Gone with time:

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Posted by Wanievre on October 12, 2000 at 11:35:56:

Ok I finally deleted. Nor regrets or something.
Sometimes it was fun, sometimes plain boredom.
Most of my friends and enemies are long gone.
I tried to keep playing but lost interest.
I would not list anybody whom I liked to interact.
To many of them and I would surely forget somebody. You all know who you are.


Level 1: axe 100% dagger 100%
flail 100% mace 100%
polearm 100% spear 98% // I know, I know
sword 100% staff 100%
whip 100% enhanced damage 100%
hand to hand 100% parry 100%
rescue 78% recall 100%
shield block 100%
Level 3: dirt kicking 100%
Level 5: second attack 100%
Level 6: fast healing 100%
Level 8: kick 100%
Level 10: disarm 100% feint 100%
Level 12: third attack 100% dual wield 100%
Level 13: dodge 100%
Level 14: haggle 95%
Level 15: bash 100% trip 98% // same
shield cleave 35% pugil 81%
meditation 100%
Level 16: charge 93%
Level 18: berserk 100% lash 75%
Level 19: nightfist 85% query 70%
Level 20: warcry 88% parting blow 79%
whirl 100% backhand 100%
pen 1%
Level 21: lore 100% retreat 88%
Level 23: offhand disarm 76% deflect shield 35%
Level 24: weapon breaker 100%
Level 25: drive 100% shove 70%
Level 26: cranial 100%
Level 27: hook 89%
Level 28: boneshatter 100%
Level 29: pincer 100%
Level 30: fourth attack 100% overhead 100%
dent 83% dash 85%
Level 33: drum 100% disembowel 100%
Level 45: imperial training 100%

Your description is:
On the first look you see a giant wrapped in various pieces of armor and cloth.
None of them are good and some of them are just rags. More over they
smell so badly you could not bear this foul smell for long.
Well making a quick final look you notice what this creature is
giant and probably female but you could not tell for sure. Looks like she
came stright from the cave like people used to live in Stone Age.

Your role is:
Added Sat May 27 14:28:29 2000 at level 29:
I was born in caves of Kiadana-Rah mountians. Life was
harsh and simple. You follow Elder's orders or die.
Even if you follow order, 'accidents' happend sometimes.
And as you grow up chances of it increase sinse
you can seize the Elder possition.
So as soon as I was able keep miself alife without
others help I left my home in search for better
society where I perfectly fit in.
Since I have left in very young age I did not learn
lots of things other children do. Language and manners
are first in the list. Also I need to keep my temper on
the short leash, but occassinally my Anger will lead me
in madness like acts if I got provoked.

Added Tue Jul 25 16:40:05 2000 at level 42:
As time passes wisdom grows. At least I hope so.
I have joined the Army of the Empire.
I have found friends and found people whom I HAVE to bear with
and keep my temper. I have surprised to see how many weak souls
are still in the Empire. Empire needs a strong Emperor and it will
be strong again.
Arbiters : I had an a bad experience with them. They abuse their
powers. I have been called a criminal two times already. In both cases
I was the victim not the attacker. Not what it mattered for them. Well
I have learned my lesson here. Never rely on them. I would keep my vows
but never I report crimes or help this corrupted organization if it would
not benefit me in some way.

Added Fri Aug 18 17:28:11 2000 at level 50:
Death from hands of Iracundur drove me tottaly mad.
I was near death from cavefisher in Underdark then that bloody basterd in disguse have choosen to strike.

Added Fri Sep 1 11:05:04 2000 at level 50:
Interactions during all my life have proven what conjurers
are not to be trusted. Not even these who are on your side
and more other enemies. First ones tend to abandon you then
they feel they no longer need you and enemies tend to
stike you in moments of weakness. It leads me to conclusion
what interaction with demons and their irk spoils their souls
and corrupt everything conjurer might have. Now I hate them
I would never group or aid one without prior payment. Even in
that case I had to be wary.

// Never knew what to put in role so I did not put much.

My farewell note

Wanievre: Wanievre leaves never to return.
To: Empire
Empire had known good times and bad times.
I have been always part of it since I remember myself.
Bringing strength to Blades and plotting againts others sects.
But time do not have mercry for anybody. So I grew old and unable to perform my duties.
Rather to be cut as a weak link I have chosen to retire.
Stay strong and bring foes to the knees. You were always my life.

For good or for bad I am gone forever.

Signed by Wanievre the Queen of Blades.

// I wanted to know my luck stat but never figure out how to estimate it without gambling.
Though I did not put it in role from IC stand point of view gambling was waste of time.

Oh well. Farewell.

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