Had a blast with your Curly, you were simply hilarious, from the varoius acting performances, to the whole vampire bit. Remember, oneness with the pan. NT:

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Posted by Arvam on August 24, 2000 at 03:05:54:

In Reply to: Death becomes me. (would you believe if I said there's no text? I wouldn't) posted by Curly, Quoter of Video Games on August 22, 2000 at 17:16:47:

> Gone, like the wind at the dawn. Uh, or something.

> Finally got up the speed to pull the plug, and yay, thanks, Flontinot, for the stake.
> And, mental note to self, 'do not suck as much next time'. Self: 'Okay, gotcha. No sucking'
> Troupers got their farewells, and, this is for those not included there.

> Warders:
> Flontinot. You... you! Wield the pan with honor.
> Er, anyone else...?

> Those miscellaneous dawnies, like Solian, Chaldaie, Lyseria, Shadisdros, Nicolette, whonot. Had some good times there.

> Masters, Battle, Scarabs, Arbiters:
> Apart from the few visits to the inn (and being wanted a few times), never saw you folks a lot.

> And...
> Eshra - it was fun, but, yeah, all good things must come to an end.

> Hmm, I was sure I would've had more names on this list. Oh well, I'm getting old and forget things.

> As my final words, I quote Caleb and say, "I'm here to donate some blood... someone else's."
> That had nothing to do with the subject, though.

> Ta ta and tally ho!
> Curly, aka a few others (but not Moe or Larry)

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