Log Board 2002
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Messages - Page 5:
- Panir vs Phylanthorin - Panir 14:11:17 12/26/2002
- Anyone have the logs from tonights raids? - Trajeona 06:05:47 12/26/2002
- Old Log: 3 ragers vs Me, Jaguar (Graelnik I think), and Behnestykitten - Kierning 02:22:47 12/26/2002
- My christmas present - Ashraf 00:57:19 12/26/2002
- Merry Christmas: 14 short logs - Tanith 19:16:08 12/25/2002
- and yet, Yuber was such a great character. NT - Nivek 17:59:35 12/25/2002
- Valkore getting the boot. I refuse to edit this long log. heh. deal with the - spam. Decent log, and more to follow. Nourn. 15:58:12 12/25/2002
- One of my last logs. Reaching the bottom of the barrel. - Yror 08:09:33 12/25/2002
- Was a fun brawl - Yror 08:02:30 12/25/2002
- Ho, ho, ho. More logs for Christmas - Yror 07:35:50 12/25/2002
- For Valarath - Yror 07:18:15 12/25/2002
- Fighting while hurt - Yror 06:42:33 12/25/2002
- Nexus = scions, this should start a dececent debate.... - N-S 03:14:25 12/25/2002
- Log request. PWK in work. - Sick boy 02:25:35 12/25/2002
- "Honey, please come help me find the stockings" - Saurth 01:51:48 12/25/2002
- since its down.. a little ruffling of the fur! - Zruktar 01:21:19 12/25/2002
- Orc! Orc!! - Zxci, 2nd edition. 23:09:34 12/24/2002
- Easy Pickings part II - Zxci, 2nd edition. 22:45:56 12/24/2002
- Santa's little helper unleashed. - Zxci, 2nd edition. 22:42:30 12/24/2002
- Me getting my ass handed to me after taking back the sapling. - Phylanthorin 17:23:04 12/24/2002
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