Damn you Khayr, damn you and your forgetful mind:

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Posted by Cothurak on September 24, 2000 at 23:22:13:

In Reply to: Once a conformist, always a conformist. posted by [DELETED]Khayr on September 23, 2000 at 22:05:05:

> The populace's opinion of me matters. Silly, but it
> does...somewhat.

> Nearly a week ago, I got smacked down by Leika. And
> it took a big chunk out of Khayr. I felt by logging
> on until I had healed up the death, I would be playing
> too lazily. Almost Gharikish. And I swore I'd delete
> before that happened.

> I considered simply anathemaing myself, but that wouldn't
> put closure to this. So I had to do what I had to do so
> to say.

> [Empire]- Riebold, sorry, but it isn't like I was helping
> you out anyways. Our times just split(prior to me
> taking this week off.) Drindremre, Devlel, Vekragl, and
> many others, thanks.

> [Sylvans]- We never got to really talk, I had the pompous
> attitude I felt I had to uphold. Anything else is too
> unimperialistic. Hilaego, we had our 'flame-war', but to
> be honest, I'd rather have had our interactions than not.
> Same with all of you others...

> [Arbiters]- Fuath, nice job. Those who flame you are for
> the most part morons, wait till you get some elite flamers :)
> Shemlak. Others. Kennan, never knew what happened when you
> got out of Arbiters, it seems like you turned maran-like,
> attacking me in towns...*shrug*

> [Entropy]- Even though this isn't even through Khayr interaction,
> Phytagerous, you still stick in my mind whenever I think
> of an entropist. Lortaen, that assassin, and whoever else.

> [Dawn]- I didn't talk to many ppl at all, now that I think
> about it. But I sure did see a lot of you.

> [Paladins]- My favorite. The equalizer, that and of course
> almost anything else :D(Okay, I wasn't really *that* bad.)
> Nicolette/Talwar/Balrahd/Laureolia/Leika, I'm leaving
> some out. Thanks for keeping my ego straight. Balrahd,
> you of course being my favorite. Could always come to you
> for some loving...or wrathing...:)

> [Ragers]- Vizarsh, what is up with you in the log board...
> Loved fighting all of you, Hratnak, take it easy on the
> deathblows. That day on the Outskirts of Hamsah Mu'tazz
> hurt...a lot.

> I'm done, and I left a lot of ppl out, but well, shit happens.

> Vimal

> P.S. Shit happens...Forrest Gump?

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