Log Board 2002
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Messages - Page 103:
- Sorry boys. - Laggy european bastard. 04:13:26 7/2/2002
- Ral can do better? - Scion 03:50:39 7/2/2002
- My life was short and pointless, but I wanted to post a couple logs nt - Khalen 01:47:44 7/2/2002
- Eryintha you got the log of that fight *Nt* - Ral 00:56:44 7/2/2002
- I have lots of logs. Kept most of my fights. Loved the interactions most! - Llohuir 13:39:39 7/1/2002
- 3 on 3 early years - Llohuir 01:46:11 7/2/2002
- Nearly had Tylinn, but Tribies interupt. Bloody gangbang, smirk! - Llohuir 01:45:26 7/2/2002
- Had Greg the giant but I wanted to torment him. Backfired! - Llohuir 01:44:44 7/2/2002
- Siacla was careless. Not often you kill a ranger in his tuff. - Llohuir 01:41:56 7/2/2002
- So badly wanted to see Rithlan and Siacla dead. Got my wish with a lil help - Llohuir 01:40:36 7/2/2002
- Where are you Naelistran? Loved our talks! - Llohuir 01:38:19 7/2/2002
- First time wanted flag. Heh! - Llohuir 01:37:38 7/2/2002
- Interact with Dugragain - Llohuir 01:35:45 7/2/2002
- Fights with Arielle, Nkosi helped her - Llohuir 01:33:22 7/2/2002
- Dugragain indirectly helps with my tattoo below. Glad you Imm-ed! (pt 3) - Llohuir 01:32:29 7/2/2002
- Dugragain, just love our fights. You bested me most of the time (pt2) - Llohuir 01:30:48 7/2/2002
- Dugragain, just love our fights. You bested me most of the time (pt1) - Llohuir 01:30:18 7/2/2002
- For your Rithlan and Siacla (pt1) - Llohuir the single eye 01:22:36 7/2/2002
- Sylvan, Ajoul, Enbuergo gangbang. Here's what you were asking - Llohuir 01:20:51 7/2/2002
- My first conversion! Hurray! - Llohuir 01:14:36 7/2/2002
- I'm pretty sure we fought a few times. Have any of those logs? n/t - Lohrn 01:09:37 7/2/2002
- Have you vs. Siacla and Rathlin in/around Aridhol? n/t - Someone not special, Esquire. 00:50:12 7/2/2002
- I've posted mostly fights and some deaths. Mostly about myself. (txt) - Llohuir 19:01:18 7/1/2002
- Some questions - Fellow Shaman 18:39:52 7/1/2002
- One more - Fellow Shaman 18:44:37 7/1/2002
- Tattoo-ed. Best thing that happened in my character's life. Thanks, Mynawk! - Llohuir 14:03:17 7/1/2002
- Where are you Llor? - Llohuir 13:52:42 7/1/2002
- Killed Lobengula the tribie - Llohuir 13:51:33 7/1/2002
- Dead Gilthor - Llohuir 13:48:57 7/1/2002
- Funniest battle with Fakhrel in my entire CF life! - Llohuir 13:48:31 7/1/2002
- Kill Bleergiem - Llohuir 13:47:51 7/1/2002
- Ajoul irks me - Llohuir 13:46:54 7/1/2002
- Kill Avastin - Llohuir 13:46:18 7/1/2002
- Loatea hunting me - Llohuir 13:44:50 7/1/2002
- Tribie bunch waiting for me - Llohuir 13:44:27 7/1/2002
- Nightgaunt by Thyladanieth again. He saved me actually. - Llohuir 13:43:58 7/1/2002
- Nightgaunt by Thyladanieth - Llohuir 13:43:01 7/1/2002
- Fighting another shaman is fun, Dugruain - Llohuir 13:42:03 7/1/2002
- Don't stand toe to toe with lion - Llohuir 13:41:06 7/1/2002
- To you Dugruain the tuff tribie - Llohuir 13:40:28 7/1/2002
- Well, here are the logs. Non-chronological order. - Llohuir 12:17:46 7/1/2002
- an oooold log - Karlyndorah 09:43:16 7/1/2002
- Yep, she's a weirdo. - Funky P. 09:32:13 7/1/2002
- Lets see some assinates in action that work people!!!! nt - Wondering 09:10:10 7/1/2002
- A short log to start your day off happy. - Thought this was fun 07:46:28 7/1/2002
- Oh hell, I bet Cerunnir is feeling somthing now :( - Peace man, n/t 06:11:17 7/1/2002
- Ambush Ver2.1 - rot_death 05:39:16 7/1/2002
- Log request and question - Axe spec 05:29:56 7/1/2002
- busting up some lurkers - Dirty Harry 05:03:02 7/1/2002
- Zethyr vs. - Rhuean 03:14:06 7/1/2002
- Damned rodents. Ouch. - Rhuean 02:40:26 7/1/2002
- Another log with outstanding rager honor - Janorun 18:21:19 6/30/2002
- In with a chance if it weren't for wimpy... - Dwayshe 13:27:09 6/30/2002
- GUARDSGUARDSGUARDS - Riech 03:14:45 6/30/2002
- When you lack numbers, you have to make up for it with skill! - Marlek 00:14:43 6/30/2002
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