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Posted by Skylar on August 17, 2000 at 05:13:56:

The snow falls softly over the mountain peak, the cold northen breeze chills your skin.

Balrahd says 'Rest well in His Flames'

Skylar utters arcane and holy words of power. The light around her armor grows stronger as a sparkling portal appears before her.

Skylar glances at you both and a tear comes from her eyes.

Garenth smiles at you.

You wave.

Garenth waves goodbye to you. Have a good journey.

Garenth says 'Farewell lass.'

Balrahd bows before you.

Skylar steps towards the portal, and suddenly stops.

You say 'Oops'
You say 'Almost forgot'

You giggle.

Balrahd says 'Do not fear, Lady'

Balrahd smiles happily.

You stop using firewalker boots.

Balrahd says 'We will prevail in your absence'

You give firewalker boots to Balrahd.

Balrahd bows deeply.

Balrahd says 'Many thanks'

Balrahd stops using some ornate steel boots.
Balrahd wears firewalker boots on his feet.

You drop a staff of striking.

You drop the staff of night.

You say 'Now let me hurry, my feet are freezing!'

Skylar waves goodbye to her friends and Thera.

Garenth waves happily.

Balrahd waves goodbye to you. Have a good journey.

Skylar crosses the portal and it disappears in a flash of light.

[DAWN] the Everlasting Golden Phoenix: Farewell, Skylar, we will uphold the Faith until you return.

That's it, Skylar Luivirmon is gone for good.
I think I have accomplished what I imginated when I created Skylar. Strong as the tritons, charming as the sirenes. Not always, but mostly. Her rp was also interesting to play, from the naiviness and energy of a young to a more paused and thoughtful way when nearing old age. I guess I wasn't so bad as a lawful good, and sphere peace...argh! Never again, I promise myself. So many possibilities, then the "create and maintain a state of lack of conflict" ... *mutters*. Of course one time I had to hid and conjure demons and archons, angels and devils, and just watch them fight, take note of their abilities, etc...
In the end I think my pk ratio was 1/1 *grin*, I think that kill was with a group, they attacked and the only thing I saw was the corpse. My deaths:
1st: fire elemental (bad lag and hot temper kills, believe me)
2nd: altruism (fun dying this way)
3rd: (PK) an assassin (forgot her name)
4th: angel (keep BOTH eyes to the time your bind falls!)
5th: altruism (whatever)
6th: Death Trap (yeah, was dumb)
7th: got stuck in a trap, c 'conjure el' fire (you know the rest)
And a mob death somewhere. Slave mines of sitran?

A few things I'd like to point out:
That reception when I was inducted was great! Just great! Thanks to the imm(s), whoever you are, thanks a lot!
Gobnait, I don't know if you remember an elven Skylar, but I do recall your BIG smile! You're the only one that payed attention to Skylar's link to the elements, and there was the triton/sirene thing as I mentioned above.
To all the people that changed their playing times: fuck you. I wish you didn't, most of you was just cool to be around with.
Havilahd, you were the first necro I faced with a conjie, glad surprise at least one class isn't necro bait. But then again, if you play a conjie...
Ah, and all of you, give a break to female chars, eh?

From when she heroed: (I think Skylar was around 50-60 years old when I deleted, +-200 hours)
You are Skylar the Planewalker, Servant of the Dawn, level 51, 39 years old (147 hours).
You are mature.
Race: human Sex: female Class: conjurer Hometown: Ofcol
You have 682/682 hit, 1038/1186 mana, 498/508 movement.
You have 36 practices and 4 training sessions.
You are carrying 27/33 items.
Your items weigh 327 pounds and 0 ounces (maximum of 377 pounds).
Str: 20(20) Int: 20(20) Wis: 20(20) Dex: 20(20) Con: 20(20) Chr: 17(21)
You have scored 444597 exp, and have 20504 gold coins.
Wimpy set to 200 hit points.
You are standing.
Armor: pierce: -186 bash: -177 slash: -188 magic: -133
You are divinely armored against piercing.
You are divinely armored against bashing.
You are divinely armored against slashing.
You are divinely armored against magic.
Hitroll: 15 Damroll: 6.
You are good. You have a lawful ethos.
You have chosen the sphere of Peace.
You are affected by:
Spell: 'tesseract' modifies none by 0 for 23 hours.
Power: 'golden aura' modifies save vs spell by -12 for 56 hours.
Power: 'golden aura' modifies hit roll by 6 for 56 hours.
Power: 'golden aura' modifies none by 0 for 56 hours.
Commune: 'protective shield' modifies none by 0 for 3 hours.
Spell: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 13 hours.
Spell: 'detect invis' modifies none by 0 for 4 hours.

My desc and most of my role:
desc + A radiant girl is here. More than shinning as the sun,
desc + a strong aura surrounds her with a glow that emmits the
desc + warmth feeling of being alive.
desc + An exquisite translucid clothing covers her in the most
desc + strange ways, like if it was alive and molded itself
desc + around the athletic body of hers. Crafted following the
desc + patterns of the tritons matching those of the sirenes,
desc + it bears holy symbols and arcane ones, that from while
desc + to while flashes energy which she seems to absorb.
desc + In an opening in her hood you can notice the beautiful
desc + lines that delineates her face as a gentle caress, her
desc + soft skin seems as pure as the purest essence of water.
desc + Ruby straight hair floats merrily around her.

role + Skylar Luivirmon was born in a small and peaceful village
role + south of Ofcol. Her father died just after her third
role + birthday. So she was raised by her mother, who were a
role + skilled woman with animals, being able to tend illnessess
role + and births. To young Skylar was left the work of house-
role + hold, just in a few occasions she aided her mother in
role + tending an animal. Skylar had many pets, dogs, birds, cats
role + and once even a turtle.
role + She was happy with her life, until her mother also fell
role + ill, and in a few weeks died. She didn't knew what to do
role + and a kind woman, whose later Skylar would know as an Aes
role + Sedai, offered shelter and work within the white tower.
role + Amarille, the Aes Sedai sister, soon realised that the
role + child had an inborn ability for magic, thus sent her to
role + a magician to assess that ability. Shortly Skylar was
role + offered to be an apprentice of magic, and by curiosity
role + perhaps, she accepted.

role + During her years with her mother, Skylar learned the value
role + of life, of the gorgeous effect of a kind smile. Her mother
role + always insisted in four basic principles. The first is says
role + to protect and aid anyone weaker than yourself. The life of
role + the people around you is the same energy of your own, she said,
role + thus nurture and cherish this beautiful thing we call Life.
role + The second was about insults. Karinne, her mother, used to
role + say that only the confused or ignorant would resort to this
role + course of action, and it was her (Skylar) duty to help these
role + people. The third discoursed of good manners, Karinne said
role + that even if others didn't realize it, to never wear a blade
role + in a public place or among friends. -Do not be ready to harm,
role + and you shall not hurt those you love or the innocent.-
role + The last was about life in general, her mother explained
role + that if they killed all the pigs to make more meat, soon they
role + would have none, be wise and take only what you really need.
role + These teachings were in the family for a long time and could
role + be traced back to five generations ago, a Luivirmon priest,
role + who first wrote it down.

role + When she started her studies in the guild of conjurers, there
role + was an oportunity to travel with the guildmaster. Not a common
role + travel, but rather a spiritual one. Through the means of a
role + magical ritual, both left their mortal vessels behind and
role + headed to the plane where the angels and archons lives. Upon
role + arrival, the intense brightness of the place required a few
role + minutes for the eyes to adpt, which quickly followed a over-
role + whelming feeling of serenity that surrounded the mystic and
role + holy place. To help herself understanding that feeling, the
role + thought of a warm bath after a hard day's work was the maximun
role + she could imagine, but that wouldn't describe even one percent
role + of the whole thing. Still trying to recover from the complete
role + state of amazement she was, she reached for a nearby angel,
role + thinking of asking what was that. The angel turned his kind
role + eyes towards her and with a soft voice said: -Peace is as much
role + physical than spiritual. Physically manifests in non-aggression,

role + gentle manners and kind words. Gentle manners are needed because
role + rispid and rude actions are doorways to aggression and therefore
role + must be avoided at all costs, with words it is much the same.
role + Spiritually, it reflects an inner state of serenity, calmness
role + and clearness of thought that you are experiencing here and now.
role + To be in harmony with yourself and all of the creation. To be
role + able to accept each other's blessed differences, understanding
role + that even those of the darkened path are able to be peaceful
role + and this alone is enough.- The angel layed his hand over her head
role + and with a quick prayer blessed her. Laelleralriel, she would
role + never forget his name and this experience.

role + Back in the day her mother died, sorrow and grief overwhelmed
role + Skylar. She can remember being in the funeral, unable to stop
role + the tears. Just after the cerimony, that middle-aged woman in
role + white robes approached her. She looked at Skylar in a deep and
role + tender way that Skylar just hugged her tightly, which she re-
role + turned with a fondly squeeze. Then, smiling, said that she
role + didn't need to fear, she would be with her. Skylar felt the
role + warmth in her words and in her hug, and soon fell asleep on
role + her arms. Shortly after that day Skylar was in the White Tower,
role + where she offered herself to wash dishes, clean the floor and
role + anything else that she could help with. Amarille accepted and
role + thanked, but with one condition, that Skylar attended the classes.
role + And what classes were that if not classes about how to tend
role + the ill and the injuried, just like her mom did with animals
role + and pets! Skylar never learned much of that, since her stay in
role + the tower was short. Nonetheless she enjoyed that very much.

A sneak peak at my gear (excepting the boots, the staff of night and the other staff of striking I dropped in the log above, and the sleek black rod I burned up)
You drop a golden dragonscale shield.
You drop a four-pronged trident.
You drop a fresh fish fillet.
You drop some seaweed.
You drop the Cloak of Death.
You drop a seashell ring.
You drop A small maple wood pen.
You drop Ring of Wizardry.
You drop a sleek amber rod.
You drop a staff of striking.
You drop a girdle of many pouches.
You drop robe of invocation.
You drop an ivory bracelet.
You drop a set of arborian leggings.
You drop a serpent ring.
You drop a captain's hat.
You drop an engraved silver circlet.
You drop the Ankh of Loch Terradian.
You drop the Ankh of Loch Terradian.
You drop a pair of armguards from the snow worm.
You drop a cloak of wizardry.
You drop a pristine white surcoat.
You drop the Bracelet of Bifrost.

exa girdle
It appears to be full of tiny pockets.
When you look inside, you see:
A girdle of many pouches contains:
a large water gourd
a shelf mushroom
(Humming) a blue and white striped rod
a practice staff
a water skin
a bottle of milk
( 2) some seaweed
a kayak
a black potion
a petite fillet of rare blowfish
a strange metallic wand
( 2) a potion of lightness
( 5) a grey and white wand
a jar of blue powder
a golden dragonscale shield
( 3) a pill of anti-toxin
a pill of health
a potion of flying

Well, I was writing a farewell to each that I could remember (around 25-30 people), but my pc crashed and I lost all I wrote, you guys know who you are, good luck all and keep up the great job.

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