Posted by (Deleted) Novariach, Iniatiate of the Scarab and countless others.. on September 8, 2000 at 10:20:14:
Sasarisa I enjoyed your company as well List of past characters..Cant remember all there levels and such.. Balasundar, Bug Man, Druid of the Sun I might return after I get the game of life taken care of..Until then Farewell
Well I had fun with him but I needed to delete him for two reasons. One I was straying from my roleplay of the charcter that I saught from the beganning and I just couldn't have it like that. And two some real life problems I must take care of before I can play again. I hoped with him to one day be the flame, yet us the character grew I spent the majority of the time speaking of the cult and leaning more towards the voice part. I hope I didn't dissapoint you Cyradia and was worth your mark. I was also wondering if when I took the the book of law if you were pleased that I did it alone and at such a low level it seemed you were. Goodbyes go out to the following..
Masters -Most of my life I journeyed with your lot since he had a fond respect of your studies ways.
Keep up the good work Owaddyn, Rywald, Barid..
Vlladrikar and Qxorlarran keep the temple free
Korun wished you never deleted..
Eisheth, Servant of the Dawn..Paladin
Jhaedrek, Imperial assassin
Ksathra, My fouled attempt at making a nuetral necromancer of troupe..She planned to use her zombies for plays
Ieodaeshea, Imperial assassin way back when Judon was War Master
Kanthalesa, Imperial Magus..Conjurer
had countless others that dont stick out in the mind