Log Board 2002
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Messages - Page 154:
- Gramoti you are a true newbie posting fights wait until one of our chars gone - Vateval 10:35:54 3/4/2002
- Day in the life of an orc part one - Ugly Orc 22:18:27 3/3/2002
- I feel so loved - Guy 17:48:11 3/3/2002
- Have to love non-communicating, bloodthirsty airforms - uncaballed, no enemies..under assault 12:13:13 3/3/2002
- Me + warrior vs Fire Giant AP - Luten 05:08:39 3/3/2002
- Log2 - Vallhren 22:25:09 3/2/2002
- Some logs for your enjoyment, I'm gone. Log1 - Vallhren 22:22:38 3/2/2002
- Some logs I've collected along with this char, enjoy, flame, whatever.n/t - Vallhren 22:19:42 3/2/2002
- Xerimnyl, Daurwyn Log Request - Khalven 16:30:55 3/2/2002
- heh, - TRUAEN this time, hope i got that one right...; 11:38:01 3/2/2002
- Bug - Someone not special, Esquire. 03:38:30 3/2/2002
- No guts, no gory! (corny, I know, but its a good read) - Boldereth 02:40:44 3/2/2002
- Log-formatted(sorry), Mael and Tilean Strut their stuff. - Marlek 22:05:48 3/1/2002
- Mael shows how much he sucks, Tilaen shows his only pk skills. - Marlek 22:04:13 3/1/2002
- Saw that yath got caught for cheating, so i post this... - Yodinfrid 12:49:57 3/1/2002
- Daenathal - Absolutely no skill on my part - logs. Some text. 03:57:21 3/1/2002
- Sometimes druids are so insanely powerful... - Boldereth 03:20:03 3/1/2002
- A study in motion -- a day in the life of a rager - Swirzza 00:14:26 3/1/2002
- I'm safe!... or maybe not. - Cusip 19:19:59 2/28/2002
- Retrieving versus an invoker in style. - Boldereth 11:21:07 2/28/2002
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