Log Board 2002
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Messages - Page 53:
- Poll: Most enjoyable exploring trip you ever had? n/t - Turambar 04:44:48 10/6/2002
- Ideas? Tips? Comments? Insults? Rude handjestures? - Aratul 02:25:25 10/6/2002
- New stuff - Newbie 13:15:22 10/5/2002
- Tribute to Gorach, rager style. (we like em well done) :) - Korran 12:47:24 10/5/2002
- AP on the hunt - assassin 06:32:40 10/5/2002
- Poll: What's the most of any skill(s) you've improved in one round? nt - Weaponmaster 23:47:34 10/4/2002
- Paging all Air Forms (log request) - Isildur(VIP) 23:43:20 10/4/2002
- This just makes your day, doesn't it? - Weaponmaster 22:50:12 10/4/2002
- Close one.... - Kragnar 15:39:11 10/4/2002
- any good assassin logs? nt - U G O 14:04:38 10/4/2002
- More logs of me being a bastard in general and attacking weak people. - Taerhund the insane 13:08:28 10/4/2002
- Sucker hit, payment of the coward, and parting block oh my! - Taerhund the insane 12:46:34 10/4/2002
- Me and Quivious go nuts and kill everyone. - Taerhund the insane 12:42:51 10/4/2002
- I get a wake up call. only on for about 3 minutes. - Arnhem 11:39:46 10/4/2002
- since your posting, SnS. easy Log, but a dagger spec one none the less. - Owagwyn 10:42:10 10/4/2002
- Found two older logs (lvl 30ish) - Nashrad 09:10:04 10/4/2002
- closest fight I can remember - Skrelia 06:19:10 10/4/2002
- For your reading pleasure - Skrelia 06:16:30 10/4/2002
- Nhernin logs for the hungry masses - Someone not special, Esquire 00:40:07 10/4/2002
- man-o-man - Abernyte 06:49:12 10/4/2002
- They forgot the KY. - Someone not special, Esquire 01:15:59 10/4/2002
- Me vs. Esile - asdf 01:14:12 10/4/2002
- Stupid shit on my part, but a good fight. (Me vs. Esile and ?) - SnS, Esq. 01:11:12 10/4/2002
- Me vs. Leelodie - Someone not special, Esquire 01:10:04 10/4/2002
- Me vs. Gruktik and Finduthilas - Someone not special, Esquire 01:06:16 10/4/2002
- Me vs. Gruktik - SnS, Esq. 01:04:54 10/4/2002
- Me vs. Garhizrus - SnS, Esq. 01:01:03 10/4/2002
- Gang in the past. - Someone not special, Esquire 00:58:53 10/4/2002
- Quick one vs. Noldruk - SnS, Esq. 00:56:56 10/4/2002
- Me vs. Noldruk and Dyorian - SnS, Esq. 00:55:54 10/4/2002
- A bigass fight in the grove.. - Nhernin 00:53:53 10/4/2002
- Re: Nhernin logs for the hungry masses - SnS, Esq. 00:44:59 10/4/2002
- Me and Nwayreth vs. Harbik and Deloit - SnS, Esq 00:41:27 10/4/2002
- Croc against high tower archmage - Crocodile 22:19:28 10/3/2002
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