To attempt to add a little more flavor to the CF community... (text):

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Posted by Jaehiko on July 3, 2000 at 13:58:01:

Hey. If you look at the message under this, you'll see a pic of me... If you invert the colors that'll be 'closer' to what I look like. What I did was, added a little swoop of the hair (sorta).. and a few other features to my face.. all so that when I inverted it, it would look 'better'...

If you always wanted to portray your character but thought that a simple picture of yourself didn't do it justice, click on Jaehiko up there and e-mail it to me. Include a description of what you'd like it to look like.. including skin tone and any other added features. Obviously, if you want it to be a happy picture.. don't send me a pic of you with a DUH look on your face.

This is to add a little flavor to the CF community, and perhaps add a little bit to my graphic prowess. See yaz.


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