.
Imbrogno groans.
Quintius back up, suprised.
Quintius says 'I...I have never seen him this bad.'
You whisper 'only demons...I can...not..accept...the chaos.'
Shokai says 'why?'
You whisper '...those...who...are the demons...they cannot of the light.'
You whisper '...Servants...'
You whisper 'Chaldaie...'
You whisper '...demons!'
Shokai says 'and those within the Haven of chaos?'
Shokai says 'demons?'
Shokai says 'Demons that walk my path?'
Shokai says 'Demons that walk the path of the Rose'
Shokai says 'of the Kara Chal?'
Shokai says 'of the Hummingbird?'
Shokai says 'of the Leaf?'
Shokai says 'surely these are not all demons'
Shokai says 'and yet chaos can exist within all of them'
Shokai says 'as can law'
Shokai says 'and balance'
You whisper ' strength for the light to make its seat.'
Shokai says 'how can there be peace when darkness is allowed freedom?'
Fradlos nods.
Shokai says 'how can thier be peace when darkness is offered a safe haven?'
Quintius frowns at what he did.
Shokai turns a hard look towards Imbrogno.
You whisper '...the cannot remain strong without the chaos.'
Shokai says 'and the Empire?'
Shokai says 'how do you explain that?'
Shokai says 'ordered darkness'
Solian frowns and crosses his arms in thought.
You whisper 'Nothing orderly...about backstabbing'
You whisper 'scheming to overthrow...breed chaos...breeds evil...'
You whisper 'Shimae....'
Shokai says 'now tell me, how do the laws of the Hall help order? When they cause you to shed more Lightwalker blood than that of Darkness?'
You whisper 'weakens...himself...with the many anathema have produced.'
Shokai says 'are those of the dark better at hiding thier chaos?'
Shokai says 'or merely harder prey?'
Imbrogno gathers enough strength to shake his head in dismay.
Shokai leans on his spear, his gaze boring deep into Imbrogno.
You whisper 'more...darkhearts...have suffered...'
You whisper 'I'm...sure of it.'
Shokai says 'not by your hand'
You whisper 'I cannot....accept that justice has been unevenly distributed.'
You whisper 'Not with Minalcar...'
You whisper 'Not with Aserkelan'
Shokai says 'I am not saying it has been'
Shokai says 'I will ask it this way..'
You whisper 'Not with Pheetie the foo...l'
Shokai says 'what is 'justice'?'
Shokai says 'and what do the Arbiters have to do with what is just?'
You whisper 'I do not pretend to preach the word of justice...but I will...'
Imbrogno struggles with the words.
You whisper 'say that justice....a righting of wrongs.'
You whisper 'Not...all...arbiters....'
You whisper 'embrace...justice...'
Shokai says 'and your duty? Is it to Law, Light, or Justice?'
You whisper 'I concede...that some...are with us...for the power...order...can provide them.'
You whisper ' for order....I...embrace...the path...of Nepenthe.'
Shokai nods.
Shokai says 'order'
Shokai nods slowly.
Imbrogno struggles...but nods.
Bright silver flames leap from Shokai's wings, nearly blinding you.
Imbrogno spits up more blood.
Quintius shields his eyes and groans in pain.
Shokai says 'Order is a hard master...'
You whisper ' me.'
As the flames grow brighter...Shokai's eyes glow a pale gold.
Imbrogno convulses violently...then relaxes.
Shokai says 'this will not be comfortable Imgrogno'
You whisper 'I'm...ready....'
Imbrogno braces himself.
Quintius slowly whispers a short prayer to the Creator.
Flames leap down Shokai's arms as he throws his head back and strikes....
Shokai tries to drive a long spear with a brightly glowing point through you but misses and steps too close.
Quintius whispers 'Magnified and sanctified, be His great Name, in the World, which he created according to hill will..'
You yell 'Die, Shokai, you sorcerous dog!'
You feel calmer, as sleep takes you...the demon's voice gone...
Though you feel something somehow missing...something small, for the time being.
**I awaken and Shokai is gone**
Quintius blinks innocently.
Quintius says 'For what?'
You peer intently at Quintius.
You chuckle politely.
You say 'For helping me get to where I needed to be.'
You hug him.
Quintius says 'Lady Bria would never allow me to live it down.'
Quintius chuckles politely.
You smile happily.
Quintius says ' do you feel?'
You say 'I feel as though I'm missing something, but I'm not sure yet what it is.'
You say 'I feel much better though...relaxed.'
Quintius nods.
Quintius says 'One thing.'
Imbrogno hangs an arm around your shoulder.
You say 'Anything.'
Quintius says 'Before the Lord of the Maran left, he said this.'
Quintius sighs.
You say 'Yes?'
Quintius says 'You are vulnerable since you walk to paths, that of Order and Light.'
Quintius says 'He feels you need to choose.'
Imbrogno hangs his head, pondering the question.
You say 'I see.'
Quintius says 'Come, let us go.'
Quintius says 'There is little else we can do here.'
You spit in utter disgust.
[ARBITER] Imbrogno: *cough* *puke*
[ARBITER] Imbrogno: Ugh!
[ARBITER] Quintius: What..?
[ARBITER] Imbrogno: How could I eat this live chicken?
[ARBITER] Quintius: *laugh*
You drop a live chicken.
[ARBITER] Quintius: I have wondered that for so very, very long.
[ARBITER] Imbrogno: You let me eat this?
[ARBITER] Quintius: I tried to get you to stop.
[ARBITER] Quintius: Even paid some small girl to cry in front of you once.
You say 'Oh Lord Nepenthe...please be here...for I need you now more than ever!'
[ARBITER] Quintius: You liked "how they wiggled on the way down".
[ARBITER] Bevrolmx: I like the chickens....but they are better dead
[ARBITER] Imbrogno: agh!
[ARBITER] Quintius: Well, I would reccommend the Salmon that Edgar sells. It is quite tasty and cheap.
You say 'Please Perpetuim...please tell him that I need him!'
You sigh.