Log Board 2002
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Messages - Page 157:
- Log Editor - Someone 18:11:25 2/23/2002
- Unexpected foe... - Eduiac 17:33:40 2/23/2002
- Jaguars sure hit hard.... - Eduiac 17:31:31 2/23/2002
- hey lob, or ravenoth either of you have logs with me in it????? you should *wink - derseklaiet 17:30:00 2/23/2002
- Jaguars sure hit hard.... - Eduiac 16:44:00 2/23/2002
- Unexpected foe... - Eduiac 16:43:53 2/23/2002
- Jaguars sure hit hard.... - Eduiac 16:41:49 2/23/2002
- Unexpected foe... - Eduiac 16:39:12 2/23/2002
- Dretua Fight (for Dretua) - Gagreus 14:14:08 2/23/2002
- Almost forgot this one! - Nerylana 12:53:14 2/23/2002
- Well, been telling a few folks I'd find this log, so there it is. - Nerylana 08:57:02 2/23/2002
- Small fight, openings of Sylvan war, then LONG log of talking about war. - Nerylana 08:29:48 2/23/2002
- I was...unimpressed....with my bearform. - Ravenoth 03:49:38 2/23/2002
- Yep, I'm a sneaky druid ninja...that's right, I'm vapor, smoke, a ghost! Poof!!! - Ravenoth 03:46:29 2/23/2002
- Who's bad? That's right....I'm not bad.....in fact, this is me getting stomped. - Ravenoth 03:41:35 2/23/2002
- Executing a fallen Paladin. (Talking, and a wonderful climax!) - Ravenoth 03:34:38 2/23/2002
- Why duergar's shouldn't EVER summon a druid. - Ravenoth 03:31:19 2/23/2002
- Lordren gets a taste of the Hunt. - Ravenoth 03:30:02 2/23/2002
- Me, getting flattened. - Ravenoth 03:26:13 2/23/2002
- Abadis dies, and doesn't come back. - Ravenoth 03:22:38 2/23/2002
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Forum code by Dioxide.