Log Board 2002
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Messages - Page 85:
- This is what boredom will get you in the Realm of the Dead - Bored 13:48:53 8/4/2002
- More logs, part 3 - Dwoggurd 09:18:36 8/4/2002
- Some nice logs, its always hand to have a bitch healer or invoker for big fights - Long time warrior. 00:16:58 8/5/2002
- Because - Dwoggurd 03:25:31 8/5/2002
- Nice logs, but was it worth it with all that prepping? Sheesh. nt - The Pumpkin King 15:14:55 8/4/2002
- Wasabre, Gorach, Pilina at the Chasm - Dwoggurd 14:04:31 8/4/2002
- Me and Salpena vs. Sylkorian, Tycerius, Spyko on retrieval at the Village - Dwoggurd 13:55:10 8/4/2002
- Retrieval vs. Kirshaw and Rorimac - Dwoggurd 13:30:41 8/4/2002
- Wasabre, Halning, Karhon at the Chasm - Dwoggurd 13:19:54 8/4/2002
- A bit later, successful retrieval from the Village - Dwoggurd 13:14:46 8/4/2002
- Failed retrieval at the Village - Dwoggurd 13:02:54 8/4/2002
- War at the Fortress - Dwoggurd 12:48:47 8/4/2002
- Killing Wasabre at the Fortress - Dwoggurd 12:44:23 8/4/2002
- Bloodbath at the Village - Dwoggurd 12:25:54 8/4/2002
- Bloodthirsty intruders at the Chasm - Dwoggurd 11:16:14 8/4/2002
- Koogar at the Village - Dwoggurd 10:27:32 8/4/2002
- Rhuean, Shamus, Tusseltass vs. me and Daiken at the Chasm - Dwoggurd 09:19:47 8/4/2002
- To Falax - Someone 05:48:34 8/4/2002
- I love this sort of interpersonal interaction. - Tzarrethgoh 23:59:21 8/3/2002
- Old log of whooping on ragers..and yes..full looting era...... - Bezonsalith (oldschool) 21:47:46 8/3/2002
- No real skill...just perfect impale failing ALL the time..save the last. (names) - Blain 21:37:34 8/3/2002
- Captain, CaAAvema... I mean Captain MoOooOOthmaaann! - Amadreuth 19:57:48 8/3/2002
- but it was such a lovely log! nt - adrigon 19:45:56 8/3/2002
- A little fight in Balator. - Razmos 17:40:35 8/3/2002
- Not - Impressed n/t 17:48:16 8/3/2002
- Nice 5th or 6th fight, you know who you are....I still want my armguards back - Dead Assassin 16:38:31 8/3/2002
- A lucky fight - Dahr 15:47:27 8/3/2002
- Rage delete at it's finest! - Tlemalar 14:05:29 8/3/2002
- Ouch. - Blarg 12:02:15 8/3/2002
- What names should I look up for good invoker logs? n/t - Local Jackass 11:57:36 8/3/2002
- The stupid gangbangers finaly got a rage delete out of me-the end of Isoce. - Newbie 4ever(which means im askin for advice....) 02:47:33 8/3/2002
- Log Request: A REDUCED Svirf Warrior with Autumn in action - Larcat 22:09:25 8/2/2002
- I thought this was funny. - master thief 18:16:45 8/2/2002
- A log of a low level assassin. - Khorval 17:43:03 8/2/2002
- Duel at the Inn - Mataeo 17:10:18 8/2/2002
- Arial Warrior Vs Orc. - birdbrain 17:03:30 8/2/2002
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