Once a conformist, always a conformist.:

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Posted by [DELETED]Khayr on September 23, 2000 at 22:05:05:

The populace's opinion of me matters. Silly, but it

Nearly a week ago, I got smacked down by Leika. And
it took a big chunk out of Khayr. I felt by logging
on until I had healed up the death, I would be playing
too lazily. Almost Gharikish. And I swore I'd delete
before that happened.

I considered simply anathemaing myself, but that wouldn't
put closure to this. So I had to do what I had to do so
to say.

[Empire]- Riebold, sorry, but it isn't like I was helping
you out anyways. Our times just split(prior to me
taking this week off.) Drindremre, Devlel, Vekragl, and
many others, thanks.

[Sylvans]- We never got to really talk, I had the pompous
attitude I felt I had to uphold. Anything else is too
unimperialistic. Hilaego, we had our 'flame-war', but to
be honest, I'd rather have had our interactions than not.
Same with all of you others...

[Arbiters]- Fuath, nice job. Those who flame you are for
the most part morons, wait till you get some elite flamers :)
Shemlak. Others. Kennan, never knew what happened when you
got out of Arbiters, it seems like you turned maran-like,
attacking me in towns...*shrug*

[Entropy]- Even though this isn't even through Khayr interaction,
Phytagerous, you still stick in my mind whenever I think
of an entropist. Lortaen, that assassin, and whoever else.

[Dawn]- I didn't talk to many ppl at all, now that I think
about it. But I sure did see a lot of you.

[Paladins]- My favorite. The equalizer, that and of course
almost anything else :D(Okay, I wasn't really *that* bad.)
Nicolette/Talwar/Balrahd/Laureolia/Leika, I'm leaving
some out. Thanks for keeping my ego straight. Balrahd,
you of course being my favorite. Could always come to you
for some loving...or wrathing...:)

[Ragers]- Vizarsh, what is up with you in the log board...
Loved fighting all of you, Hratnak, take it easy on the
deathblows. That day on the Outskirts of Hamsah Mu'tazz
hurt...a lot.

I'm done, and I left a lot of ppl out, but well, shit happens.


P.S. Shit happens...Forrest Gump?

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