Log Board 2002
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Messages - Page 67:
- Request, All the last icedrake shit.(nt) - Nightgaunt 07:34:30 9/6/2002
- Log request - Kraenesk 06:59:01 9/6/2002
- Glow-gnome, take it into the game. Not here, it is clear attempth at char-ass nt - Soren(VIP) 23:26:38 9/5/2002
- Honestly. - Death_Claw(VIP) 23:29:18 9/5/2002
- And the horrible... horrible ending - Retrastilar 19:36:27 9/5/2002
- About time... Good beginning... - Retrastilar 19:31:59 9/5/2002
- Tough mobs? Post logs - Nivek 11:28:26 9/5/2002
- request: Orangutan fight, is there some? - utility wannabe 23:35:58 9/4/2002
- The kinda thing that makes people wanna rage delete. - Madd Killer-Birdie 23:34:04 9/4/2002
- Dont do skill 2. and some skills fail. (log) - Some Thief 21:59:22 9/4/2002
- Assassin and I - Retrastilar 21:40:22 9/4/2002
- Another one - Tyraxor 19:51:03 9/4/2002
- Fight from earlier today - Tyraxor 19:49:51 9/4/2002
- Funny log from today - Dornfest 19:21:53 9/4/2002
- A victory to help balance all my losses. (Names, binding thief v. orc) - Asoalkol 17:08:47 9/4/2002
- Lil fight, Lil revenge, and a funny vanish - Vhengret 16:13:11 9/4/2002
- Astounding warlock roleplay ( for some reason this annoyed me) - Evil mage 12:03:52 9/4/2002
- Request: Dharum, could you post our fight in the past? nt - Ramazan 09:01:13 9/4/2002
- Since no one has posted in about 4 hours... - Mryvec 23:20:54 9/3/2002
- Request for Maran entry or Empowerment my Shokai - Just trying to get a feel for it. 18:51:14 9/3/2002
- me vs shifter, sword spec, and out of pk druid - assassin 16:47:27 9/3/2002
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