Death becomes me. (would you believe if I said there's no text? I wouldn't):

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Posted by Curly, Quoter of Video Games on August 22, 2000 at 17:16:47:

Gone, like the wind at the dawn. Uh, or something.

Finally got up the speed to pull the plug, and yay, thanks, Flontinot, for the stake.
And, mental note to self, 'do not suck as much next time'. Self: 'Okay, gotcha. No sucking'
Troupers got their farewells, and, this is for those not included there.

Flontinot. You... you! Wield the pan with honor.
Er, anyone else...?

Those miscellaneous dawnies, like Solian, Chaldaie, Lyseria, Shadisdros, Nicolette, whonot. Had some good times there.

Masters, Battle, Scarabs, Arbiters:
Apart from the few visits to the inn (and being wanted a few times), never saw you folks a lot.

Eshra - it was fun, but, yeah, all good things must come to an end.

Hmm, I was sure I would've had more names on this list. Oh well, I'm getting old and forget things.

As my final words, I quote Caleb and say, "I'm here to donate some blood... someone else's."
That had nothing to do with the subject, though.

Ta ta and tally ho!
Curly, aka a few others (but not Moe or Larry)

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