Main Board 2001
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Messages - Page 7:
- What does 'Trophy' do for you and does type of corpse affect it? N/T - Hmmmm 22:44:08 12/16/2001
- EQUIPMENT PURGE n/ - [Dallevian] 22:40:42 12/16/2001
- POLL : Top 3 classes you like to play (nt) - Belaran 22:29:50 12/16/2001
- Warriors, Anti-Paladins and Invokers(N/T) - Another Warrior 21:26:56 12/19/2001
- Thief, Necro, Warrior - Cat 02:24:11 12/18/2001
- Warrior then Thief then Ranger/Orc n/t - Abernyte 01:40:20 12/18/2001
- Assassin..shaman..ranger - arial-felar..Arial-duergar..Cloud-felar 19:32:06 12/17/2001
- Necro, Assassin, Shifter - Kravidian 18:31:11 12/17/2001
- Ranger, Bard, Shaman - Boy Scout 12:18:34 12/17/2001
- Warrior, Anti-Paladin, Assassino - BasMan 11:04:43 12/17/2001
- Conjurer, Assassin, spear/whip spec (text) - Emeris 10:59:13 12/17/2001
- 1. Conjurer, 2. Assassin (post lvl 35), 3. Warrior - Joshu 10:41:39 12/17/2001
- 1: Paladin, 2: Druid, 3: Necromancer - Thornheart 09:18:15 12/17/2001
- 1. Shaman, 2. Assassin, 3. Warrior - Bo 09:17:45 12/17/2001
- 1. Shaman 2. Paladin 3. Ranger - Ansellius 08:38:46 12/17/2001
- Warrior, Shifter, Assassin. n/t - Falstaff 07:23:26 12/17/2001
- 1. Bard 2. Assassin 3. Invoker - Astillian 07:10:33 12/17/2001
- 1. Arcane 2. Warrior 3. Invoker - Illvenristo 03:12:22 12/17/2001
- Druid, assassin, bard. n/t - Oddjob 23:38:03 12/16/2001
- Shaman, bard, Invoker - PINI 22:41:25 12/16/2001
- 1. Shaman, 2. Thief, 3. Invoker (nt) - Belaran 22:33:54 12/16/2001
- Assassins, duergar warriors, and transmuters n/t - NbM 22:32:26 12/16/2001
- 1. Shaman, 2. Thief, 3. Invoker (nt) - Belaran 22:31:31 12/16/2001
- Assassins, duergar warriors, and transmuters n/t - NbM 22:31:20 12/16/2001
- How much hp for human, half-elf/drow per gain? - Shaman priest 22:26:44 12/16/2001
- Can/does Karnavex induct mages? n/t - A young mage 20:00:40 12/16/2001
- BS Death - Angry Arial 16:41:27 12/16/2001
- Why so many hate the Scions (even some Scions) - DangerMouse 15:41:38 12/16/2001
- Suggestion for Forums (Dioxide) - Suggestion Man 15:28:24 12/16/2001
- Healer shield and ironskin... - Lyrxovia 15:27:13 12/16/2001
- If perma-grouping is so illegal, explain half the Scions please! n/t - Vengeance 12:34:29 12/16/2001
- Can you summon people who are fighting? (nt) - Curious 11:48:30 12/16/2001
- New Diku Roller update - Basim 09:57:23 12/16/2001
- Xanthrailles! Look inside... - Ekirhal 09:17:17 12/16/2001
- can anyone name a couple of good polearms? thanks. n/t - Wants to make a pole spec 21:44:36 12/15/2001
- Drucyrus, where in the name of Sacer are you!!!! none in there. - Borimor the Great 20:08:52 12/15/2001
- Save vs. Spell values.... - Ansellius 16:46:28 12/15/2001
- this can't be right? - Tahanahra 11:46:21 12/15/2001
- zmud - aedarton 10:10:07 12/15/2001
- zmud - aedarton 10:09:52 12/15/2001
- How did this happen - Agkkedia 09:10:27 12/15/2001
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Forum code by Dioxide.