what was once a civilization of giants.  Based on the blood and crimson
stains that are set in these stones, you are quite sure these streets are
aptly named.
[Exits: west]
Vorfindel the wood-elf is here.
A cluster of red moss grows here on the side of a building.

1557hp 1108m 765mv 7 PM civilized You peck at Vorfindel with your beak.
Your pecking beak devastates Vorfindel!
Vorfindel yells 'Help! a golden eagle is pecking me!'
Vorfindel has a few scratches.

1557hp 1108m 765mv 7 PM civilized shape allig

You barely manage to avoid Vorfindel's searing light.
Vorfindel dodges your claw.
Vorfindel keeps himself safely out of the range of your attack.
Vorfindel has a few scratches.

1557hp 1108m 765mv 7 PM civilized 
Vorfindel has fled!
Vorfindel leaves west.

1557hp 1108m 765mv 7 PM civilized You flicker and blur into the shape of a massive alligator.
You maintain the hardness of your skin as you shapeshift.
You maintain your speed as you shapeshift.
You maintain your levitation as you shapeshift.
You maintain your phase as you shapeshift.
You maintain your phase as you shapeshift.
You are filled with the spirit of the thunderhawk.

1557hp 1083m 765mv 7 PM civilized murder vorf
They aren't here.

1557hp 1083m 765mv 7 PM civilized shape golden
You flicker and blur into the shape of a golden eagle.
You maintain the hardness of your skin as you shapeshift.
You maintain your speed as you shapeshift.
You maintain your levitation as you shapeshift.
You maintain your phase as you shapeshift.
You maintain your phase as you shapeshift.
You are filled with the spirit of the thunderhawk.

1557hp 1058m 765mv 7 PM civilized f

The cry of a vulture is abruptly cut short.

1557hp 1058m 765mv 7 PM civilized Fill what?

1557hp 1058m 765mv 7 PM civilized People near you:
(PK) a golden eagle               The Ancient Streets of Vassalage
(PK) Tharuli                      An Open Clearing in the Slaughtering Grounds
(PK) a golden eagle               The Ruined Streets of Anguish

1557hp 1058m 765mv 7 PM civilized 
Someone creeps up on you and applies a firm stranglehold.
Gasping for air, you struggle and barely escape someone's grip!
Qutt steps out of the shadows.
Qutt's strangulation injures you.
You make some noise as you are attacked.
Qutt is in perfect health.

1542hp 1058m 765mv 7 PM civilized flyto vorf
peck vorf

At the last moment you avoid Qutt's punch.
Qutt steps inside your claw with a quick backfist.
Qutt's punch injures you.
Qutt dodges your claw.
Qutt is in perfect health.

1527hp 1058m 765mv 7 PM civilized 
A rancid smell drifts to you upon a chilly breeze.
Qutt is in perfect health.

1527hp 1058m 765mv 7 PM civilized shape allig
No way!  You are still fighting!
Qutt is in perfect health.

1527hp 1058m 765mv 7 PM civilized They aren't here.
Qutt is in perfect health.

1527hp 1058m 765mv 7 PM civilized You flicker and blur into the shape of a massive alligator.
You maintain the hardness of your skin as you shapeshift.
You maintain your speed as you shapeshift.
You maintain your levitation as you shapeshift.
You maintain your phase as you shapeshift.
You maintain your phase as you shapeshift.
You are filled with the spirit of the thunderhawk.
Qutt is in perfect health.

1527hp 1033m 765mv 7 PM civilized 
Qutt's punch mauls you.
Qutt's punch mauls you.
Qutt's punch injures you.
Qutt's punch wounds you.
Your bite *** DEMOLISHES *** Qutt!
Qutt has some small but disgusting cuts.

1448hp 1033m 765mv 7 PM civilized wher

Qutt lands a devastating strike to your kidneys.
Qutt's pressure point strike grazes you.
Qutt has some small but disgusting cuts.

1453hp 1033m 765mv 7 PM civilized People near you:
(PK) Qutt                         The Ruined Streets of Anguish
(PK) Silusilandil                 The Ancient Streets of Vassalage
(PK) Tharuli                      The Ruined Streets of Anguish
(PK) a massive alligator          The Ruined Streets of Anguish
Qutt has some small but disgusting cuts.

1453hp 1033m 765mv 7 PM civilized 
You barely manage to avoid Qutt's punch.
You dodge Qutt's punch.
Qutt delivers a blow of deadly force!
Your bite *** DEMOLISHES *** Qutt!
Qutt dodges your bite.
Qutt is covered with bleeding wounds.

1453hp 1033m 765mv 7 PM civilized # Ok. $target is now set to {qutt}.

Qutt's punch injures you.
Qutt's punch wounds you.
Your bite *** DEMOLISHES *** Qutt!
Your bite misses Qutt.
Qutt is covered with bleeding wounds.

1428hp 1033m 765mv 7 PM civilized 
[ENTROPY] Silusilandil: I cannot fly to you
Qutt is covered with bleeding wounds.

1428hp 1033m 765mv 7 PM civilized 
Qutt has fled!
Qutt leaves west.

1428hp 1033m 765mv 7 PM civilized murder qutt
They aren't here.

1438hp 1033m 765mv 7 PM civilized murder qutt
The Ruined Streets of Anguish
  There is a lack of wood around these buildings, and most of these walls
serve as great masses of stone that are now cracked and broken by both
time and war.  Great spires now lie in ruin, crumbling down to the ground
where stone bases now reside.  Ash and soot mark the face of most of
this stone, a torn battering ram now lays on its side, the wood charred
and bent beyond recognition.  Great portions of foliage and woodland growth
have penetrated the walls, allowing for the woods to begin growing, drowning
what was once a civilization of giants.  Based on the blood and crimson
stains that are set in these stones, you are quite sure these streets are
aptly named.
[Exits: east west]

1438hp 1033m 762mv 7 PM civilized w
They aren't here.

1438hp 1033m 762mv 7 PM civilized The Ruined Streets of Anguish
  There is a lack of wood around these buildings, and most of these walls
serve as great masses of stone that are now cracked and broken by both
time and war.  Great spires now lie in ruin, crumbling to the ground
where stone bases now reside.  Ash and soot mark the face of most of
this stone, a torn battering ram now lays on its side, the wood charred
and bent beyond recognition.  Great portions of foliage and woodland growth
have penetrated the walls, allowing for the woods to begin growing, drowning
what was once a civilization of giants.  Based on the blood and crimson
stains that are set in these stones, you are quite sure these streets are
aptly named.
[Exits: north east west]

1438hp 1033m 759mv 7 PM civilized murder qutt
Tharuli has arrived.

1438hp 1033m 759mv 7 PM civilized w
They aren't here.

1438hp 1033m 759mv 7 PM civilized murder qutt
Tharuli leaves east.
The Ruined Streets of Anguish
  There is a lack of wood around these buildings, and most of these walls
serve as great masses of stone that are now cracked and broken by both
time and war.  Great spires now lay in ruins, crumbling down to the ground
where stone bases now reside.  Ash and soot mark the face of most of
this stone, a torn battering ram now lays on its side, the wood charred
and bent beyond recognition.  Great portions of foliage and woodland growth
have penetrated the walls, allowing for the woods to begin growing, drowning
what was once a civilization of giants.  Based on the blood and crimson
stains that are set in these stones, you are quite sure these streets are
aptly named.
[Exits: east west]

1438hp 1033m 756mv 7 PM civilized w
They aren't here.

1438hp 1033m 756mv 7 PM civilized w
The Ruined Streets of Anguish
  There is a lack of wood around these buildings, and most of these walls
serve as great masses of stone that are now cracked and broken by both
time and war.  Great spires now lay in ruins, crumbling down to the ground
where stone bases now reside.  Ash and soot mark the face of most of
this stone, and a torn battering ram now lies on its side, the wood charred
and bent beyond recognition.  Great portions of foliage and woodland growth
have penetrated the walls, allowing for the woods to begin growing here,
drowning what was once a civilization of giants.  Based on the blood and
crimson stains that are set in these stones, you are quite sure these
streets are aptly named.
[Exits: east west]

1438hp 1033m 753mv 7 PM civilized w
The Gates to the Streets of Anguish
  Great gates of iron mark the entrance to the city streets.  This is
the flank end of the ruins, where the merchants and often allies of
these looming giants enter the city streets in comfort.  Guards walk 
the ramparts and you can easily note the glares you get upon entering.
There is a lack of wood on these buildings, much of which are solid stone
that make the foundation of this stronghold.  Great spires reach into
the air toward the east, shadowing you as well as most of this narrow
street.  You note the sounds of pain that come from further along
the street.  There are also cries of hatred and anger that come from 
some of the nearby shops and alleys.  These streets were aptly named,
as anguish seems to be the only emotion in the air.
[Exits: [north] east west]

1438hp 1033m 750mv 7 PM civilized The Gates to the Streets of Anguish
  Rusted gates of iron mark the entrance here.  An eerie silence is all that
you note while walking through the gates.  Dark shadows serve to remind you
that there could be some form of life hiding among the wreckage here.  Some
pillars of stone remain here to serve as signs that this was once a city,
or stronghold of sorts.  The ruined gates sit to the north of you.
[Exits: east south]

1448hp 1033m 747mv 7 PM civilized w
Alas, you cannot go that way.

1448hp 1033m 747mv 7 PM civilized murder qutt
They aren't here.

1448hp 1033m 747mv 7 PM civilized s
The Breaching of the Walls of the Ostalagiah Ruins
  You climb atop the pile of rubble and ash which once stood as the
western wall of Ostalagiah.  It served its purpose well, but not well 
enough.  It now stands in ruins, smoldering remains of what was once a
mighty city.  After many years of war the united fronts finally destroyed
the wall, through which a flood of dwarven, elven and human soldiers came. 
After freeing the slaves, ransacking the city and turning the walls to
rubble, the united front turned around and headed back to their respective
homelands to the north.  While that ancient war is over, the sight of 
distant burning fires and a village settled to the west of here gives one
reason to believe that it is not the only war that occurs throughout these
ruined buildings.
[Exits: north south west]

1448hp 1033m 744mv 7 PM civilized murder qutt
They aren't here.

1448hp 1033m 744mv 7 PM civilized wher
People near you:
(PK) Tharuli                      The Gates to the Streets of Anguish
(PK) a massive alligator          The Breaching of the Walls of the Ostalagiah Ruins

1448hp 1033m 744mv 7 PM civilized 
Tharuli has arrived.

1448hp 1033m 744mv 7 PM civilized 
[ENTROPY] Silusilandil: couldn't fly up either

1448hp 1033m 744mv 7 PM civilized thar thar
murder qutt


Your wariness about unconsciousness fades.

1454hp 1013m 781mv 8 PM civilized Tharuli strikes you over the head with a polished mithril warhammer.
In your dreams, or what?

1454hp 1013m 781mv 8 PM civilized af
You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 42 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 42 hours.
Spell: 'haste' modifies dexterity by 4 for 25 hours.
Spell: 'aura' modifies armor class by -30 for 24 hours.
Timer: 'physical sleep protection' for 6 hours.
Skill: 'nerve' modifies constitution by -2 for 6 hours.
Spell: 'spirit of the thunderhawk' for 4 hours.
Spell: 'fly' for 12 hours.
Timer: 'scales of the dragon' for 16 hours.
Spell: 'pass door' for 12 hours.
Physical effect: 'cabal raid' modifies morale by 6 for 12 hours.
Spell: 'scales of the dragon' modifies armor class by -30 for 6 hours.
Spell: 'detect magic' for 6 hours.
Spell: 'barrier' modifies armor class by -80 for 5 hours.
Physical effect: 'cabal raid' modifies morale by 13 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'cranial' for 2 hours.
Spell: 'control translucence' for 2 hours.
Spell: 'detect invis' for 1 hours.
Spell: 'stone skin' modifies armor class by -40 for 0 hours.
Commune: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 0 hours.
Physical effect: 'form bonus' modifies constitution by 2 for -1 hours.
Physical effect: 'form bonus' modifies strength by 2 for -1 hours.

1472hp 1013m 781mv 8 PM civilized # The following variables match {target}:
# {target} = {qutt}

Tharuli's cranial hit DISMEMBERS you!
Tharuli is in perfect health.

1444hp 1013m 781mv 8 PM civilized 
Tikkan looks at you.
Tharuli is in perfect health.

1453hp 1013m 781mv 8 PM civilized # Ok. $target is now set to {thar}.

Tharuli's beating misses you.
Tharuli's crush mauls you.
Your bite MANGLES Tharuli!
Tharuli parries your bite.
Tharuli has a few scratches.

1432hp 1013m 781mv 8 PM civilized af

Tharuli delivers a blow of deadly force!
Tharuli's crush MANGLES you!
Tharuli's crush mauls you.
Your bite fails to penetrate a helmet with a long spike worn by Tharuli.
Your bite *** DEMOLISHES *** Tharuli!
Tharuli has some small but disgusting cuts.

1321hp 1013m 781mv 8 PM civilized # Ok. $target is now set to {thar}.
You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 42 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 42 hours.
Spell: 'haste' modifies dexterity by 4 for 25 hours.
Spell: 'aura' modifies armor class by -30 for 24 hours.
Timer: 'physical sleep protection' for 6 hours.
Skill: 'nerve' modifies constitution by -2 for 6 hours.
Spell: 'spirit of the thunderhawk' for 4 hours.
Spell: 'fly' for 12 hours.
Timer: 'scales of the dragon' for 16 hours.
Spell: 'pass door' for 12 hours.
Physical effect: 'cabal raid' modifies morale by 6 for 12 hours.
Spell: 'scales of the dragon' modifies armor class by -30 for 6 hours.
Spell: 'detect magic' for 6 hours.
Spell: 'barrier' modifies armor class by -80 for 5 hours.
Physical effect: 'cabal raid' modifies morale by 13 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'cranial' for 2 hours.
Spell: 'control translucence' for 2 hours.
Spell: 'detect invis' for 1 hours.
Spell: 'stone skin' modifies armor class by -40 for 0 hours.
Commune: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 0 hours.
Physical effect: 'form bonus' modifies constitution by 2 for -1 hours.
Physical effect: 'form bonus' modifies strength by 2 for -1 hours.
Tharuli has some small but disgusting cuts.

1321hp 1013m 781mv 8 PM civilized Tharuli's cranial is deflected by your scaly hide.
Tharuli has some small but disgusting cuts.

1321hp 1013m 781mv 8 PM civilized 
Tikkan snakes out the Black Flail of Dark Whispers around you and pulls you along with him!
You make some noise as you are attacked.
Before a Fortified Hillock
  A large mound of earth has been pushed up here, forming a strategically
planned barrier to the village just beyond. Behind the earthen barricade
stand the gates -- heavy, massive, fortified iron gates that glow eerily
in the reflected torch-light -- and beyond them in the darkness you can
just make out the faces of the village huts. The village, like the gate,
is dark and forbidding from this distance, softened not at all by the
occasionally glimpsed lantern or fire. A chill breeze blows from the gates
to the west, bringing with it the gruff sound of barbaric voices and an
occasional burst of raucous, drunken laughter.
[Exits: east west]
Tikkan the cloud giant is here.
A massive, hunched figure is here, protecting the village throughout the 
A massive giant says 'Welcome, great warrior.'
Vorfindel steps out from his cover.
Vorfindel's surprise attack *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
Tikkan's infernal power mauls you.
You dodge Tikkan's punch.
You dodge Tikkan's punch.
Tikkan delivers a blow of deadly force!
Tikkan's punch DISMEMBERS you!
Tikkan's infernal power decimates you!
Your bite MASSACRES Tikkan!
Your bite MASSACRES Tikkan!
Tikkan has some small but disgusting cuts.

1104hp 1013m 781mv 8 PM wilderness  
Tikkan's infernal power devastates you!
You dodge Tikkan's punch.
You dodge Tikkan's infernal power.
Vorfindel's searing light mauls you.
Your bite MASSACRES Tikkan!
Your bite MASSACRES Tikkan!
Tikkan has some small but disgusting cuts.

1064hp 1013m 781mv 8 PM wilderness  fle
Tikkan gets in one more shot as you flee.
Tikkan's parting blow mauls you.
A massive giant moves to block your path.
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
Tikkan has some small but disgusting cuts.

1042hp 1013m 781mv 8 PM wilderness  Tikkan gets in one more shot as you flee.
Tikkan delivers a blow of deadly force!
Tikkan's parting blow MUTILATES you!
The Breaching of the Walls of the Ostalagiah Ruins
  You climb atop the pile of rubble and ash which once stood as the
western wall of Ostalagiah.  It served its purpose well, but not well 
enough.  It now stands in ruins, smoldering remains of what was once a
mighty city.  After many years of war the united fronts finally destroyed
the wall, through which a flood of dwarven, elven and human soldiers came. 
After freeing the slaves, ransacking the city and turning the walls to
rubble, the united front turned around and headed back to their respective
homelands to the north.  While that ancient war is over, the sight of 
distant burning fires and a village settled to the west of here gives one
reason to believe that it is not the only war that occurs throughout these
ruined buildings.
[Exits: north south west]
Tharuli the dwarf is here.
You flee from combat!

1001hp 1013m 775mv 8 PM civilized wher
People near you:
(PK) Tharuli                      The Breaching of the Walls of the Ostalagiah Ruins
(PK) a massive alligator          The Breaching of the Walls of the Ostalagiah Ruins

1001hp 1013m 775mv 8 PM civilized murder thar
Tharuli yells 'Help!  I am being attacked by a massive alligator!'
Your bite MANGLES Tharuli!
Tharuli parries your bite.
Tharuli parries your bite.
Tharuli is covered with bleeding wounds.

1001hp 1013m 775mv 8 PM civilized Vorfindel has arrived.
Tharuli's crush decimates you!
Tharuli's beating decimates you!
Your bite *** DEMOLISHES *** Tharuli!
Your bite *** DEMOLISHES *** Tharuli!
Tharuli is covered with bleeding wounds.

958hp 1013m 775mv 8 PM civilized 
Vorfindel's aimed shot is deflected by your scaly hide.
You make some noise as you are attacked.
Tharuli is covered with bleeding wounds.

958hp 1013m 775mv 8 PM civilized 
Tharuli brings a polished mithril warhammer around to hit your head!
Tharuli's cranial hit decimates you!
Tharuli is covered with bleeding wounds.

931hp 1013m 775mv 8 PM civilized 
Tikkan has arrived.
Tharuli is covered with bleeding wounds.

931hp 1013m 775mv 8 PM civilized 
Tikkan's pull is deflected by your scaly hide.
You make some noise as you are attacked.
Tharuli is covered with bleeding wounds.

931hp 1013m 775mv 8 PM civilized 
Tikkan's infernal power mauls you.
Tikkan's punch decimates you!
Vorfindel's searing light devastates you!
Vorfindel's searing light wounds you.
You dodge Tharuli's crush.
You dodge Tharuli's beating.
You dodge Tharuli's crush.
Your bite fails to penetrate some spiked gauntlets worn by Tharuli.
Your bite *** DEMOLISHES *** Tharuli!
Tharuli is gushing blood.

836hp 1013m 775mv 8 PM civilized 
Qutt has arrived.
Tharuli is gushing blood.

846hp 1013m 775mv 8 PM civilized fle

Tikkan's infernal power devastates you!
Tikkan's punch injures you.
Tikkan delivers a blow of deadly force!
Tikkan's infernal power DISMEMBERS you!
Vorfindel's searing light mauls you.
Vorfindel's searing light devastates you!
Tharuli's beating decimates you!
Tharuli delivers a blow of deadly force!
Tharuli's crush DISMEMBERS you!
Tharuli's beating decimates you!
Your bite *** DEMOLISHES *** Tharuli!
Tharuli parries your bite.
Your bite *** DEMOLISHES *** Tharuli!
Tharuli is writhing in agony.

576hp 1013m 775mv 8 PM civilized 
Amidst the battle's chaos, Vorfindel can't find the opening to aimed shot you.
Tharuli is writhing in agony.

576hp 1013m 775mv 8 PM civilized Before a Fortified Hillock
  A large mound of earth has been pushed up here, forming a strategically
planned barrier to the village just beyond. Behind the earthen barricade
stand the gates -- heavy, massive, fortified iron gates that glow eerily
in the reflected torch-light -- and beyond them in the darkness you can
just make out the faces of the village huts. The village, like the gate,
is dark and forbidding from this distance, softened not at all by the
occasionally glimpsed lantern or fire. A chill breeze blows from the gates
to the west, bringing with it the gruff sound of barbaric voices and an
occasional burst of raucous, drunken laughter.
[Exits: east west]
A massive, hunched figure is here, protecting the village throughout the 
You flee from combat!

587hp 1013m 769mv 8 PM wilderness  e
The Breaching of the Walls of the Ostalagiah Ruins
  You climb atop the pile of rubble and ash which once stood as the
western wall of Ostalagiah.  It served its purpose well, but not well 
enough.  It now stands in ruins, smoldering remains of what was once a
mighty city.  After many years of war the united fronts finally destroyed
the wall, through which a flood of dwarven, elven and human soldiers came. 
After freeing the slaves, ransacking the city and turning the walls to
rubble, the united front turned around and headed back to their respective
homelands to the north.  While that ancient war is over, the sight of 
distant burning fires and a village settled to the west of here gives one
reason to believe that it is not the only war that occurs throughout these
ruined buildings.
[Exits: north south west]
Qutt the human is here.
Tikkan the cloud giant is here.
Vorfindel the wood-elf is here.
Tharuli the dwarf is here.

587hp 1013m 763mv 8 PM civilized Qutt leaves west.

587hp 1013m 763mv 8 PM civilized 
Tharuli leaves west.
The Gates to the Streets of Anguish
  Rusted gates of iron mark the entrance here.  An eerie silence is all that
you note while walking through the gates.  Dark shadows serve to remind you
that there could be some form of life hiding among the wreckage here.  Some
pillars of stone remain here to serve as signs that this was once a city,
or stronghold of sorts.  The ruined gates sit to the north of you.
[Exits: east south]

587hp 1013m 760mv 8 PM civilized e
The Gates to the Streets of Anguish
  Great gates of iron mark the entrance to the city streets.  This is
the flank end of the ruins, where the merchants and often allies of
these looming giants enter the city streets in comfort.  Guards walk 
the ramparts and you can easily note the glares you get upon entering.
There is a lack of wood on these buildings, much of which are solid stone
that make the foundation of this stronghold.  Great spires reach into
the air toward the east, shadowing you as well as most of this narrow
street.  You note the sounds of pain that come from further along
the street.  There are also cries of hatred and anger that come from 
some of the nearby shops and alleys.  These streets were aptly named,
as anguish seems to be the only emotion in the air.
[Exits: [north] east west]

587hp 1013m 757mv 8 PM civilized e

Your skin feels soft again.
You feel less armored.

603hp 993m 794mv 9 PM civilized The Ruined Streets of Anguish
  There is a lack of wood around these buildings, and most of these walls
serve as great masses of stone that are now cracked and broken by both
time and war.  Great spires now lay in ruins, crumbling down to the ground
where stone bases now reside.  Ash and soot mark the face of most of
this stone, and a torn battering ram now lies on its side, the wood charred
and bent beyond recognition.  Great portions of foliage and woodland growth
have penetrated the walls, allowing for the woods to begin growing here,
drowning what was once a civilization of giants.  Based on the blood and
crimson stains that are set in these stones, you are quite sure these
streets are aptly named.
[Exits: east west]

603hp 993m 791mv 9 PM civilized The Ruined Streets of Anguish
  There is a lack of wood around these buildings, and most of these walls
serve as great masses of stone that are now cracked and broken by both
time and war.  Great spires now lay in ruins, crumbling down to the ground
where stone bases now reside.  Ash and soot mark the face of most of
this stone, a torn battering ram now lays on its side, the wood charred
and bent beyond recognition.  Great portions of foliage and woodland growth
have penetrated the walls, allowing for the woods to begin growing, drowning
what was once a civilization of giants.  Based on the blood and crimson
stains that are set in these stones, you are quite sure these streets are
aptly named.
[Exits: east west]

603hp 993m 788mv 9 PM civilized e
The Ruined Streets of Anguish
  There is a lack of wood around these buildings, and most of these walls
serve as great masses of stone that are now cracked and broken by both
time and war.  Great spires now lie in ruin, crumbling to the ground
where stone bases now reside.  Ash and soot mark the face of most of
this stone, a torn battering ram now lays on its side, the wood charred
and bent beyond recognition.  Great portions of foliage and woodland growth
have penetrated the walls, allowing for the woods to begin growing, drowning
what was once a civilization of giants.  Based on the blood and crimson
stains that are set in these stones, you are quite sure these streets are
aptly named.
[Exits: north east west]

603hp 993m 785mv 9 PM civilized shape golden
You flicker and blur into the shape of a golden eagle.
You maintain your speed as you shapeshift.
You maintain your levitation as you shapeshift.
You maintain your phase as you shapeshift.
You maintain your phase as you shapeshift.
You are filled with the spirit of the thunderhawk.
Your bones creak and snap under the strain of your trauma as you shapeshift.
Your head clears, and you feel able to wake yourself.
Your shapeshifting scratches you.

599hp 971m 785mv 9 PM civilized fly
You flap your wings and soar up above.
Far Above the Ruins of Ostalagiah
  The air rushing under your wings is cold and crisp.  You slow
the flapping of your wings and glide for a moment, to marvel 
once again at the view.  No matter how many times you see it, 
the view from above the clouds still invokes a childlike 
reverence in you.  It is as if the clouds themselves form a 
whole new tier of land high above Thera, of rolling white 
hills with a few dark thunderheads scattered among them.
Approaching a break in the clouds, you look down at the world
below you.  The Shadow Peaks in the west give way here to an 
expanse of forest.  Situated near the edge of the mountains 
and the forest is an old city, long ago ruined by forces 
unapparent from here.  Although it seems deserted from this 
altitude, something yet draws your gaze to the city's streets.
[Exits: north east south west down]

599hp 971m 665mv 9 PM air wher
People near you:
(PK) Qutt                         The Breaching of the Walls of the Ostalagiah Ruins
(PK) Vorfindel                    The Ruined Streets of Anguish
(PK) Tharuli                      Before a Fortified Hillock
(PK) a golden eagle               Far Above the Ruins of Ostalagiah

599hp 971m 665mv 9 PM air 
An arrow flies skyward towards you!
Vorfindel's aerial shot MASSACRES you!

532hp 971m 665mv 9 PM air 
You continue to flap your wings.
Your eyes no longer pierce the shroud of invisibility.

537hp 951m 693mv 10 PM air d
yell Wow.
A Turn Through the Stone Rubble
  You come upon a turn in the rubble here.  Most of the rock has fallen onto
this path, making it difficult and even treacherous to travel about here.
All around you lay the stone blocks that were ripped from the city walls,
most of them strewn about in different directions or simply piled atop one
another, to make a path here.  Obviously, someone has made a home of these
ruins, else this path would not be made.  Dark shadows dance across the white
stone.  Torn banners and crusted blood remains stained upon the rock face, a
reminder of what ravages this ancient city had been through.  You can leave 
toward the gates to the east or continue through this rubble to the north
or south.
[Exits: north east south]