Posted by Cothurak on October 9, 2000 at 09:46:13:
In Reply to: Yeah, well - posted by Balrahd on October 9, 2000 at 09:32:21:
> I'd like to say I played a role in inspiring you to turn around to the Maran, but in truth you quaffed away most of the time - it was probably that eighteen-wheel-semi-truck-juggernaut-aka-Leika that put the most hurt on you. In my opinion, shamans are one of the worst classes > I guess I was hoping you'd stick around and become Maran, if anything, to learn humility and teamwork :P Just my opinion that if you really want to have fun at this game/get better at the various aspects of it, you have to approach it with a measure of humility. That whole thing that Sevarik mentioned in his note to you could have gone either way - if they respected us as much as we did, them (but who's gonna respect a couple of stupid ragers and a crappy paladin?). I'm sure the arrogance was all a matter of IC roleplaying, of course, but it was cool to see Cothurak slowly gain a measure of respect for others. Oh it was IC roleplaying : ) > Anyway, thanks for posting this note because I did really feel twinges of guilt at letting you die to PKs/Zulghinlour's plagues so many times after you "converted" -- I wouldn't even give you gold to heal your plagues :( . And congratulations on taking on the challenge of not only striving to join the Maran with a Priest of a differing sphere than Shokai's, but also one that tried to follow a different god - next time try to trick the Haven ;) I've learned over the years, Jullias makes the game > The funniest encounter I had with you: > After the Maran'd killed you in Balator, Zorszaul happened to show up on the who pk list and you sent me a tell to the effect of: > "Muahahahahaha! Now your little charade will end!!!" > And I thought, "Dude. You think ZORSZAUL is your SAVOIR?!?!?! hahahahaaha" I honestly remember that. In my worst moment of knowing > Anyway, see ya, and good luck in school. Thanks > Balrahd Keep in contact Ipsisimus
to fight a paladin toe to toe. Most of the time you
need someone else to bash/trip/etc, because the
pure damage of a paladin beats a shaman, you can
cure almost everything I can do, and damn, light of
the heavens hurts. Leika did put some hurt on me,
but she hurts everyone. You, on the other hand, were
something to fear because you did it without honorable
that much more interesting : )
I was gonna lose, and I still tried you guys in Balator
that day, Zorszaul shows up. I thought, well someone is
gonna be fighting on my side at least. Whole IC thing
that it doesn't matter your path, but the goal, aka the
dead Maran.