Posted by Pendragon_Surtr on August 13, 2000 at 22:21:14:
In Reply to: imagine the complexity of web spoilers then... posted by SphereMaker(IMM) on August 13, 2000 at 20:38:56:
> Here you can also change the score so instead of saying you are carrying 224 lbs. with a max weight of 250 lbs., you put you are carrying 92% of your max capacity. They could still get an idea of what their strength is, but it would be a lot harder to pinpoint it. Same with dex, you are carrying 75% of your total items. This one is already hard to figure out. I have had a dwarf warrior with a 25 con get anywhere from 15-19 hp's per level. The hp gain is random enough to where you can't really pinpoint your current con. Int and Wis, I don't know how you would change that, if you get 3 prac's per level, you have at least an 18 wis. If you only need to use 2 practices to get to 75% you have at least a 17 int. But none of this affect what the original post was saying, he was talking about for rolling purposes. You can't see how much you can carry from the rolling screen, therefore if you are trying to roll perfect stats, and it says you have a herculean strength, you only know that it is 21-23. Now if your max rolling stat for that char is 21, then you know it is maxxed, but if it is 23, you have no idea if you have 21, 22, or 23. I like the idea and think it would make chars with less than perfect stats by 20th level.
> All the tables of "if you can carry 250 lbs worth of equipment, you have a strength of X"
>or "if you get between 8-10 hp/level and >are class Y, you have a constitution of 16".
> I think it's an admirable idea for keeping the statisticians out there from turning the game into pure number-crunching, but I don't know that they wouldn't just find new ways of defeating another system.