Re: Question: Famous Last Words (from a smugs & xsmug view):

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Posted by Hastur on July 10, 2000 at 03:35:42:

In Reply to: Question: Famous Last Words posted by [_SnArF_] on July 9, 2000 at 20:27:16:

1) (hero arial thief) I can tank Biggrin, I tank like a champ.
Biggrin says 'Stop jumping around' (followed by 5 demo *'s)

2) (dwarf invoker testing spells on cloud ranger)
dwarf - Hey cloudia vis a tic i wanna test chain.
cloud - Rincewind you should quaff a fly.
dwarf - nah im tough, 1k hps.
(chain li spam, followed by dual bear trips and 1k hps worth of damage in 2 rounds)

3) (cabal raid on battle , been going on for 2 hours).
me - Yes shieldcleave him.
smug2 - you Fucking prick.
(link drops)
smug1&2&3&4 - Fuck who kicked the ether cabal.

4) (I gives smug 2 and 3 and char to play to see what cf is like)(dwarf warrior level 31 perfected skills full stats.
(1 week later)
Me - hey Mike, hows that warrior i lent you to learn cf going, you haveing fun ?
smug2 - yeah kim his doing well, tho his almost out of con.

5) (just after cloud giant changes)
[Battle] MOFO1: hey hastur be carefull Were now vuln holy.
[Battle] Hastur: Nay im real tough, Im gonna raid wanna come ?
(leaves cabal starts running to galaxy)
Dwarf healer arrives through gate.
Devine power OBLIT
Devine power OBLIT
Devine power OBLIT
Devine power OBLIT
[battle] hastur: Fucking ouchie, devine fucking tickles.

6) (irl talking during pk)
smug1 - Kimball he is gonna kill you.
me - nah man i've got 1400 hps left and he is only scratching me. (im dealing demo *s with a dwarf master cleric)
( mofo scratches you, you feel the poison seep into your blood, hps drop from 1400 to 1. 1 more scratch , DEAD!)

7) (3 smuggers up stairs, me downstairs.)
(back during the days fire giants were very rare)
Dwarf invoker - who pk.
Fire - trilvain .... Kewl now just have to find him.
(walks to maus to have fun with crushing hand.)
(walks past trilvain talking to lowbie)
e, c cone. Unspeak
trilvain is dead!
lowbie level 30 cloud ranger picks up rest of loot.
me - drop the loot fucker, or ill rip your fucking head off.
cloud ranger - you cant harm me, your a arbiter and out of my pk range.
(smuggers upstairs were locating equipment at the time. saw all this nice shit lying on the ground then located on Rincewind.)
Mud crashes.
(smuggers up stairs come running down.)
smuggers 1-2&3 - man that is some sweet loot , who got the rest of his shit ?
Me - oh some fuckwit lowbie loot stealer.
smuggers 1-2&3 - got a name ?
(they leave back up stairs I follow to watch)
Lowbie cloud ranger logs in, sporting wide coppers and another nice pieces.
smugger1&2A&3 log in their level 31 pk cloud rangers, spread themself out to capture him.
smugger1 - hey buddy nice eq.
lowbie looter smiles.
smugger1 - Well nice talking to you.(camoes)
smugger2 - hey budy gimmy those wides, and ill let you live.
lowbie looter - You can have then when I die.
smugger2 - If you say so.(camoes)
ambush ambush, looter flees , runs into smugger3 outside, murders and chases till he dies.
Looter tells smugger1&2&3, man your fucking all dead Im gonna kill you every time i see you. (we all laugh)

8) (another cabal raid)
xsmug - Man Shylok you suck you were a cake walk to kill again.
smugger - hastur your dead mean.
xsmug - Laugh what ever dude.
(Shylok demands blasphemy from wyrm)
shylok arrives , Cleaves you in Half!
shylok tells you man I never thought that would work.

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