well,i am finally gone, a pity noone seems to remember:

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Posted by randarab on October 8, 2000 at 01:20:44:

<967hp 1132m 668mv> l self
You see a small figure covered in a strange multi-colored aura
after further inspection you notice that only the face of the creature,aparently a gnome, changes of color
somethimes red,somethimes a hue of frozen skin only to take the color of earth, a never ending
swirl of colors that he doesnt seem to notice. The overall frame of the creature seems slender,
the exception being a bulging nose that protudes from between bright emerald eyes.
You are able to notice,that every time his sight touches his hands, a big smile shines in his face.
as he moves slightly his robes seem to part a bit,and a shirt with some words become apparent
it reads 'TO Hell With us-AGAIN', you are left to ponder the meaning of it.
Randarab, a male gnome, is in perfect health.

Randarab is using:
a pitch-black ring
a pitch-black ring
a living Boa Constrictor
(Glowing) a mantle of water
torso from the snow worm
(Invis) (Glowing) (Humming) leggings of Sorcery
(Invis) (Glowing) (Humming) boots of Electricity
(Invis) (Humming) gloves of quickling skin
(Invis) (Glowing) (Humming) sleeves of Alchemy
a shield from the hide of a snow worm
(Glowing) the cape of lightning
(Invis) (Glowing) (Humming) a belt of Thermatology
an elemental bracelet
an elemental bracelet
(Invis) (Humming) the staff of fire

<967hp 1132m 668mv> sc
You are Randarab the Invoker Hero, level 51, 474 years old (417 hours).
You are old.
Race: gnome Sex: male Class: invoker Hometown: Hillcrest
You have 967/967 hit, 1132/1166 mana, 668/668 movement.
You have 1 practices and 0 training sessions.
You are carrying 19/32 items.
Your items weigh 165 pounds and 0 ounces (maximum of 327 pounds).
Str: 15(18) Int: 23(23) Wis: 25(25) Dex: 18(20) Con: 15(17) Chr: 13(13)
You have scored 532999 exp, and have 4574 gold coins.
Wimpy set to 400 hit points.
You are standing.
Armor: pierce: -158 bash: -162 slash: -157 magic: -96
You are divinely armored against piercing.
You are divinely armored against bashing.
You are divinely armored against slashing.
You are almost invulnerable to magic.
Hitroll: 16 Damroll: 7.
You are neutral. You have a lawful ethos.
You have chosen the sphere of Dedication.
You are affected by:
Spell: 'improved invis' modifies none by 0 for 4 hours.
Spell: 'pass door' modifies none by 0 for 18 hours.
Spell: 'shield of earth' modifies none by 0 for 2 hours.
Spell: 'frostshield' modifies none by 0 for 14 hours.
Spell: 'frostshield' modifies none by 0 for 14 hours.
Spell: 'fireshield' modifies none by 0 for 14 hours.
Spell: 'fireshield' modifies none by 0 for 14 hours.
Spell: 'earthshield' modifies none by 0 for 14 hours.
Spell: 'lightningshield' modifies none by 0 for 14 hours.
Spell: 'lightningshield' modifies none by 0 for 14 hours.
Spell: 'airshield' modifies none by 0 for 14 hours.
Spell: 'watershield' modifies none by 0 for 14 hours.
Spell: 'watershield' modifies none by 0 for 14 hours.
Commune: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 7 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 41 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 41 hours.
Spell: 'detect invis' modifies none by 0 for 3 hours.

<967hp 1132m 668mv>
Nahlen tells the group 'This is pointless'

<967hp 1132m 668mv>
The adept closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.
You feel fully refreshed!

<967hp 1132m 668mv> role
Your role is:
Added Thu Apr 13 23:09:36 2000 at level 11:
also called,randarab for the beings from outside his home, found his ability in the magical arts
after a failed experiment of a machine left him injured in the city of hillcrest.
he was quickly healed by the town healer,but his neverending curiosity dragged him to the center of
magical knowledge, where his curiosity was finally satisfied by an eternal posibilities for variation
in pronunciation and hand movements, in magic. He was quickly accepted by the guildmaster for his hunger
of knowledge.
And there, in a village of strange and foreign gnomes, with an art unknown to him,he found his lifequest.
To manipulate masterfully all the posible variations of magic that he was capable of finding.
Sadly enough,but not to him, in one of his experiments there was an explotion(quite usual to him) and his
skin took the colors of the elements,in a never ending swirl.Of course,his guildmaster was not pleased
and with a very rough tone, he was convinced of the posibilities of investigation in any other part
OUTSIDE of the village of hillcrest, him seeing the posibilities was more than willing to explore those oportunities
And so, his search for his lifequest began...

Added Thu May 25 09:21:59 2000 at level 45:
much has happened since randarab went in search of complition of his lifequest.
he has seen his own brethren trying to kill him, and that caused several wounds in his innocent way of living
however, his quest advances at a quick pace, he has been able to join the tower of the five magics
and has grown in magical prowess, in age,in knowledge and in spirit.
he no longer holds the awckwardness of youth,and now he is used to the speed of talking of common folk in these lands
[Hit Return to continue]

he has seen this all of this, as a sign of the advancement of his lifequest.
day by day, forced to fight off barbarians that try to destroy what now has become his family and his spirit
so dedicated he has become, that he has found his priorities to be: magic,brothers in the tower,himself.
He has become dedicated to a point of somethimes being suicidal, for when he fights a barbarian
he no longers sees a bloodthirsty person, he sees a horrible dark man that tries to destroy his only family
and his most treasured posession,his magic.

Added Thu Jul 20 19:11:51 2000 at level 51:
Many things have happened upon reaching his lifequest randarab feels calm wash over him
for he knows now that his dedication to his craft will pay off, however he thinks
that his quest is neverending, because there is still magic outhere to find
and become complaisant with the attained goals would be to defeat the purpose of their study.

Randarab has found a sanctum from the endless battle for the protection of the magic in the inn of the eternal star
in there,among all the merrymaking, the violence he has seen and has been forced to create vanish
in there,it is as if the enemies of magic disapeard and all that were left were studious mages

Added Mon Aug 7 03:37:06 2000 at level 51:
several things have happened...but lately as randarab becomes older and feels his strenght and stamina leave him
he feels a growing fear, that his soul, once that it leaves his body,will be lost in the maelstrom
after fearing loosing his first teacher,shenara, her second mother in his hearth
[Hit Return to continue]

things only got worst, but then the light shone bright as one days as randarab come out of his quarters
with slow measured steps, he sensed his deared first teacher,and not only that but with renewed immortal strenght
a tear ran from his eyes as he heard her calling him, reassuring him that his efforts had given fruit
that his dedication had been looked worthy by his immortal lord and that his soul would rest peacefully
in the embrace of the gods....

Even more than ever he tought about her as a caring mother, begging for him to lord nepenthe to grant him rest
and even tou,My lord nepenthe,never directly spoke to him, he sensed him in the air,directing his magic
and caring for him.

<967hp 1132m 668mv> who pk
[ Cloud ] (PK) Mesnek the Field Marshall
[ Human ] (PK) Nahlen the Changeling, Imperial Magus
[ Human ] (PK) Yarnty the Hero of Alteration
[ Storm ] (PK) Crakyun the Narcoleptic Holy Hero
* Gnome * (PK) [MASTER] Randarab the Invoker Hero
[ Elf ] (PK) Guliadkyn the Hero of Alteration, Servant of the Dawn
[ Cloud ] (PK) Gratch the Holy Hero
[ Elf ] (PK) Pariva the Invoker Heroine
[ Felar ] (PK) Feystrim the Assassin Hero
[ Human ] (PK) Skylar the Planewalker, Servant of the Dawn
[ Human ] (PK) Marsuel the Planewalker, Seeker of the Storms, Servant of the Dawn

Players found: 11

<967hp 1166m 668mv> who imm

Players found: 0

<967hp 1166m 668mv> l
The Pinnacle of the Tower
The spiral staircase opens up to a large room inside the large spire of the
Tower itself. The ceiling of the chamber rises high above you, sloping up
into a point far above you. Somehow, the very fabric of reality here seems
to resonate with magical power. The marble walls seem to glow vibrantly, and
hum a nearly inaudible song. In the center of the room, a large dais raises
up off the floor. Resting upon the dais is the central focus for the magical
power within the room, within the Tower itself: a large altar. Behind you,
the spiral staircase descends back down towards the ground.

[Exits: down]
(Glowing) A gleaming shirt of chainmail lies here.
On the floor you see two red dragonscale leggings.
There is a pile of red dragonscale on the floor.
A belt of bronze has been left here.
A metal canteen lies here on the ground.
A dark ring which seems to absorb all the light around it lies here.
A pitch-black ring is barely discernible in the dirt.
A wooden staff lies here.
A cloak of Nightwing.
A black cloak lies here, covered with grime.
(Humming) An extremely huge axe is resting here.
(Glowing) an average looking mace lies here with glowing runes.
A small spiked buckler rests here.
A sparkling ring of deep purple gem shines here.
A very odd looking dagger with three blades lies here.
(Glowing) A sound looking wooden bow lies here.
A large donation pit has been hollowed out in front of the altar.
(Humming) A large amethyst altar carved in the shape of a violet spider rests here.
The Archmage of the Five Magics stands here, putting her magic to the test.
Decapitating a chicken, the butcher ignores you.
(White Aura) An adept and healer of the Five Magics is here.

<967hp 1166m 668mv> gr
Randarab's group:
[51 Inv] Randarab 100% hp 100% mana 100% mv 532999 xp
[49 Tra] Nahlen 80% hp 100% mana 100% mv 417147 xp

<967hp 1166m 668mv>
Nahlen tells the group 'I fell and do not even know who I fell to'

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