Posted by Balrahd on October 9, 2000 at 09:32:21:
In Reply to: [About to auto-delete] Cothurak the Heroine of Faith, Anathema to the Empire. *LONG* posted by Cothurak(VIP) on October 6, 2000 at 22:51:39:
I'd like to say I played a role in inspiring you to turn around to the Maran, but in truth you quaffed away most of the time - it was probably that eighteen-wheel-semi-truck-juggernaut-aka-Leika that put the most hurt on you. I guess I was hoping you'd stick around and become Maran, if anything, to learn humility and teamwork :P Just my opinion that if you really want to have fun at this game/get better at the various aspects of it, you have to approach it with a measure of humility. That whole thing that Sevarik mentioned in his note to you could have gone either way - if they respected us as much as we did, them (but who's gonna respect a couple of stupid ragers and a crappy paladin?). I'm sure the arrogance was all a matter of IC roleplaying, of course, but it was cool to see Cothurak slowly gain a measure of respect for others. Anyway, thanks for posting this note because I did really feel twinges of guilt at letting you die to PKs/Zulghinlour's plagues so many times after you "converted" -- I wouldn't even give you gold to heal your plagues :( . And congratulations on taking on the challenge of not only striving to join the Maran with a Priest of a differing sphere than Shokai's, but also one that tried to follow a different god - next time try to trick the Haven ;) The funniest encounter I had with you: After the Maran'd killed you in Balator, Zorszaul happened to show up on the who pk list and you sent me a tell to the effect of: "Muahahahahaha! Now your little charade will end!!!" And I thought, "Dude. You think ZORSZAUL is your SAVOIR?!?!?! hahahahaaha" Anyway, see ya, and good luck in school. Balrahd