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Messages - Page 51:
- Mastering Defenses Idea - Someone 21:06:27 11/11/2002
- Why is there a mob in the new past that says something about Khazad-dum?? nt - bob_the_gnome 20:51:16 11/11/2002
- cabals for storm giant warrior - storm giant 20:36:06 11/11/2002
- Names - noldan 19:20:06 11/11/2002
- COMMENCE THE SCION IS STUPID CABAL POSTS! wait, im too late - nt 18:11:48 11/11/2002
- I can't move - Caine 17:52:03 11/11/2002
- Poll: How many heros have you each had? - Dumbass 16:59:47 11/11/2002
- 1 and 2 high 40s WOOOHHOOOOO - Blobqirt 09:09:39 11/12/2002
- a couple.... maybe a handful (txt) - Thialtyrn 07:33:06 11/12/2002
- 4 - Calessin 05:01:31 11/12/2002
- 12 - Uncle Vinny 04:24:42 11/12/2002
- 6 assass, 3 war, 2 conj, 2 shift, 1 thief, 1 shaman, 1AP, 1 invoker, 1 ranger, - Daurwyn 04:02:55 11/12/2002
- Just 2... - Jase 00:36:28 11/12/2002
- Twelve that i can remember... - Jhyrbian 22:45:37 11/11/2002
- well over 40, prolly a good 20 warriors, 5 aps, 5 clerics, 3 rangers, 2 invokers - Dam the list is big , HASTUR 22:41:49 11/11/2002
- Thirteen heroes (if I'm not forgetting any) - Brotmin 22:13:21 11/11/2002
- Three n/t - Karhon/Lanaulyn/Jiijjustan 21:50:04 11/11/2002
- Three... - sarnac 21:12:01 11/11/2002
- One billion heroes - Him 20:36:28 11/11/2002
- Six - Master~DDD 20:22:05 11/11/2002
- Also Zero... - Cassman 20:13:39 11/11/2002
- Three, very nearly four. - Someone not special, Esquire 20:00:48 11/11/2002
- 7 (n/t) - Charlie Sheen 19:58:26 11/11/2002
- 11 n/t - Kraenesk 19:32:17 11/11/2002
- NONE NONE NONE NONE fucking remember NONE. nt - Larcat 19:30:18 11/11/2002
- 2warriors, 7vokers, 3 shifters, 1conjie, 1thief, 1bard nt - Disola 19:23:59 11/11/2002
- Too many... atleast 20. Good times were had by all...(small text) - ITK(VIP) 19:22:09 11/11/2002
- Eakoaie is my first. I had been playing for like 4-5 months when I hero'd. (txt) - Eakoaie 19:07:33 11/11/2002
- Lots... probably 20+ - Jafel 19:07:25 11/11/2002
- 4 - Astillian 19:07:03 11/11/2002
- 9:warrior, conjie, shifter, conjie, shifter, shifter, thief, muter, warrior. txt - Isildur(VIP) 18:39:47 11/11/2002
- None in 4 years - highest rank 47 muter - Rage deleter 18:31:03 11/11/2002
- Seven. n/t - Naddok 17:56:40 11/11/2002
- +1 for the virgins... still haven't popped my hero cherry. nt - Rade 17:45:30 11/11/2002
- Two. - Thralkoz 17:26:03 11/11/2002
- Five... - Kazahando 17:59:10 11/11/2002
- seven - ExPaladin 17:01:54 11/11/2002
- You know what the new most depressing thing about cf is, for me? - Larcat 15:38:18 11/11/2002
- Assassin question about owaza. - Assassin 15:26:16 11/11/2002
- health regan - warrior 13:40:12 11/11/2002
- Yet another empowerment question - Wanna-be Empowered 13:35:58 11/11/2002
- Just when Scions start to make a comeback they get knocked the fuck out. n/t - Debo 13:27:26 11/11/2002
- What is this? - warrior 13:27:12 11/11/2002
- Would someone point out the reasons that Minotaur Lover is (txt) - Scrimbul 11:17:20 11/11/2002
- Were is the new demon faced talisman found? txt - Guy 10:04:51 11/11/2002
- Rant about the past... - Blah 06:57:20 11/11/2002
- Tired of being a human in a bird suit. - Rade 05:07:35 11/11/2002
- Is it laggy for anyone else? none - Igsoeh 03:22:32 11/11/2002
- Yes.n/t - Sweet 03:53:06 11/11/2002
- ***** REBOOT IN 3 MINUTES *****!! Here come the MINOTAURS! - nt 02:54:36 11/11/2002
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