cool.... I was really hoping to get to know you better IC - but well shit happens eh (nt):

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Posted by Magtograme on July 2, 2000 at 17:52:37:

In Reply to: READ THIS BEFORE "THE BEGINNINGS OF WAR"---Sparking the Powder-Keg posted by Imbrogno on June 29, 2000 at 19:19:51:

> Quintius says 'The undeniable fact is that the Battleragers have...'
> Bria says 'Yes yes, the Battleragers.'
> Imbrogno strokes one of his horns and chuckles at Quintius.
> Quintius nods.
> You say 'Interesting to see you so off balance m'lord.'
> Quintius frowns at what you did.

> Quintius says 'Right. Now then.'

> You grin evilly.
> Quintius says 'They have proven to be more of a force of Chaos than the barons have.'
> Quintius says 'I undertsand why we do not involve ourselves in other cabal affairs, but their CONTINUED raiding of our hall and slaying of our members have drained our strength.'
> Quintius says 'They have taken advantage of our policy of non-involvement.'

> Imbrogno mutters quietly, rubbing a finger along his blade.
> Quintius frowns.
> Quintius says 'I do not like my men being taken advantage of.'
> Bria nods.
> Quintius says 'Reguardless of my personal feelings, this must stop.'
> Bria says 'Have you at all spoken to the Leader of Battle?'
> Quintius says 'I formally request that a war be permitted.'

> Imbrogno rises to his feet.
> You say 'If I may interject.'
> Quintius raises an eyebrow.
> Bria nods at you in agreement.
> Imbrogno leans his axe against the wall and crosses his arms.
> Quintius says 'Let me answer her questoin first?'
> Quintius says 'Please.'
> You say 'I was going to address that actually, but if you feel the need.'
> Quintius nods.
> You say 'Go on then, I'll await my turn.'
> Quintius says 'The leader of battle ignores me for the most part, save for his occassional threats.'
> Quintius says 'As for his scroll...'
> Quintius flares his nostrils disdainfully.
> Quintius says 'I know you do not want us to be bullied into not enforcing the Law.'
> Quintius says 'The only language they understand is violence.'
> Quintius nods sternly.
> Bria nods.
> Quintius says 'Imbrogno, anything to add?'
> You say 'As you see fit then.'
> You say 'The scroll he sent...obviously cannot be accepted.'
> Quintius nods.
> You say 'I've sworn to uphold and enforce Order, in the name of my Lord Nepenthe, and to allow one group's village to become a safe-haven for criminals and chaos will not do.

> Quintius smiles happily.

> Imbrogno strokes one of his horns.

> Bria nods.
> You say 'Minalcar has addressed me many times.'
> You say 'Usually after he and his cronies have felled me.'
> You say 'Speaking of our pride and how it is getting us killed. '
> Quintius frowns.
> Bria nods.
> Quintius whispers 'Bloody goat-lord.'

> You say 'I've my own problems with the demon-spawn, and so I to would stand behind any decisions concerning war.'
> You say 'He will be exorcised, if I have to chase him before his demon-lord to do so.'
> Quintius nods.
> Imbrogno resumes his seat against the wall, muttering to himself.
> Bria says 'Alright, let me ask this, what do you seek from the war? What will end it?'
> Quintius says 'One simple thing.'

> You eat a live chicken.
> You eat a live chicken.

> Quintius mutters something quietly to himself.
> Imbrogno offers a live chicken to Quintius.
> Quintius says 'I have salmon.'
> You shrug.
> Quintius screams as the chicken goes for his eyes.

> Quintius mutters something quietly to himself.
> Imbrogno clubs the chicken with his demonic-hand and stuffs it into his backpack.
> Quintius says 'Anyways, one thing.'
> Quintius says 'A believable agreement that they will no longer take our book.'

> You whisper 'Likely to come from beneath rather than from the top tier.'
> Quintius says 'I say believable for I can see them agreeing to this, just to re-build.'
> Quintius nods.
> Quintius says 'Exactly.'
> Quintius says 'That is my goal, M'Lady.'
> Bria says 'You do realise that will only hold til the next leader is named?'
> Quintius says 'Perhaps, but please consider this.'
> Quintius says 'I intend to make this war as.....unpleaseant as possible.'
> Quintius says 'I will ally with the Tower and perhaps the..'
> Quintius frowns.

> Quintius says ' to put them in a position where the sacrifice we ask of them is far less than a 3-front war.'

> You spit in utter disgust.
> Quintius glares icily at you, you feel cold to your bones.
> Quintius says 'I do not like them either, however, consider this.'

> Bria nods.
> Imbrogno stands and turns to face the wall, hanging his head and mumbling to himself.
> Quintius says 'Would you rather have Arbiter lives lost or Imperial lives?'
> Quintius smirks.
> Quintius says 'Let us use the Law to our advantage.'
> You say 'What are the odds of them standing in the front?'
> You smirk.
> You say 'Indeed.'
> Quintius says 'Consider.'

> Bria says 'Let us not argue the details of the war, yet.'
> You say 'm'Lady if I may.'
> Quintius nods at Bria.
> Bria says 'Back to my one issue, what will statisfy you.'
> Bria says 'I agree they have steped to far.'
> Quintius nods.
> You say 'The village does seem to have been split into factions, those in favor of the rager's transgressions, and those quietly opposed.'
> Quintius says 'But you want a clean, striaghtforward objective?'
> Quintius says 'Is that your concern, M'Lady?'
> You say 'I would hope that if, and hopefully it does come soon, Minalcar leaves that war remain a very real option should a leader be raised from the former group.'
> Bria nods.
> Quintius blinks innocently.

> Bria says 'Yes, I want a clear and clean objective. one that we can reach and bring an end to the war.'
> Quintius nods.
> Bria says 'I don't take this lightly, and I will not just let us run rampant.'
> Bria says 'We will have order.'
> You nod.
> Quintius says 'They agree to no longer take our book of the Law and I am convinced that I can believe them.'
> Quintius says 'It may change with another leader, but if we hurt them badly...'
> Quintius chuckles politely.
> Quintius says ' the future, they will be less likely to start this again.'
> Quintius sighs slowly.
> Bria falls down laughing.
> Bria says 'You will forgive me, but that is just so funny.'
> Quintius blinks innocently.

> Imbrogno stifles a laugh.
> Imbrogno shifts uneasily, gazing at Bria.
> Bria says 'Battleragers, have no memory, they learn nothing. and their memory is only as long as the pain lasts.'
> Quintius says 'Exactly.'
> Quintius sighs.
> You say 'Indeed.'
> Quintius says 'They need to.....hurt...hurt as we have.'
> You grumble distractedly to yourself.
> Quintius says 'Do you undertand what I mean by this, M'Lady?'

> Bria says 'Let me put forth, that we either have them agree to stop taking and holding the book, or a new leader is named.'
> You say 'It's inconceivable that they will hurt as much as we. How many have turned the daggers on themselves in disgust?'

> Quintius sits down and thinks for a moment.

> You mutter quietly to yourself.

> Quintius says 'Ah, here is an idea.'

> You say 'I can agree to that m'Lady, but it's always possible that the next will be no better than the present, of course, anybody not demon-spawn is far preferable to the swine Minalcar.'

> Bria says 'And as for your belief that it will happen, honestly, I would be disapointed if you ever did.'

> Quintius says 'I agree with what you say M'Lady. This will last until Minalcar is gone.'
> Quintius says 'Then we shall have a temporary truce to see what the new leader does.'

> Quintius says 'We will leave it to him. If he continues the War, we do. If he does not, we will not.'

> Bria says 'But, I will also grant, that should the attacks on the hall resume, You, can reinstate the war.'

> Quintius nods.

> You smile happily.
> Quintius says 'Perfect.'
> You say 'Indeed.'
> Quintius says 'May I ask one small thing?'
> Bria nods.
> Quintius says 'If you approve this, I ask that I not declare it until I have finished writing scrolls to the Masters and the Imperials.

> Quintius says 'Once I have completed the planning and diplomacy scrools, then it should begin.'
> Quintius says 'Is that acceptable?'

> Imbrogno strokes one of his horns.
> Bria says 'Ok. But I put this condition on you.'
> Quintius nods.

> Bria says 'If arbiters fail to do thier duties, and lose all focus, You will end this war. I will not scarifice the laws and order for this.'
> You nod.
> Quintius says 'Of course not. I do this so we can enforce the Laws, with the book where is should be.'
> Bria says 'I ask then One last thing, for you to take a moment and review the Pillar, to recall your duties and to what you are protecting.'
> Quintius mutters something quietly to himself.
> Quintius rubs his muddled head.

> Bria says 'Then send your scrolls and do your duty.'
> Quintius nods.
> Quintius says 'As you command, so shall it be done.'
> Quintius bows before Bria.
> Bria says 'If there is any more I can do, you need but ask.'
> You stand up.
> You humbly kneel down.
> Quintius says 'I understand. Thank you.'
> Bria nods.

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