Log Board 2002
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Messages - Page 116:
- Heh, bad duergar ! - Adgento 07:15:54 6/4/2002
- As far as i could tell..no punishment was given...perhaps it was legit. - The bard 04:55:27 6/4/2002
- Thank god for +str eq - Umfath 04:36:32 6/4/2002
- One hella close fight! - Cantuk 01:55:29 6/4/2002
- Watch out... - Sylkorian 18:59:45 6/3/2002
- Talk about unfriendly things - walrus 18:01:15 6/3/2002
- How could that possibly have worked when - Heh 13:11:07 6/3/2002
- I hate this - Me 05:08:03 6/3/2002
- I had dullameh 100% killed but the imms stopped me - Arolin 01:22:00 6/3/2002
- Something Nepenthe said struck me as odd... - Rade 10:34:53 6/4/2002
- Is it possible... - Dwimmerling 09:34:51 6/4/2002
- Har - Rooqweaz 07:26:30 6/4/2002
- Jesus, I can't believe I'm agreeing with Arolin....(long) - Vladamir 03:22:15 6/4/2002
- Nepenthe's response. - Gigi 23:26:01 6/3/2002
- Well Arolin we have had some problems, but I must say... - Thralkoz 21:14:15 6/3/2002
- funny how Dullameh should mention "sportsmanship" - infamous cheater 20:21:25 6/3/2002
- I'm still confused on why you used fireball, wouldn't cyclone have worked? (txt) - confused 19:56:11 6/3/2002
- If a fire invoker channels heat, can their fire magic go through fireshield? nt - Me 14:36:30 6/3/2002
- They need a bigger book. - Bubby. 14:25:51 6/3/2002
- Bah.....BAH>.........BAHHHHHH.............BAHHHHHHHHHHHHH(txt) - Gigi 13:32:52 6/3/2002
- This is so sad. - the Weaponsmaster 12:36:30 6/3/2002
- Dullie is an imm, he asked fellow imms for help. - Conspiracy Expert 11:31:42 6/3/2002
- To be completely fair... - Random Thinker 11:18:02 6/3/2002
- I'd be interested to see what Dullameh has to say about the log...(n/t) - YO MAMA 09:45:49 6/3/2002
- Notice your mana everytime you hit him. It still went down, as if... - Urden 09:07:18 6/3/2002
- I must say good job. Rescue lag has been in for years now why - Goapa 08:45:46 6/3/2002
- Can someone please tell me - Pondering 06:22:54 6/3/2002
- Can I get your E-mail? Please? - Someone 04:40:51 6/3/2002
- I side with the imms on this one - me 04:40:07 6/3/2002
- actually,they actually did things quite well since..... - Infamous 04:09:26 6/3/2002
- I think you're all a bit paranoid. - Kaz 04:03:58 6/3/2002
- The practice run on Iunna - Arolin 03:35:30 6/3/2002
- How is that a bug? Good tatics on killing Dullameh, you rock Arolin (n/t) - Arolin Supporter 02:52:30 6/3/2002
- Let's do a x-files show about Imm conspiracy! They delete the threads! HELP! MUL - Someone 02:48:40 6/3/2002
- Heh - Uli 02:44:10 6/3/2002
- Re: Heh - Wemnar 07:46:24 6/3/2002
- Re: Heh - Waigerits(VIP) 02:59:06 6/3/2002
- I don't understand lich powers and all but... - Noobish 02:38:55 6/3/2002
- I's sure this post gonna be deleted tomorrow.n/t - Someone 02:38:30 6/3/2002
- the immortal command - Arolin 02:26:40 6/3/2002
- Hands down best log ever. Arolin, you rock. (NT) - Wannabe Arolin 02:09:37 6/3/2002
- Wanna see the big SuperStar, with a big house, and 5 cars get dropped like a bad - habbit? Yodinfrid 02:04:25 6/3/2002
- FUCK! Thats fucking terrible guys! Oh man that sucks dude. Peace. - n/t 01:55:15 6/3/2002
- Goddam... - larcat 01:53:10 6/3/2002
- Re: Goddam... - General Boy 01:57:23 6/3/2002
- Re: Re: Goddam... - The removal of the fire shield was REALLY shady... 02:02:08 6/3/2002
- ... - General Boy 02:09:36 6/3/2002
- Hum...why didnt muubai get denied? He shoulda been too. nt - Heh, nice one 01:52:21 6/3/2002
- PKing anal somewhat-experienced players? No. Multikilling newbies? Yes. nt - The Pumpkin King 01:50:17 6/3/2002
- Bah, he is too overpowered - bahhhhh 01:46:45 6/3/2002
- what really amazes me... - General Boy 01:44:13 6/3/2002
- Wow. I never thought rescue could be so.. useful. Good work. n/t - Someone not special, Esquire. 01:42:36 6/3/2002
- disclaimer - Arolin 01:31:52 6/3/2002
- Newbie log like people like them...no skills. - Yboreldan 23:03:25 6/2/2002
- Since Maelgwyn mentioned it.... - Urden 19:55:38 6/2/2002
- just a lowbie log since I've nothing new to read instead of posting. - angrythief 17:44:34 6/2/2002
- Hmph, now I see why people says avoid Galadon... - Someone 14:52:00 6/2/2002
- so much for that warrior trend.... - wow 14:15:56 6/2/2002
- Simple little log with a question to be answered. - Warrior 07:19:58 6/2/2002
- Meeting a bad man.... - voker 02:31:40 6/2/2002
- Found this searching through archieves. Thought funny... - Goapa 17:43:50 6/1/2002
- Danclavien, you get our fight? - Cariatid 16:40:56 6/1/2002
- One way to loose an unholy weapon - AP 16:25:47 6/1/2002
- Thought this was interesting fight.. first one with an angel. - Conjie. 15:54:17 6/1/2002
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